St. Paul’s teaching in Romans 9-11 is notoriously difficult to unpack. Even seasoned and skillful interpreters often express frustration over these passages that contain the highest concentration of Old Testament references anywhere in the New Testament. In this detailed study, Scott Hahn shows how Paul’s proclamation of the gospel to the Gentiles is the means that God chose to fulfill the Old Testament promise to bring about the salvation of all twelve tribes of Israel.

Talk 1: 1hr 17mins

Talk 2: 1hr 17mins

Talk 3: 1hr 17mins

Talk 4: 1hr 5mins



Product Details

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Book Type

Audiobook CD, Audiobook Download


Product Reviews

2 reviews for All Israel Will Be Saved

  1. downs.christopher

    Incredible, detailed, in-depth study of not only Roman 9-11 but of the History of covenant theology and the connection of our ancestors and the church.

    Is there a workbook for this study?

  2. ded

    For those who love Dr. Hahn’s biblical studies—and I count myself as one—this lecture is, to my mind, perhaps his best. It is an exposition of Romans chapters 9 to 11, but it explains so much more. It not only makes sense of those chapters, but in doing so makes sense of vast swaths of the Old Testament. It takes off from the observation that Paul switched from using the term “Jew” many times in the first 8 chapters of Romans to using the term “Israel” almost exclusively in chapters 9-11. Aren’t they synonyms? No they are not, and on that observation hangs a breathtaking analysis of three of the most difficult chapters in all of St. Paul’s epistles.

    I am not going to issue a spoiler here because it was such a pleasure to hear the thesis unwind that I would not want to deprive you of hearing it fresh for yourself.

    I owned this lecture on cassette tape and first heard it about 12 years ago. The recording was faulty in several places and, of course, it is difficult to find a cassette player anymore, so I was thrilled to be able to buy this re-mastered version of this beuatiful bible study.

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All Israel Will Be Saved
