Father Mitch Pacwa, S.J.

Father Mitch Pacwa, S.J. - Senior Fellow

Father Mitchell C. Pacwa, S.J., Senior Fellow of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology, is a Jesuit priest, President and Founder of Ignatius Productions, world renowned lecturer, spiritual director for over fifty Holy Land pilgrimages, and EWTN host of television and radio shows.

An accomplished biblical scholar and apologist, Father Pacwa, S.J. earned his Ph.D. in the Old Testament from Vanderbilt University.  He also holds a Master of Divinity and S.T.B. from the Jesuit School of Theology at Loyola University.  He speaks 12 languages, including Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew, and Koine Greek.

Father Pacwa is author of Catholics and the New Age: How Good People Are Being Drawn into Jungian Psychology, the Enneagram and the Age of Aquarius (1992)Forgive Me Father, for I Am Frustrated: Growing in Your Faith Even When It Isn’t Easy Being Catholic (1997),  published by Servant Books. Holy Land Prayer Book (2004) published by Ignatius Productions and co-authored with Sean Brown, Go In Peace: Your Guide to the Purpose and Power of Confession (2007) published by Ascension Press, and Saint Paul:  A Study Guide for Catholics (2008) published by Our Sunday Visitor, St. Paul on the Power of the Cross (2008)

Father Pacwa established Ignatius Productions, a Catholic media production apostolate, in the year 2000, whose mission is to teach people the Scriptures, educate Catholics about their Faith, and promote unity and understanding within the Mystical Body of Christ.

Editor’s note: Fr. Mitch does not have an office with the St. Paul Center. Correspondence should be directed to him through EWTN.