In First Comes Love Dr. Scott Hahn delves into the Gospels to show that family terminology—words like brother, sister, mother, father, and home—dominates Jesus’ speech and the writings of His first followers. These are the very words that illuminate Christianity’s central ideas. Through real-life examples and relevant Scripture passages, Dr. Hahn makes it clear that, no matter what sort of family we come from, we can all find our family in the Church.

Streaming rental grants you unlimited viewing for 10 days, beginning when you check out.

First Comes Love is part of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology’s Promise and Fulfillment lecture series, bringing Dr. Hahn to you.

Other talks include:
Lord Have Mercy
The Family Prayer

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Streaming rental grants you unlimited viewing for 10 days, beginning when you check out.

Product Reviews

47 reviews for First Comes Love: What is the Catholic Gospel?

  1. DeannaG

    The talk was very good. Love the correlation he draws for the love God has for us.
    The only negative is the part he talks about the salvation in the church. I feel left it incomplete and not fully what the church teaches. Just felt misleading from that the catechism teaches. I realize this was such a short blip but important none the less.
    But otherwise spot on and enjoyable.

  2. Margaret Prickett

    The Our Father has been the source of ‘my’ prayer for years. I have read Augustine, Origen and St Teresa of Avila on the same. Thank you Dr. Scott Hann for your amazing presentation, obviously coming from the heart as well as the mind. Thank you for keeping grace flowing and all the good God does through you. Thank you

  3. Deacon Bernie

    Thank you brother for opening my heart to a much bigger love for my God the Father who has such a love for me. And to re-enforcing the family the body of church. Bernie

  4. Anthony Perrelli

    Dr. Hahn is the American Evangelist Par Excellence. He does what he set out to do: Preaches the Bible and brings it to life. He makes us understand the whole story. He does it with simplicity but not dumbed down. This is typical Scott Hahn speaking. He has many talks and videos and all are excellent.

  5. Helen Walters

    Thank you Sir for enlightening me, I have a clearer understanding of who God as my Father having grown up without an earthly Father. Thank you once again and may God continue to bless you your family and your ministry.

  6. Petra

    Dear Dr. Hahn
    Wow! I am in awe and feel full of the spirit with your explanation of the Gospels. I am trying hard to become holier and bring more souls to Christ. Pray for me and my devotion.
    God bless you and all who serve at the St Paul’s Centre!

  7. Jude Ifeorah

    This is amazing and very educative, not only to Catholics but also, all children of God bonded in love to God as our loving Father, our Redeemer, and Our Sanctifier. Well done, Dr. Hahn. Am proud of you.

  8. Jacqueline

    The rich, enduring love of the Father for the Son and the ever burning love of the Son for the Father is the Holy Spirit!
    (Not verbatim) I’ve come to know the mystery of the Holy Spirit and to have some kind of knowledge about the Holy Spirit. Heretofore, not much has been written about the Spirit that leaves us with a void. I now think of Him as the “doer” the “implementer” the One who makes things happen. The Holy Spirit, my helper has become my very best friend. Thank you for this lecture on love…Your talks give so much more depth to the basis of our faith…May you be richly blessed by the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

  9. George Walter

    If the Pope, cardinals, bishops and clergy had this much faith the Church would be ONE again!

  10. Carol

    Wow! blown away by this. thanks to the one who shared it with me. Can’t wait to share it with family and friends.

  11. John Moore

    Dear Dr. Hahn, l don’t think I have ever heard nor will I ever hear an explanation of God’s love for us the way you have Donne it. The many times that I have thrown up on His love and He still loves and forgives me. I just wish that young people, now days, realized that there is a loving God and would start appreciating all that he does for us. “For we shall all raise Him up one day.” Please Dr. Hahn stay the course. Thank you, John Moore

  12. susan d

    The emphasis on the church as Family is inspired and inspiring. Thank you for the words to tell my Protestant friends the Great News that we are not just “saved”, we are adopted, named, fed, united to God, and have a most singular and beautiful Mother, the Bride of Christ!

  13. Serge Coriandoli

    Dr Hahn is probably the greatest speaker the Catholic Church has, He’s so charismatic and Dynamic. One never gets tired of hearing him. God bless him.

  14. roberto espinosa

    how to write anything about Dr. Hahn without being hyperbolic. Just THANKS Dr. Hahn GOD BLESS YOU

  15. Donald Burton

    I entered the Church at the Easter Vigil in 2009. Dr. Hahn’s books, DVDs, and viewing his talks on EWTN helped me greatly during my journey into the Catholic Church. I will watch this many times over the next couple of days to learn as much as I possibly can.

  16. Albert

    I watched and listened to “First Comes Love” and was so drawn into it that I lost track of time. Dr. Hahn’s description of the Trinity as the divine family, his expanding of the meaning of redemption from redeemed “from what” to include “for what” drove home the full, powerful message of redemption. And I really appreciated the difference he pointed out between the Christian understanding and the Islamic understanding. of the supreme being. Hey, how much better can it get.

  17. Deacon John Ashmore

    Outstanding presentation, fluency with doctrine and dogma translated into utterly relatable stories. I was especially taken with the distinction between saved from something (sin, hell damnation) and being saved for something, adoption into God’s own family. I promise to borrow much from your presentation in my preaching and teaching.

  18. Ericka smith

    I saw him in person and watched his speech, he is amazing, I learned so much and was able to renew myself in Christ I will buy his books and continue to learn how to be a child of God.

  19. john H.

    Amen, Excellent talk!!

  20. Shirley Chatterton

    Simply awesome. I will certainly watch it at least once more.

  21. Susan Bautista

    This is an amazing video. Scott Hahn clearly explained God’s love for us. This is a perfect gift to our relatives and friends. Better yet, we can organize a get together and watch this video as the meat of the get together to make sure everyone gets to watch it. ☺️ Thank you Lord for using Scott Hahn as your instrument to help us understand better how much you love us.


    Thank you Dr. Scott Hahn for the inspiring talk. The analogies & examples that you used were really helpful in my understanding of the abstract.
    May the Lord continue to bless you & give you the wisdom to be his effective instrument.

  23. Linda panek

    Awesome outstanding will watch it again!!!!!

  24. Guilherme Milone Silva

    Wow, Dr Hahn is amazing! I have heard his arguments several times in the last year, but he always startles me. He is passionate about his preaching and it gets you going. Can’t wait for the next video. Excellent quality, by the way.

  25. M Audet

    Excellent! I love Dr Hahn’s presentations, books, speeches and so on. This is worth sharing with young adults and even older teens. I think sometimes the Catholic faith is difficult to grasp for so many but this presentations really breaks it down to simple concepts that can be used for evangelizing too. Our faith is truly about family, about Fatherly love and about self-giving of one to another….not rocket science and if everyone sincerely tried to follow the Catholic faith there would be fewer problems in society. Not to say any of us Catholics are perfect…far from it. BUT, as Catholics we have a truth that can fight against this relativistic & secular ideology that is corrupting and destroying lives daily. Thank you Dr Hahn for helping spread the good news….ironically, some of our best defenders of Catholicism seem to be converts.

  26. Julian Santos

    Beautifully theological and intellectual yet deeply personal as well. The truth of who God is and who we are because of Him is perfectly summed up in this entertaining and knowledgeable talk. Thank you for your contribution to our Holy Church.

  27. Margaret H. Burley

    I have watched it twice and l learned something new each time. He is such a dynamic speaker. I will tell all my friends about going to his site. We have seen him speak in person and it is wonderful. I ordered the series The Bible and the Sacraments and it is very good and very powerful. I want to watch that again.

  28. Julia Cleary

    Beautiful! I need to listen to it several more times to learn, absorb the wonderful insight of God’s abundant love!

  29. Kyle Marx

    A family of God, only the Church could be so loving. God bless you Scott and thank you for being Catholic.

  30. Lori Courtney

    Very Good.

  31. David Sire

    What a gift Scott Hahn is for our Church. He makes scripture and our tradition come to life.

  32. Pat Barriga

    It is amazing how he goes through the subjects in a deep Theological way and at the same time so easy to understand, especially for some of us who are not very knowledgeable about it. His presentation is phenomenal! Thank you for sharing this with us.

  33. Beatrice Salas

    Dr Scott Hahn to this wonderful lesson about family love. God Bless

  34. Anne Schaumleffel

    I thank God for allowing me to have the opportunity to watch part one of First Comes Love. I plan on watching it again tomorrow, and look forward to watching all episodes. The lessons are so inspiring and I want to share them with family and friends. Thank you and God bless you.


    I am puzzled by those who had trouble viewing this video…I was emailed a direct link…all I had to do was enter my email address and hit play…anyway….the video was superb! Dr. Hahn is an excellent speaker, easy to listen to, easy to understand. He take the deepest theological and philosophical topics and presents them in a way that is clear and concise…I can connect to his life experiences and I love how he presents those personal experiences as analogies to our relationship with God as Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. His message that we are not only saved from sin, but for His Kingdom…a valuable reminder of how unfathomable God’s love is for me–for us all! There is so much depth in what Dr. Hahn presents…he leaves you wondering, thinking, wanting more…I am looking forward to the next two videos! Thank you for providing these videos!

  36. Leonides S. Respicio

    Wow! What a presentation, so scholarly, yet so personal. I will share this to as many people as I can. This made me prouder of my religion as a Catholic Christian!

  37. Elizabeth Hollas

    Great talk !! His stories do wonderful job of revealing God and His love in a deeper way. I hope many many people are able to listen to this talk! Well worth the hour. Thank you Scott Hahn.

  38. Jean Gavin

    Thank you for “First Comes Love” Truly loved it!

  39. Cristie Fausto

    Thank you for this most educational audio on God’s love for us. It goes well with my Alpha course and Life in the Spirit seminar. God bless you and your family, Dr. Hahn.

  40. Eduardo Pascual

    Great talk on the love of God for each of us.

    Very inspiring and enlightening.
    I hope that all can view this and also be enlightened on God’s great love for each of us.
    As an father who love dearly his son/daughter, our Father in heaven loves us more.

    Thank you Lord for giving us Dr Scott Hahn.

  41. Heather Anderson

    This talk was amazing. I was able to click on watch now and it brought me directly to the video. I took away so much and am thankful for Dr. Scott Hahn’s stories that clarifies what he is saying so I understand the depth of God’s love.

  42. Therese Cross

    These videos are gifts and signs of the fact that God keeps His promises to His children :o)
    Though the world may seem in chaos God continues to give us good people, like yourselves, that say “Yes” in speaking clearly and working to open up the presence of the Kingdom to His children here and now.
    The work of the St Paul Center has helped me to realize that we are always children, always growing in knowing, loving and serving God. There is always the eternal “more” to be realized and embraced. Each video I listen to opens doors (often they are massive doors :o)

    Many thanks and prayers,

  43. Steven Laux

    It is up to Catholics to seek out instruction that will bring them closer to God through the development of their knowledge, understanding, and faith. This video accomplishes those goals.

  44. Joan Erickson

    Inspiring and affirming. Dr. Hahn is a joy to listen to.

  45. lhsdrummer

    Superb audio and really insightful. I learned a lot from this video. I am really contemplating buying the set.

  46. bekeesh

    This site is very difficult to navigate. The “free” video does not come up, even when I follow the link from the e-mail and I’m already logged in. I understand you want to push for the other items to be sold, but if your customers have to scour through every single link to try to find the one “free” video that was promised, most likely they will be turned off and just exit the site altogether. I suggest you make it really streamlined to get to the free video, then let Dr Hahn work his magic! Those talks pretty much sell themselves.

    • Louis St. Hilaire

      I’m sorry you have been having difficulties, and we will look at ways we can improve the navigation of the site. summarizes the sales and free videos available to people who create accounts and contains a “Watch Now” button, which links to the currently available free video. This is where we have been directing people in our emails.

  47. BarbASA

    This is fabulous! I had an impossible time finding it, even following the links in email you sent me. Now, I’m ready for more but can’t find my way around!!!! Can you please make this easier??

    • Louis St. Hilaire

      Sorry for the confusion.

      The videos available for free streaming can be found on Look for the “Watch Now” button.

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First Comes Love: What is the Catholic Gospel?

