The ‘Inseparable Connection’ between Procreation and Unitive Love (Humanae Vitae, §12) and Thomistic Hylemorphic Anthropology

Nova et Vetera, Fall 2008 (Vol. 6, No. 4)

Full Issue Contents

Fall 2008 Vol. 6, No. 4

ISSN 1542-7315

Humanae Vitae 17: Vaticinium ex eventu? An Illustration from the Maritains’ Moral Guidance to Maurice Sachs – Romanus Cessario
The ‘Inseparable Connection’ between Procreation and Unitive Love (Humanae Vitae, §12) and Thomistic Hylemorphic Anthropology – Paul Gondreau
Theological Reflections on Natural Family Planning – Joseph W. Koterski, S.J.
Original Sin and the Anthropological Principles of Humanae Vitae – Matthew Levering
Toward an Understanding of Fruitfulness – Antonio López, F.S.C.B.
‘I Am Awaited by this Love, and so My Life Is Good’: Children and Hope – G.J. McAleer
St. Thomas’s Moral Psychology and the Rejection of Humanae Vitae – Kevin E. O’Reilly
Integration and Transcendence of the Person in the (Marital) Act – Adrian J. Reimers
Feminism, Nature and Humanae Vitae: What’s Love Got to Do with It? – Michele M. Schumacher
Reflections on Humanae Vitae in the Light of Fides et Ratio – Mary Shivanandan
Conscious Parenthood – Janet E. Smith

Book Reviews
Light in Darkness: Hans Urs von Balthasar and the Catholic Doctrine of Christ’s Descent into Hell by Alyssa Lyra Pitstick – Bernhard Blankenhorn, O.P.
Resilience and the Virtue of Fortitude: Aquinas in Dialogue with the Psychosocial Sciences by Craig Steven Titus – Basil Cole, O.P.
The Soul of the Person: A Contemporary Philosophical Psychology by Adrian J. Reimers – Raymond Hain
Trinity, Church and the Human Person: Thomistic Essays by Gilles Emery, O.P. – Keith E. Johnson
God’s Universe by Owen Gingerich and Chance or Purpose? Creation, Evolution, and a Rational Faith by Christoph Cardinal Schönborn, O.P. – Edward T. Oakes, S.J.
Answering the Enlightenment: The Catholic Recovery of Historical Revelation by Grant Kaplan – R. Jared Staudt

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