What People Are Saying
“Sexual Identity is the kind of book that is needed today as a sound criticism of those who argue for sexual ambiguity."
Paul C. Vitz
Professor Emeritus, New York University and Senior Scholar/Professor of Psychology, Divine Mercy University
“This book is essential reading for anyone concerned about the truth of our embodiment as male and female and how to promote that truth in our confused era. The contributors are leading experts in their respective fields who write with authority and compassion, and the result is a one-of-a-kind, interdisciplinary defense of vital truths about the human person. My own research on this topic has benefited from many of the scholars who contributed to this book, and I will be recommending this new volume to others.”
Ryan T. Anderson
President of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, Author of When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment
“The very first page of the Jewish and Christian Scripture proposes the key to making sense of the paradoxical unities of human life—matter and spirit, body and soul, male and female: ‘The Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature’ (Gen 2:7); ‘In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them’ (Gen 1:27). Sexual Identity presents these philosophical and theological concepts in a manner accessible to all, without losing any of the dignity, grandeur, and hope that they contain. Its interdisciplinary approach demonstrates the place of these age-old truths as the real foundation of modern scientific research and the necessary guideposts for medical and psychological treatment and care. It will be an important resource for all those who want to understand and care for the whole person and will allow even the casual reader to perceive the complementary identity of men and women as, in the words of Pope Francis, ‘a great treasure. . . . Not only an asset, but a thing of beauty.’”
Fr. Philip G. Bochanski
Executive Director, Courage International
“At a time when the ‘hot-button’ issue of sexual identity provokes more strident reaction and position-defending than patient and honest investigation, John Finley’s edited volume is more than just a breath of fresh air; with its aim to get to the bottom of the matter in all its interrelated aspects, it is a reaffirmation of our humanity. The book is a thoughtfully composed whole, woven from the contributions of experts in distinct fields who collaborated with one another over the course of a year or more. The result is a comprehensive vision of what sexual identity is and what it means.”
D. C. Schindler
Professor of Metaphysics and Anthropology at The John Paul II Institute in Washington, DC
“Sexual Identity is an unassailable prophylactic and antidote to the transgender cult. The truth contained in this book about what it means to be human is needed now more than any other time in modern history. Parents, high school and college students, educators, health professionals, lawyers, and policy makers should give this book a close read. We live in a culture that feeds two dangerous lies to our youth: first, that some people are born in the wrong body, and second, that there are more than two sexes. This is not science—it is a false philosophy. It is a reformulation of the heresy of pagan gnosticism. When our youth today ‘learn’ that they cannot trust the objective reality of their own physical bodies to tell them who they are, it strikes a major blow to their entire system of reality-testing and leads many of them down a medical pathway resulting in permanent, lifelong sterility, emotional suffering, chronic illness, and physical harm. Sexual Identity is a book that will save lives.”
Michelle Cretella, M.D.
Executive Director, American College of Pediatricians
“It’s unfortunate that the world has come to the point of needing thorough and scholarly defense of the fact that men and women are different. But thanks to the contributors of this excellent work, such a resource is now available. Drawing upon the theological, biological, philosophical, and psychological sciences, Sexual Identity charitably presents irrefutable evidence for the unchanging reality that God ‘made them male and female.’”
Jason Evert
Author of Theology of the Body in One Hour
“Sexual Identity is the kind of book that is needed today as a sound criticism of those who argue for sexual ambiguity."
Paul C. Vitz
Professor Emeritus, New York University and Senior Scholar/Professor of Psychology, Divine Mercy University
“This book is essential reading for anyone concerned about the truth of our embodiment as male and female and how to promote that truth in our confused era. The contributors are leading experts in their respective fields who write with authority and compassion, and the result is a one-of-a-kind, interdisciplinary defense of vital truths about the human person. My own research on this topic has benefited from many of the scholars who contributed to this book, and I will be recommending this new volume to others.”
Ryan T. Anderson
President of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, Author of When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment
“The very first page of the Jewish and Christian Scripture proposes the key to making sense of the paradoxical unities of human life—matter and spirit, body and soul, male and female: ‘The Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature’ (Gen 2:7); ‘In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them’ (Gen 1:27). Sexual Identity presents these philosophical and theological concepts in a manner accessible to all, without losing any of the dignity, grandeur, and hope that they contain. Its interdisciplinary approach demonstrates the place of these age-old truths as the real foundation of modern scientific research and the necessary guideposts for medical and psychological treatment and care. It will be an important resource for all those who want to understand and care for the whole person and will allow even the casual reader to perceive the complementary identity of men and women as, in the words of Pope Francis, ‘a great treasure. . . . Not only an asset, but a thing of beauty.’”
Fr. Philip G. Bochanski
Executive Director, Courage International
“At a time when the ‘hot-button’ issue of sexual identity provokes more strident reaction and position-defending than patient and honest investigation, John Finley’s edited volume is more than just a breath of fresh air; with its aim to get to the bottom of the matter in all its interrelated aspects, it is a reaffirmation of our humanity. The book is a thoughtfully composed whole, woven from the contributions of experts in distinct fields who collaborated with one another over the course of a year or more. The result is a comprehensive vision of what sexual identity is and what it means.”
D. C. Schindler
Professor of Metaphysics and Anthropology at The John Paul II Institute in Washington, DC
“Sexual Identity is an unassailable prophylactic and antidote to the transgender cult. The truth contained in this book about what it means to be human is needed now more than any other time in modern history. Parents, high school and college students, educators, health professionals, lawyers, and policy makers should give this book a close read. We live in a culture that feeds two dangerous lies to our youth: first, that some people are born in the wrong body, and second, that there are more than two sexes. This is not science—it is a false philosophy. It is a reformulation of the heresy of pagan gnosticism. When our youth today ‘learn’ that they cannot trust the objective reality of their own physical bodies to tell them who they are, it strikes a major blow to their entire system of reality-testing and leads many of them down a medical pathway resulting in permanent, lifelong sterility, emotional suffering, chronic illness, and physical harm. Sexual Identity is a book that will save lives.”
Michelle Cretella, M.D.
Executive Director, American College of Pediatricians
“It’s unfortunate that the world has come to the point of needing thorough and scholarly defense of the fact that men and women are different. But thanks to the contributors of this excellent work, such a resource is now available. Drawing upon the theological, biological, philosophical, and psychological sciences, Sexual Identity charitably presents irrefutable evidence for the unchanging reality that God ‘made them male and female.’”
Jason Evert
Author of Theology of the Body in One Hour
“Sexual Identity is the kind of book that is needed today as a sound criticism of those who argue for sexual ambiguity."
Paul C. Vitz
Professor Emeritus, New York University and Senior Scholar/Professor of Psychology, Divine Mercy University
Based on 3 reviews
Bob Vogel
Intro video touches a very important topic of today and is a beginning understanding and conversation that every Christian should be well versed on with charity. I appreciate Dr. Cara's role as a feminine genius here; important to the milieu of authorship.
array:4 [▼
"authors" => array:7 [▶
0 => "Andrew Sodergren, PsyD"
1 => "Cara Buskmiller, MD"
2 => "John D. Finley, PhD"
3 => "John D. Finley, PhD (Editor)"
4 => "Lawrence J. Welch, PhD"
5 => "Patrick W. Lappert, MD"
6 => "Paul W. Hruz, MD, PhD"
"pages" => 320
"publish_date" => "2022"
"publisher" => "Emmaus Road Publishing"
Andrew Sodergren, PsyD
Cara Buskmiller, MD
John D. Finley, PhD
John D. Finley, PhD (Editor)
Lawrence J. Welch, PhD
Patrick W. Lappert, MD
Paul W. Hruz, MD, PhD