Jesus told his first clergy, “If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” In Lord, Have Mercy, Scott Hahn explores the sacrament of reconciliation and shows why it is the key to growth in the spiritual life. Drawing on the history of ancient Israel, the Gospels, the writings of the early Church, and the lives of the saints, Hahn reveals the living, scriptural heart of the Church’s teachings on penance, forgiveness, and reconciliation. It is a story that begins with the sin of Adam and Eve, continues in the biographies of Moses, King David, and the Apostle Peter, and reverberates in the lives of believers today.

Streaming rental grants you unlimited viewing for 10 days, beginning when you check out.

Lord, Have Mercy is part of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology’s Promise and Fulfillment lecture series, bringing Dr. Hahn to you.

Other talks include:
First Comes Love
The Family Prayer

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Streaming rental grants you unlimited viewing for 10 days, beginning when you check out.

Product Reviews

51 reviews for Lord, Have Mercy: The Healing Power of Confession

  1. Mae hullana

    Thank you Dr. Hahn most especially to our merciful Loving God for giving us people like you. God bess you & your ministry.
    Fr Philippines w/ Love

  2. kgdan73

    If I buy the streaming rights what is the access period for same?. Please inform!

    • Louis St. Hilaire

      “Buy Streaming” gives you permanent access. “Rent Streaming” gives you access for 10 days.

  3. Marge Hansen

    As I sit here writing this review, my sight is blurry from the tears brought on by the insight and realizations that welled up after watching Dr. Hahn in this outstanding video presentation of Lord, Have Mercy.

    I am a revert to the Church, having been away for over 20 years and remembering the anxiety and fear of coming clean in confession…but what I remember most and most gratefully is the same thing that Scott Hahn felt: 50,000 pounds lighter for having shed the guilt and shame of sin in that returning confession.

    How beautiful is this sacrament! How much God loves us in His mercy. Thank you, Dr. Hahn, for reminding me in such a touching way of the reality of His great love.

  4. Geralyn Porche

    Simply amazing! Every Catholic should listen to this talk! Our Priest would have other Priest helping because of a renewed love for this Sacrament. Thank you Dr Hahn for this REAL discussion on Confession. Appreciate you and God continue to bless you and your family and your ministry. Again, this was so engaging I want to share over and over again!

  5. Tony Sun

    Excellent talks from Dr. Hahn. A must view for all of us Christians, especially for us Catholics, to understand our faith!

  6. Dr John & Margaret Pollard

    Thank you Dr Scott Hahn for sharing the richness of your biblical background with us. The deep insights of the Holy Spirit from God’s word. All good stuff – life for Catholics. Especially giving us the home-spun, transparent practical family perspective on how to apply Scripture to daily life & living. Especially to help us live in unity in Marriage & family life. And how essential it is to know God’s forgiveness and mercy and the need to be reconciled to God and others through the confession of our sins. We believe that to know God’s forgiveness and merciful love is a very timely message for us Catholics at this critical hour in history.
    We say – forgiveness through Jesus, His death and resurrection is part of the explosive force of the Holy Spirit. What people have prayed for and are expecting, by God’s gracious mercy in the revival we’re all waiting for in the Church.
    Excellent Dr Scott – 5 stars… And Kimberley for the amazing, supportive and loving wife we’ve been introduced to – 10 stars out of 5!!!

  7. jasonaudrey

    This was an inspiring talk on the great value of the sacrament of reconciliation. Thank you for reminder of God’s great love and mercy in this sacrament and to visit it frequently.

  8. Mircea

    Great talk! First because of lively examples, second for the clear references and explanations.

  9. rebecca soria

    AWE!some.. THANK HOLY SPIRIT this was a great talk

  10. Derek Anthony

    Wow! Can’t argue with that. Simplicity in truth. Practical in application. Clarity in context. Healing and wholeness. Reconciliation. Thank You Dr Hahn.

  11. Ange Osorio

    Awesome Job. Very illuminating. God bless Scott Hahn.

  12. chris.schuetz

    This was a beautiful presentation of a beautiful sacrament. Thank you Dr. Hahn.

  13. Margaret Prickett

    Words are not adequate to sufficiently express gratitude to Dr. Scott Hahn for opening “the healing power of God’s love and the Medicine of His mercy” so Deo Gratias and may God keep the graces flowing through Scott Hahn’s preaching and good works

  14. C.C. Alvarez-Contreras

    Beautiful. I will be honest. I had heard all the points before, but hearing them all brought together in this one talk and poignantly livened by Dr. Hahn’s personal stories impressed upon me the realization how I have taken this sacrament for granted. Praise God! My spirit is lifted, and I recognize how much more I am blessed than I was aware. Thank you Dr. Hahn

  15. Jun Pacia

    Praise and thank God for Scott Hahn for his amazing and awesome talk on the Sacrament of Penance which was more clearer through his own experience in discovering God’s mercy and love we receive through this sacrament and receive Jesus Christ’s Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity to bring us back to be in His Likeness and His Image, with Sanctifying Grace in our hearts to strengthen us to continue in our spiritual journey towards God’s Kingdom. Amen.

  16. Benita

    I Thank God for the amazing way in which He is using Dr.Hahn! This was a very inspiring talk as always!

  17. Nancy Gierszewski

    Ty Dr. Hahn, for showing us the wisdom the Holy Spirit reveals to you.

  18. Jamie Flitner

    Incredible! Thank you, thank you! Thank God for you!

  19. Margaret English

    A powerful talk made to sound so easy. Thank you Dr Hahn for imparting your spiritual knowlefge, experience and humility.
    God bless you and your fear family.

  20. Maya Philip

    Thank you Dr Hahn. I have read your book long ago and it touched me, but your talk made it more personal! Maya

  21. Kathleen

    Dr. Scott Hahn is such a gift from God to His Catholic Church. Love listening, learning and growing in love and appreciation for my Catholic faith. Dr. Hahn explains so well and brings the bible to life through Christ’s Church.

  22. Michelle Roy

    What an amazing presentation. We so need to hear these truths of our faith often to be reminded of just how merciful our Awesome God is to His sinful children, I thank Him for giving us such a wonderful man in you, Scott Hahn, who is so knowledgeable in our Church’s teachings and such a joy to listen to. Thank you for this great series and may God continue to richly bless you and Kimberley in all that you do to evangelize our very needy and sick world in dire need of it’s Savior!

  23. Reynolds Kairu

    I thank God and Our Blessed Mother Mary for you Dr. Scott Hahn. Your presentation and outstanding understanding of the bible and the catholic church is amazing and I pray to God to give you more graces to continue teaching and expounding on the church. Thank you and God bless you.

  24. Debbie

    Dr. Hahn,

    Thank You so much for this lesson on Penance!!! 5 Stars and more!!!! I have long thought about returning to the Sacrament on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.
    Sadly, there are few Churches that offer this Sacrament at different or longer amounts of time, and in today’s world, I can’t attend like I used to.
    Not everyone can be off work at 4p.m. on Saturday afternoon, or for instance, have the luxury of being free from family obligations at those times.
    Its hard to make appointments for personal Confessions,but it is possible, if we try!
    I pray my “fallen away” children will come back to our Faith one day!
    I am sharing these videos with my Parish as well!

    God Bless You , Your Family, and Your Ministry!

  25. Sophia Onyia

    When i came back to the church, i needed to start from the beginning, to understand the catholic church. My fiance gave me a book by Scott Hahn. I went out looking for more afterwards. I have not regretted my decision to return to the faith since then. Thank you Scott Hahn. Thank you Jesus. I love being Catholic!

  26. Gloria LaBella

    God bless you Dr. Hahn, this has been the most enlightening presentation on the Sacrament of Penance. Your insights and humility are true gifts of the Holy Spirit. This presentation should be viewed by every parishioner in the world. God is mightily using you to change our fallen societies. God willing I hope to be instrumental in bringing you to our Parrish for this life-changing presentation. Thank you tremendously for your faithful witness to our Holy Catholic Church.

  27. Efrem Buruh

    I have watched all the three talks,from the first day I watched the first talk(first comes love) it made feel very passionate and excited to watch the rest of them.Those talks opened my eyes to mystery of Gods love and the power of confession.God bless you and your family abundantly Dr.Scott Hahn.

  28. Brent Thompson

    WOW! Dr Hahn makes thre Bible come alive, so much insight into what the Bible really means and how it applies to everyone.
    EVERYONE should hear “Lord, Have Mercy: The Healing Power Of Confession” multiple times.
    Thank you. Vivat Jesus.

  29. Sam Ontiveros

    What beautiful testimony. I was trying so hard to reach out to our Lord, not knowing how easy it really is. Thank you Dr Scott Hahn. May God bles you Amen.

  30. Linda Renoud

    I appreciate immensely learning what Adam lost for the whole human race. I had only thought of what he did as disobedience, and what God did as punishment, and unsatisfied and burdened
    with this understanding. I GREATLY look forward to knowing better my merciful God. Linda

  31. Dominique KYEMBO

    Dr Scott Hahn, I would like to thank you for this powerful teaching that strengthen my Faith even more harder. I believe your conversion to the Catholic Church was a great gift from GOD…You came to make clear what people misunderstood and this to me is a weapon to protect me against those who deny The CHURCH….I will pray that Our parish buy your DVDs for those who are not lucky to get this online teaching….Thank you so Much GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY…
    Merci Beaucoup Scott

  32. Anne Coates

    Scott Hahn has a knack of teaching without preaching. He is a wonderful speaker and as always this video is enthralling. Thank you Dr. Hahn.

  33. Joyce MacDonald

    Dear Scott Hahn- I am a unlearned person and thought you were so esoteric that I would never understand you. Your journey has been a real journey for me too..Thank you very much. My whole family is not oracticising our beautiful faith.I am to them. Just a grandmother who does the praying My son recently came back to the church but his family doesn’t like it and giving him a hard time. His wife has a P.H.D. In chemistry and seems that she knows better than even her husband who also took a chemistry in College, has an equally good job. His eldest son (I was his Confirmation sponsor)along with two of my daughters girls. When I went to school ,we learned our religion from the Baltimore Catichusm and I therefore thought the children would learn their religion at school.How wrong was I! Listening to you speak, just blows my mind! You are so humble and loving. I am going to purchase this DVD or C.D. for my my family. ,I have Multiple Sclerosis 52 yrs. now. I just want to get all of your knowledge into my head in order for me to talk as you do.
    This is more than a five star production and I thank you imensily.
    THANK YOU Thank You and God Bless. With great full affection Joyce

  34. Patti Millison

    I know it’s overused, but Wow! Powerfully done with humility, pathos, and humor to reach an audience from teenager to octogenarian.

  35. smcuzelis

    Absolutely loved this presention on the healing power of confession. It just brought tears to my eyes realizing just how powerful and what a blessing we have to be able to go to confession. I wish every Catholic could hear Scott Hahn’s talk. I am so grateful that Scott became Catholic he has been so instrumental in bringing many people home to the Catholic Church, plus has awakened us cradle Catholics to what a treasure we have in being Catholic that we’ve taken for granted. God Bless you Scott and thank you so very much.

  36. Javier Tamayo

    You took me down memory lane of the sins I committed as a youth. I have a much better understanding of the gift of reconciliation and realize how important it is to go to confession more often God bless you Dr. Hahn.

  37. Cora Dubongco

    God bless you

  38. Regina Abraham

    Excellent translation of the infinite Divine Mercy of Our Heavenly Father, through the life, testimony and teaching of Dr Hahn! Praise God for this great instrument in His Hands!!!

  39. Ricardo Cepriano

    Thank you for sharing your wisdom and knowledge of the beautiful prayer The our Father, it pierced through my heart, that gave me a spiritual high today. May our Lord continue to bless you, protect you from any harm and any danger as you continue to be the light of the world and salt of the earth. God Bless! You and your family and your ministry.

  40. Theresa

    Thanks! I loved it so much, but can you make it free download instead of streaming because of less privileged countries in Africa. The dollar exchange is expensive and I will love to share this message.

  41. Amy Cheok

    Dear Dr. Scott Hahn, thank you from the bottom of my heart for this presentation. As a cradle Catholic, I didn’t question much about the faith but have started to learn more through your books, videos etc. and through the works that your colleagues have done. May God bless you, your family and colleagues with good health and keep all of you safe so you can continue to love and serve Him and guide us in our spiritual journey.

  42. Carmen Hernandez

    Dr. Hahn is a great blessing from God to the Catholic community; his vast knowledge on religion is amazing, may the Lord continue giving him the
    Grace to continue this great work!

  43. Valerie F.

    I love listening to Dr. Scott Hahn! He breaks down the scripture so that it becomes easily understood. Thank you for informative lessons!

  44. Maria C.H. Lin

    Thank you for reminding me of the LOVE God has for me.

  45. william g. boco

    Have u experienced trembling when confessing? And, yet we go on and ask the priest (in Persona Christi) to forgive us and for absolution? To me as catholic since, birth, it is divine grace of utmost humility in action – humbling myself before God, poured on me from heaven. And, likewise, how light and uplift we feel afterwards? Isn’t it a MIRACLE indeed through the Sacrament of Confession/Penance?

    And, have you realized that when we partake and receive the Body of Christ during Holy Communion, it is also the human flesh of Mama Mary that we receive? After all, Jesus’ human flesh is all HER’s!

    Lastly, thanks so much Scott. You’re a living gift given to us by HIM. God bless you, your family and your works always!

  46. Teresa Uwajeh

    Srmaryjoesph expressed my sentiments perfectly. I wish l could get family who do not believe and partake in the joy of reconciliation to watch this. Nonetheless I am now better equipped to inform and hopefully convince. Thank you so much! More blessings.

  47. John Hoffmann

    The Sacrament of Penance or Reconciliation is in my opinion one of the least understood mysteries of the Catholic Church, even by life-long Catholics. Many of us take advantage of it, but few of us understand its history, underpinnings, and untold benefits both spiritual, mental, and physical. Scott Hahn is one of a very few scholars and theologians that has the ability to explain the history, the meaning, the benefits, and the Christology of this gift from God that allows us to be the human sinners we are and never lose hope in God’s Divine Mercy and Love. DO NOT miss watching this video.

  48. Maria C.H. Lin

    Because of Internet issues, I was not able to watch the entire video. Still, I tried to stay to the end. Good discussion on the sacrament of Confession.

  49. susan.medeiros


  50. srmaryjoseph929

    What a grace! Thank you so much for this very beautiful presentation. God reward you for your humility and generosity in sharing your personal experiences of this most beautiful sacrament of healing that is almost neglected and misunderstood. May this talk reach millions and billions of people and may they also experience the most sacred gift of God’s healing love available to all for which Our Lord Jesus Christ has paid all our debts. If we only realize how precious it is……
    Thanks to you Dr. Scott Hahn and all the people involve in the propagation of this project for making it known to all other people…. God reward you all or rather, may God be your own reward….
    I will never get tired seeing this video again and again… deeper and deeper it goes…
    God lone u (from Belgium with grateful prayers)

  51. susan.medeiros

    Dr. Scott Hahn delivers a powerful teaching on the sacrament of confession. I would love it if he could share the prayer card and examen card that were given to him for his first confession when he became Catholic. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge on the Word of God. May God bless you!

    • spc

      I will ask about this.

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Lord, Have Mercy: The Healing Power of Confession

