Would you like to sponsor the Eleventh Annual Gala?
Contact Isaac Sanford at 740-424-8296 or isaacsanford@stpaulcenter.com or use the form below.
Sponsorship Levels
Emmaus Road Sponsor
- 8 tickets to the VIP program
- Seminarian/Priest Bookshelf (Shipped to clergy of your choice)
- 2 Priest Conference Passes (For clergy of your choice)
- Two tables for 20 guests
- Recognition from the Podium
Road to Damascus Sponsor
- 6 tickets to the VIP program
- Seminarian/Priest Bookshelf (Shipped to clergy of your choice)
- 1 Priest Conference Pass (For clergy of your choice)
- Two tables for 20 guests
- Recognition from the Podium
Straight Street Sponsor
- 4 tickets to the VIP program
- Seminarian/Priest Bookshelf (Shipped to clergy of your choice)
- 1 table for 10 attendees
- Recognition from the Podium
King’s Highway Sponsor
- 2 Tickets to the VIP program
- 1 Table for 10 attendees
- Recognition from the Podium
Road to Jericho Sponsor
- Two tickets to the Gala Event
- Recognition from the Podium
For questions about sponsoring the 11th Annual Gala, contact:
Isaac Sanford at 740-424-8296 or isaacsanford@stpaulcenter.com.
For other inquiries, contact:
the St. Paul Center at 740-264-9535 or customerservice@stpaulcenter.com.