
2024 Deacons Conference

Join Drs. Scott Hahn, John Bergsma, and more for three days of engaging talks, fellowship, and spiritual renewal.

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2025 January Priest Conference

Huntington Beach, California

Find your priesthood and your ministry rooted in Scripture at the 2025 January Priest Conference. Join Drs. Scott Hahn, John Bergsma, and more for four days of engaging talks, fellowship with your brother priests, and spiritual renewal.

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2025 April Priest Conference

Austin, Texas

Find your priesthood and your ministry rooted in Scripture at the 2025 April Priest Conference. Join Drs. Scott Hahn, John Bergsma, and more for four days of engaging talks, fellowship with your brother priests, and spiritual renewal.

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2025 July Priest Conference

Wheeling, West Virginia

Find your priesthood and your ministry rooted in Scripture at the 2025 July Priest Conference. Join Drs. Scott Hahn, John Bergsma, and more for four days of engaging talks, fellowship with your brother priests, and spiritual renewal.

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