Marriage is the only institution that unites children with their moms and dads and has been recognized by every culture, society, and religion, each according to their own competencies. Getting the Marriage Conversation Right shows how to get that interest recognized in laws, societal institutions, and individuals, and begin to rebuild a marriage culture.
Getting the Marriage Conversation Right: A Guide for Effective Dialogue teaches you how to promote and defend traditional marriage in non-religious terms. It’s a great how-to guide for answering those tough questions you’ve struggled with. Author William B. May brings into the discussion of the legal definition of marriage the rights of children and provides sensible guidelines on how to avoid common traps that hinder communication. Getting the Marriage Conversation Right includes a substantial section of FAQs at the heart of the conflict.

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Product Reviews

1 review for Getting the Marriage Conversation Right: A Guide for Effective Dialogue

  1. Kari Curtin

    I discovered this wonderful book in 2014. William B. May, writing in 2012, told us that we needed to use specific language to advocate for the Fundamental Human Right of Children to grow up with their mom and dad, united in marriage. We had become adult-centric in our view of marriage, and this book describes what would happen if we didn’t change that. And it has all happened. There is a related website now. Type to be taken there (it will say when you arrive. You will be in the right place.) (The url will be changing soon to, as it better describes the mission.) Get the book here. Go online to the website and “join” the movement. In 2014, Bishop Conley in Lincoln, Nebraska told me this short, informative book was the most important book on marriage for our time. (Not the most comprehensive, but so very important.) He got enough copies to put it into the hands of every priest in the state of Nebraska! The Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter in Houston got 250+ copies to give out to parishioners and priests in 2014. Terry Barber in California got 1,000 copies in 2014 as well! The author and founder of this movement, William B. May, (Bill) passed away suddenly in May, 2019. The truth of his book and what changing our language, speaking truth through the eyes of the child (AND avoiding language that can thwart our success) can do is still pertinent today, and I think still very possible. I was handed the directorship of the movement a few months before Bill’s death. It is taking me a while to move forward, with all the difficulties we have faced in the culture (et. al.) these months, as well as learning as much as I could about the mission. The website is full of insight, especially if you have read the book. I have found someone who will help me update the website now. I greatly appreciate the support of the St. Paul Center, carrying this book. Come join us through the website! And tell others!
    Kari Jo Curtin, Director, Marriage Reality Movement.

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Getting the Marriage Conversation Right: A Guide for Effective Dialogue
