Jesus and the Jubilee
The Biblical Roots of the Year of God's Favor
by John S. Bergsma
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Isaiah 65:18
In biblical times, a jubilee was a time to rejoice.
In Jesus and the Jubilee, biblical scholar John Bergsma gets to the roots of the jubilee, showing how this practice was established in order to preserve freedom, family, and the fullness of God’s blessing for the ancient Israelites.
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Everything You need
to know about the Year of Jubilee
In the episode of The Road to Emmaus, Scott Hahn brings on the greatest expert on the Jubilee year, our very own Dr. John Bergsma. Both John and Scott share with us the ancient history behind the year of Jubilee, its Biblical roots, its importance in the modern day, and Dr. Bergsma's new book on the Jubilee itself.

About John Bergsma
John Bergsma is Vice President of Mission for the St. Paul Center and Professor of Theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville. Bergsma is a former Protestant pastor who entered the Catholic Church in 2001 after years of searching for theological truth. He holds a Ph.D. in Theology from the University of Notre Dame, with a concentration in the Old Testament and the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Dr. Bergsma has written over twenty books on Scripture and the Catholic faith and speaks regularly both nationally and internationally. He and his wife, Dawn, reside in Steubenville, Ohio and are blessed with eight children and a growing number of grandchildren.
Get More Out of the Year of Jubilee
Adam’s Five Roles
The five roles that God gave Adam at the climactic point of the creation story—son, king, priest, prophet, and bridegroom—and what they have to do with His plan for you. (pg. 10-12)
The Exodus Shift
How the Exodus story completely turns the great Egyptian and Mesopotamian worldviews on their heads. (pg. 20-21)
The Essenes
What an ancient Jewish monastic community and its prophecies reveal about Jewish messianic expectations at the time of Jesus. (chapter 6)
Perpetual Jubilee
How Jesus perpetuates His mission of “binding and loosing” through His bride, the Catholic Church. (pg. 77-79)
Confessional Drama
Why the Sacrament of Confession is quietly the most dramatic of all the sacraments. (pg.107-108)