Alimentum Pacis: The Eucharist and Peace in St. Thomas Aquinas

Nova et Vetera, Fall 2016 (Vol. 14, No. 4)

Full Issue Contents

Fall 2016 Vol. 14, No. 4

ISSN 1542-7315

In Memoriam of Cardinal Cottier – Most Rev. Charles Morerod, O.P.

Prayer and the Fundamental Structure of the Faith – †Cardinal Georges Cottier, O.P.
A Patristic Reflection on the Nature and Method of Theology in the New Evangelization – Khaled Anatolios
Liturgy and Vocation – Michael Heintz
The Seminary and Western Culture: Relationships that Promote Recovery and Holiness – James Keating

Aquinas on the Spirit’s Gift of Understanding and Dionysius’s Mystical Theology – Bernhard Blankenhorn, O.P.
Freedom and Heteronomy: Maximus the Confessor and the Question of Moral Creativity – Adam G. Cooper
Thomas Sutton’s Doctrine of Analogy: Revisiting a Continuator of Thomas Aquinas – Domenic D’Ettore
Creation ad imaginem Dei: The Obediential Potency of the Human Person to Grace and Glory – Steven A. Long
Alimentum Pacis: The Eucharist and Peace in St. Thomas Aquinas – John Meinert
God, the University, and Human Flourishing – Kevin O’Reilly, O.P.
Brain Death and Organ Removal: Revisiting a High-Stakes Question – Bernard N. Schumacher

Review Essays
Christology in Context: Review Essay of Thomas Joseph White, O.P., The Incarnate Lord: A Thomistic Study in Christology – Guy Mansini, O.S.B.
Averroism, Nominalism, and Mechanization: Hahn and Wiker’s Unmasking of Historical Criticism’s Political Agenda by Laying Bare its Philosophical Roots – Jeffrey L. Morrow

Book Reviews
The Philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas: A Sketch by Stephen L. Brock – Christopher O. Blum
Healing for Freedom: A Christian Perspective on Personhood and Psychotherapy by †Benedict M. Ashley, O.P. – Ryan Connors
The Gospel of the Family: Going Beyond Cardinal Kasper’s Proposal in the Debate on Marriage, Civil Re-Marriage, and Communion in the Church by Juan José Pérez-Soba and Stephan Kampowski – Marek J. Duran
Memory in Augustine’s Theological Anthropology by Paige E. Hochschild – Jared Ortiz
Nature and Grace: A New Approach to Thomistic Ressourcement by Andrew Dean Swafford – Matthew J. Ramage
Irenaeus of Lyons: Identifying Christianity by John Behr – W. Brian Shelton

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