Patrick Coffin
Patrick Coffin is the host of The Patrick Coffin Show podcast, heard in over 100 countries. The former host of the top-rated Catholic Answers Live, Patrick is also the author of Stay Cool When the Argument Heats Up: Proven Strategies for Calm Conversing, Once Saved Not Always Saved: Catholic Teaching Explained, and How to Handle Haters: Seven Tips for Christian Culture Builders. He lives with his family in Southern California. His popular website is
“I firmly believe that Catholic teaching on contraception will one day be vindicated around the world. Patrick Coffin’s own journey from dissent to discovery will resonate with a whole generation who were really never invited to ‘come and see’ this sublime vision of sexuality and Christian marriage.”
Christopher West
Author, speaker, and co-founder of the Theology of the Body Institute
“Witty, provocative and informative, this vademecum for a new generation, proud to affirm allegiance to sound Catholic principles, will delight and challenge its readers. A book that is eminently readable, I am pleased to recommend it with enthusiasm.”
Archbishop Terrence Prendergast, S.J.
Archbishop of Ottawa
“There is a lot of great discussion about respect for women these days, but it’s all stymied by the fact that our culture holds views about sexuality that are deeply degrading to females. The Contraception Deception takes an important step in helping us develop a view of sexual morality that leads to better relationships and true empowerment for women.”
Jennifer Fulwiler
SiriusXM radio host and author of One Beautiful Dream
“Patrick Coffin is an excellent educator who has the rare gift of being engaging without lapsing into the loose colloquialisms and self-conscious hipness that often mars well-intended articulations of the Church’s sexual teachings. Faithful and solidly written, with ample historical background, The Contraception Deception provides a lucid and engaging defense of the Church’s teachings against contraception that should be helpful to couples as well as those wishing to sharpen their skills in defending the faith.”
Dawn Eden Goldstein
Assistant Professor at Holy Apostles College and Seminary and award-winning author of The Thrill of the Chaste
“In The Contraception Deception, Patrick Coffin presents a clear and compelling case for the timeless teaching of the Church on contraception. Coffin demonstrates the beauty, power, and joy that is possible in marital sexual love when a couple does not separate what God has joined—their union expressing life-giving love.”
Kimberly Hahn
Bestselling author and speaker
“I love The Contraception Deception because it’s that rare book on sexual matters that can be recommended to anyone—whether or not one is a member of the Catholic tribe. Polarizing misconceptions about life and love, babies and bonding, caring and carnality, dissolve in mutual understanding and respect. Coffin’s words are candid but never crass. He embraces natural law while rejecting legalism and he doesn’t avoid difficult situations or escape into relativism. This book is a great guide in a conversation that is almost always wildly misguided.”
Al Kresta
President/CEO Ave Maria Communications and host of Kresta in the Afternoon
“Sex is deeply important to everyone, everywhere, and yet, as our decadent popular culture amply demonstrates, most moderns don’t really understand sex at all beyond the pleasure it gives. Its deeper purpose and meanings are left largely unexamined nowadays, which is why The Contraception Deception is so timely and important. Coffin unveils the ‘why?’ and ‘for whom?’ of sex clearly and convincingly, without polemics or moralizing.”
Patrick Madrid
Host of The Patrick Madrid Show on Relevant Radio
“A fast-paced, easy to read, intelligent conversation about one of the most misunderstood Church teachings. Consider this a must for your personal library, whether you agree with Humanae Vitae or not.”
Pia de Solenni
SThD, Chancellor of the Diocese of Orange and Theological Advisor to the Bishop
“The Contraception Deception is concise, clear, and charitable. No one brings these qualities to the most contentious issue of our time more effectively than Patrick Coffin. If you want to know the why behind the what of the Church’s teaching on contraception, this is a must read.”
Chris Stefanick
Author, speaker, and founder of Real Life Catholic
“I firmly believe that Catholic teaching on contraception will one day be vindicated around the world. Patrick Coffin’s own journey from dissent to discovery will resonate with a whole generation who were really never invited to ‘come and see’ this sublime vision of sexuality and Christian marriage.”
Christopher West
Author, speaker, and co-founder of the Theology of the Body Institute
“Witty, provocative and informative, this vademecum for a new generation, proud to affirm allegiance to sound Catholic principles, will delight and challenge its readers. A book that is eminently readable, I am pleased to recommend it with enthusiasm.”
Archbishop Terrence Prendergast, S.J.
Archbishop of Ottawa
“There is a lot of great discussion about respect for women these days, but it’s all stymied by the fact that our culture holds views about sexuality that are deeply degrading to females. The Contraception Deception takes an important step in helping us develop a view of sexual morality that leads to better relationships and true empowerment for women.”
Jennifer Fulwiler
SiriusXM radio host and author of One Beautiful Dream
“Patrick Coffin is an excellent educator who has the rare gift of being engaging without lapsing into the loose colloquialisms and self-conscious hipness that often mars well-intended articulations of the Church’s sexual teachings. Faithful and solidly written, with ample historical background, The Contraception Deception provides a lucid and engaging defense of the Church’s teachings against contraception that should be helpful to couples as well as those wishing to sharpen their skills in defending the faith.”
Dawn Eden Goldstein
Assistant Professor at Holy Apostles College and Seminary and award-winning author of The Thrill of the Chaste
“In The Contraception Deception, Patrick Coffin presents a clear and compelling case for the timeless teaching of the Church on contraception. Coffin demonstrates the beauty, power, and joy that is possible in marital sexual love when a couple does not separate what God has joined—their union expressing life-giving love.”
Kimberly Hahn
Bestselling author and speaker
“I love The Contraception Deception because it’s that rare book on sexual matters that can be recommended to anyone—whether or not one is a member of the Catholic tribe. Polarizing misconceptions about life and love, babies and bonding, caring and carnality, dissolve in mutual understanding and respect. Coffin’s words are candid but never crass. He embraces natural law while rejecting legalism and he doesn’t avoid difficult situations or escape into relativism. This book is a great guide in a conversation that is almost always wildly misguided.”
Al Kresta
President/CEO Ave Maria Communications and host of Kresta in the Afternoon
“Sex is deeply important to everyone, everywhere, and yet, as our decadent popular culture amply demonstrates, most moderns don’t really understand sex at all beyond the pleasure it gives. Its deeper purpose and meanings are left largely unexamined nowadays, which is why The Contraception Deception is so timely and important. Coffin unveils the ‘why?’ and ‘for whom?’ of sex clearly and convincingly, without polemics or moralizing.”
Patrick Madrid
Host of The Patrick Madrid Show on Relevant Radio
“A fast-paced, easy to read, intelligent conversation about one of the most misunderstood Church teachings. Consider this a must for your personal library, whether you agree with Humanae Vitae or not.”
Pia de Solenni
SThD, Chancellor of the Diocese of Orange and Theological Advisor to the Bishop
“The Contraception Deception is concise, clear, and charitable. No one brings these qualities to the most contentious issue of our time more effectively than Patrick Coffin. If you want to know the why behind the what of the Church’s teaching on contraception, this is a must read.”
Chris Stefanick
Author, speaker, and founder of Real Life Catholic
“I firmly believe that Catholic teaching on contraception will one day be vindicated around the world. Patrick Coffin’s own journey from dissent to discovery will resonate with a whole generation who were really never invited to ‘come and see’ this sublime vision of sexuality and Christian marriage.”
Christopher West
Author, speaker, and co-founder of the Theology of the Body Institute
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"pages" => 224
"publish_date" => "Second Edition 2018; First Edition 2010"
"publisher" => "Emmaus Road Publishing"
Patrick Coffin