Faith Basics: Sacramentals and Signs: Objects, Actions, and Words as Avenues of Grace eBook

What exactly is a sacramental? It is a sacred sign that possesses a likeness to the sacraments and whose effects are obtained by the prayer of the Church. Sacramentals can be objects, such as holy water, medals, rosaries, or ashes; or they can be actions (for example, a pilgrimage); or they can be words (such as a blessing). In countless ways, these sacred visual images and words provide us opportunities to cooperate with the working of God’s grace. Find out how in Sacramentals and Signs: Objects, Actions, and Words as Avenues of Grace.
About the Series
The Faith Basics series is about living life well. The booklets cover those topics of the Faith that most directly relate to the practical Catholic. Written for the person spread a bit too thin, the booklets are easily readable, coving the fundamentals in few words, while both informing and inspiring busy people to understand and live the Faith. Their convenient size makes them readily portable by purse or pocket. They are economically priced—ideal for distribution in evangelization efforts, RCIA classes, study groups, and outreach programs.

Product Details
Authors: Regis Flaherty
Pages: 88
Publish Date: 2015
Publisher: Emmaus Road Publishing
Categories: Books, eBooks, Emmaus Road Publishing, Faith Basics, Regis Flaherty
eBook $5.95
Regis Flaherty
Regis J. Flaherty is Director of the Gilmary Retreat Center in Western Pennsylvania and a best-selling author. Regis’s book credits include Last Things First and The How-To Book of Catholic Devotions (co-authored with Mike Aquilina). He and his wife, Libbie, are contributing authors to Scripture and the Mystery of Marriage and Family Life. His articles have appeared in national and diocesan publications, and he has appeared on several radio and television programs including EWTN Bookmark, The Abundant Life with Johnnette Benkovic, and Searching the Word with Chuck Neff. He is a frequent speaker to Catholic gatherings on the topic of lay spirituality.


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