The Ends of the Divine: David Bentley Hart and Jordan Daniel Wood on Grace

Nova et Vetera, Summer 2024 (Vol. 22, No. 3)

Full Issue Contents

Summer 2024 Vol. 22, No. 3

ISSN 1542-7315

Tract for the Times
Tract 17: “Go and Sin No More”: Theological and Sacramental Principles for a Eucharistic Revival in the Church – Anonymous

Priestly Renewal, Eucharistic Revival: The Place of the Corpus Christi Liturgy in Aquinas’s Sacramental Theology – Jose Isidro Belleza
A New Approach to the Natural Desire to See God – Francis Bethel, O.S.B.
Thomas Aquinas on the Priesthood: Temple, Allegory, and the Humanities of Christ – Reginald M. Lynch, O.P.
The Ends of the Divine: David Bentley Hart and Jordan Daniel Wood on Grace – James Dominic Rooney, O.P.

Symposium on Eschatology
The Daring and Disappointing Dreams of Transhumanism’s Secular Eschatology – Michael Baggot, L.C.
Universal Salvation, Damnation, and the Task of Theology – Simon Francis Gaine, O.P.
John Henry Newman’s Art of the End – Rebekah Lamb
Looking Death Straight in the Eye: The Wisdom and Witness of the Saints – Paul Murray, O.P.
The Separated Soul and the Human Person – Philip-Neri Reese, O.P.
“When Israel Came Forth from Egypt”: Aquinas on the Gifts of Judgment and Purgatory – Daria Spezzano
Disability and the Resurrection of the Body: Identity and Imagination – Medi Ann Volpe

Translation by Patricia Pintado
The God of Faith and the God of the Philosophers: A Contribution to the Problem of the Theologia Naturalis – Joseph Ratzinger

Book Reviews
Reading the Church Fathers with St. Thomas Aquinas: Historical and Systematical Perspectives, edited by Piotr Roszak and Jörgen Vijgen – Louis-Joseph Gagnon
Engaging the Doctrine of Marriage: Human Marriage as the Image and Sacrament of the Marriage of God and Creation by Matthew Levering – José Granados, D.C.J.M.
A Living Sacrifice: Liturgy and Eschatology in Joseph Ratzinger by Roland Millare – Uwe Michael Lang
Emergence: Towards a New Metaphysics and Philosophy of Science by Mariuscz Tabaczek, O.P – Edmund Lazzari
The Historical Jesus and the Temple: Memory, Methodology, and the Gospel of Matthew by Michael Patrick Barber – Matthew Levering
Reading the Song of Songs with St. Thomas Aquinas by Serge-Thomas Bonino, O.P., translated by Andrew Levering – Joshua H. Lim
Theological Determinism: New Perspectives, edited by Peter Furlong and Leigh Vicens – Ross McCullough
Handbook of Catholic Dogmatics, Book 2: Doctrine about God, or Theology in the Narrower Sense by Matthias Joseph Scheeben, translated by Michael J. Miller Handbook of Catholic Dogmatics, Book 5: Soteriology, Part 2: The Work of Christ the Redeemer, and the Role of His Virgin Mother by Matthias Joseph Scheeben, translated by Michael J. Miller – Vincent L. Strand, S.J.

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