Latest from the St. Paul Center blog

Scripture and Liturgy in Heaven…and England

St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology founder and President Dr. Scott Hahn and Distinguished Fellow Dr. Michael Waldstein recently participated in Scripture and Liturgy in ...

A Day Late and a Decade Short

The month of the Rosary just came to a close, and I find myself up late, remembering that I’ve wanted to post links to some ...

I Hear a Symphony: The Many Meanings of “the Word of God”

You and I might answer that question in many different ways, depending on the context in which it’s asked. “The word” could mean the latest ...

Pope: Synods Fundamental to Church

VATICAN CITY, OCT. 5, 2008 ( Synods are a fundamental part of the Church as they are a “coming together” of the people of God ...

What Is Needed for a Bible Comeback (Part 2)

By Father Lucas Teixeira, LC ROME, OCT. 5, 2008 ( A renowned biblical scholar who will be participating in the synod of bishops on the ...

What Is Needed for a Bible Comeback (Part 1)

ROME, OCT. 3, 2008 ( For the Bible to become an integral part of Catholics’ spiritual life, education and mediation are the two things needed, ...
