The prayer at hand has been called many things: the Pater Noster, the Our Father, the Model Prayer, the Lord’s Prayer. As its name indicates, the Our Father has a particular meaning for all who call themselves children of God. In The Family Prayer: Understanding ‘Our Father,’ Dr. Scott Hahn presents a unique meditation that highlights the wealth of meaning in this most common Christian prayer. Relying on the Fathers and Doctors of the Church as well as Sacred Scripture, Dr. Hahn takes each of the seven petitions of the Our Father individually and draws out the implications of the prayer given to the family of God by Christ Himself. After The Family Prayer, you’ll never pray the Our Father in quite the same way again.

Streaming rental grants you unlimited viewing for 10 days, beginning when you check out.

The Family Prayer is part of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology’s Promise and Fulfillment Lecture series, bringing Dr. Hahn to you.

Other talks include:
First Comes Love
Lord Have Mercy

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Streaming rental grants you unlimited viewing for 10 days, beginning when you check out.

Product Reviews

47 reviews for The Family Prayer: Understanding Our Father

  1. sarahgraceregala

    Do you have study guide complimentary to this video? Thanks.

    • Louis St. Hilaire

      Not currently, no, but we are considering creating one in the future.

      Thanks for your interest!

  2. DeannaG

    Very enjoyable talk outlining the Our Father. Deeping our understanding and beauty of the prayer. Thank you!

  3. Geraldine

    A few years ago I recommended all Scott Hahn talks to ladies doing the Women of Grace programme. He is brilliant. This talk is also exceptional. It helps to have family anecdotes and a sense of humour along with a great depth of knowledge. Thank you for these talks which will help me focus on God’s love for me.

  4. trevinotribe5

    Dr. Hahn explains the “The Our Father” so beautifully that we are able to understand the true meaning of what our Church explains it to be.

    He uses Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Early Church Fathers, Popes teachings and more. He also uses the original meaning of some of the words as intended when it was written. There is always that lost meaning in translations and it takes someone who knows the old language to tell us who are ignorant to it what it truly means. As you are more than aware, there are too many personal interpretations of what “we” lay people think it means.

    Thank you Dr Hahn for this talk because you have given me a better understanding of what “The Our Father” really means and I will remember every time I begin, “Our Father, who art in heaven…”

    YBIC Ernie

  5. Mireille Cajuste

    Simply Divine, I now more understand the true meaning of me being Catholic and following the steps of my Father who is in Heaven. I now understand the importance of Love, familly and mass. Thank you

  6. Shirl Gosselin

    Thank you for giving us a chance to grow and learn our faith! Many blessings

  7. Marius

    Good day the Scott Hahn talk is beautiful only problem is if want to buy and bring it to South Africa is too pricey to get it here


    Dr, Hahn’s wonderful interpretation of “Our Father” not only stir all who view his video, but also reminds me of our sorrow while our family saying this prayer at my mother’s last hour of her life after she had just past her 99th birthday ten years ago. We were hoping against realities that she could recover consciousness and live another year with less suffering and peace of mind. Her grandfather was one of the earliest Chinese Adventist Christian during the Ching Dynasty, and her Father was an Adventist Minister and so the whole family were devoted Christian, but unfortunately they were indoctrinated against Catholic Church. However, after the War, we children were fortunate to have our secondary school education in Catholic Schools and much to my mother’s dismay, I became a Catholic on my graduation, thus the “rebel” to our family values. Happily, I was accepted into nursing school that provided quarters, so worked in this lifelong career, retaining my Catholic faith and genial family relationship. Naturally, by now I pray hard that all my husband and siblings may be converted to Catholic faith, after all, they all had their secondary education in Catholic schools. Wonder if you mind that I may send email copies of “The Family Prayer” to them, and hope that they will stir their memory and souls to become Catholics.

  9. letty

    5 stars!!

    Letty, posted November 13, 2017

    I now understand better in a way I never understood before why Jesus taught us this prayer.

  10. Sandra walsh

    These two talks brought me to tears Scott. You have a great gift, to be married and have a family. That is what brings it all home. Thank you very much for accepting your call and coming home. God bless you!

  11. Jim Barrett

    Powerful. Made think of Gods love so much in a different light

  12. Julia Contreras

    This was an amazing dissertation about the family prayer “Our Father”. There was such clarity in all his explanations that I can’t help it to hear it again and again. I wish I could sculpt it in my heart.

  13. Akerele Joseph

    Dr Scott will never stop making us yearning for knowledge of the scripture and Catholic doctrines. The Lord is your strength. Yes. In the Lord’s prayer is the order of and sequence of making our request. The Lord Jesus begins by shifting our attentions from our troubles to God “our father” who answers prayer. In the address, our father, is a message of faith and total self giving.

  14. Prof Terry Price

    Have just watched and listened to this excellent teaching on the Our Father by Prof Scott Hahn. I intend sharing this with my family especailly my wife and son and friends here in Melbourne ,Australia.. May this video receive as much coverage/circulation as the millions who listened to his earlier tapes on how be became a Catholic and may those who listen to it be inspired, as Scott did to forgive and ask forgiveness of the priest he had hurt.

  15. susan d

    The Bible led me into the Church, and I love it deeply. But I could never find the riches hidden in its fields without the help of teachers like you, Dr. Hahn. Thank you.

  16. Deborah A. Harney

    The personal analogy of Kimberly Hahn as his wife and the mother of his children, to the church, and of course to Mary, is so powerful as yet another very personal reminder of God’s love . . . it’s just that simple and that profound.

  17. Gabriel Dias

    Thank you Lord for such awesome and inspiring talks. May the Lord Jesus Christ be always with you and with your family, Dr. Scott Hahn.

  18. Mary Wong

    Mary Wong November 11, 2017
    Thank you Dr. Hahn for this excellent video; I’m a cradle catholic but I never had the Lord’s Prayer explained to me; I now have a better understanding of it & it now has more meaning to me. Very enlightening. God Bless.

  19. John Derivan

    Excellent as always, Scott, and especially in this case how are you explained trinitarian theology. Well done!

  20. Joann Thomas

    What a wonderful explanation of why God is OUR father, Jesus OUR brother and how they produce so much love that they generate the Holy Spirit, who is Love. I never heard that we were not just saved FROM sin, but saved FOR something more. Thank you for this work. Tried to hit the 5 stars, but they didn’t show up.

  21. Mr Ed

    Wonderful talk Dr Hahn, Thank you so very much, and God Bless You More.

  22. carmen dulaney

    Dr. Hahn is by far the only person that made me understand the meaning of the Our Father. great job.

    thank you.

  23. Remedios Barry

    Thank you for the spiritually inspired talk. I pray to the Holy Spirit to give me a retentive memory to keep in my mind and in my heart what I heard from you today, so I can share with others for the glory of God and the benefit of souls.

  24. Ronnie Lundall

    So many deep, rich, multiple levels of meaning to each word and phrase of a prayer that I have, all too frequently, rattled off with, mindless, inattentiveness!
    Thank you for deepening my understanding and appreciation.

  25. M Audet

    Another awesome talk and as a lifelong Catholic I now have a better appreciation for those words I say each week at Mass and when I say the rosary among other times. I will no longer take for granted this prayer after listening to Scott’s wonderful presentation. Thank you for the opportunity to watch this.

  26. MIGUEL


  27. Pat. Hempfield


  28. Arlene Maramba

    I love your 2 vdeos. They taught me a lot. God is becoming more concrete in my life. Surely these talks will have more revelations in the future as I will be listening to them again and again. I will also forward these to my children and family. Thank you, Dr. Hann.

  29. Benigno J. Caoibes Jr.

    Thank you ! May our Lord and God Jesus Christ be gracious to you always!.

  30. Lawrence McGowan

    Thank you. This is such an extraordinary time: the priesthood of the laity and the new evangelization are in flower! If only I were young again! That not being the case, I will do my best to pray the Our Father each day for all at the St. Paul Center. And, Dr. Hahn, think of Mother Angelica and smile. Tell her that the words I’ll be using are from St. Matthew, not St. Paul.

  31. Dr Pence

    Thank you very much. Both of these talks have been very inspirational. I will only comment on two disagreements. “Hallowed be thy name” like the second commandment really is about how God’s name is treated on earth. It is a bit anthropocentric to turn that petition toward “making us holy’ so we can get to heaven. The petition really is about strengthening our resolve to uphold God’s name on earth as it is in heaven. There are plenty of opportunities for us to do that and it is an important problem to reflect on when teaching the Our Father. Secondly, I think Dr Hahn has a “Protestant like tendency” to reduce The kingdom and the Church to the family. Kinship in a Church led by a celibate priesthood and Jesus the celibate Head of A Mystical Body is a much richer deeper bond than family or marriage. Marriage is a sacrament and the good Professor loves his beautiful wife but that is really not the ultimate sacramental expression of the Trinity. Dr Hahn is a great treasure to the Church. Thank you again. I am especially glad he reminded us that evil is the Evil One and we can’t beat him on our own. We must be delivered.

  32. Christina Castagnaro

    Never disappointed. Only wish our dear priests could all have this gift.

  33. susan.medeiros

    Watched the video a second and third time. So good. Thank you.

  34. Vincent Swift

    i have has the same problem accessing the Video I can access the featured talks but not this one whether I’m logged in or not.I have to say I think the

    featured talks I watched were superb I think Scott’s something special and what a great time for him to be doing this which is so necessary in the present

    poverty of sound teaching .For me he’s the best I’ve heard in seventy years of listening

    • spc

      Hi Vincent,

      Sorry you’ve had problems. Can you be more specific about what is happening?

      When you log in, do you see the button that says “Watch Now” on this page and on

      Does this button not allow you to watch the video?

  35. Jane

    Same thing keeps happening to me and I am pressing watch now. I’ve been trying to watch it for the last 3 days. Happy to see that other people r having this problem so I know it’s not me. Also I can’t even log on to rent it..wish I could.

    • spc

      Hi Jane,

      Sorry you are having difficulty with the site. Can you be specific about what is happening?

      Are you able to log in?

      Do you see the button that says “Watch Now” on this page or on

      If you are only seeing the 56 second preview, then it sounds like you might be clicking the play button rather than “Watch Now”.

  36. Susan

    This series is so good. Love listening to Dr. Scott Hahn as he shares his knowledge on the Word of God. Thank you. May God bless you and all the team at the St. Paul Center.

  37. Elisabeth Nowatschek

    Sorry to say, but the “watch now” button only shows a 56 sec. intro but there is no link to the whole video. Would love to watch it today…

    • Louis St. Hilaire


      It sounds like you are clicking the play button on the preview rather than the “Watch Now” button.

      If you are logged in, you should see a button that says “Watch Now” on this page and on These buttons will allow you to view the entire video.

  38. rmetzin

    This is a very powerful presentation. In this video God help me to really understand and contemplate more deeply on his will for us.
    Thank you very much Scott Hahn for being yet another true messenger for God.

  39. srmaryjoseph929

    God reward you for this very rare opportunity to view this video for FREE.
    Thank you for the free access. Although I desire so much to buy all the collections from your website, I will never be able to do so (I have to wait until a benefactor will ask me what I want and obtain my superior’s permission to say so. But we do have (in my home Carmel) a collection of your books, received as gifts from family and friends who are in the USA). I just to be contented of taking this opportunity of free access for now. Again, thank you very much. Praying for the fruitfulness of your beautiful apostolate and for more and more people to patronize your very beautiful and really excellent resources. Praying for you all with gratitude

  40. D

    I am trying to get access to the video. The welcome page states: “Create an account to get free access to:” When I click on create account the screen shows a choice of Login or Register — under Login it shows create account but this does not work–it just keeps showing that same screen. Since I am creating an account -as per instructions- and not registering for anything it makes no sense that I cannot create an account.

    • Louis St. Hilaire


      Sorry for the confusion. The “Register” section on the right side of that page is where you create an account. (We are hoping to improve this page soon to make this less confusing.)

      It does look to me like you did successfully create an account, so you should be able to log in using your email and the password you set rather than trying to register again.

  41. Paul Miller

    The ‘watch now’ feature only gave me a less than one minute preview.

    • Louis St. Hilaire

      Sorry you’re having problems.

      Are you logged in? Do you see the button that says “Watch Now” on this page or on

      It sounds like you’re clicking the play button on the trailer rather than the “Watch Now” button.

  42. debigreen

    see 8/26 comment. I’m also only getting a 1 minute ‘trailer.’ 🙁

    • Louis St. Hilaire

      Sorry you’re having problems.

      Are you logged in? Do you see the button that says “Watch Now” on this page or on

      It sounds like you’re clicking the play button on the trailer rather than the “Watch Now” button.

  43. AMDL calgary

    Loved every minute of these inspiring videos. Thank you so very much Dr. Hahn you have brought me closer to our loving God from watching you on these video and on EWTN . May God Bless you

  44. Mimi

    I do not see any watch now or any way to see free video.
    Wish I could.

    • Louis St. Hilaire


      I’m sorry you’re having problems. Were you able to log in?

      Once you are logged in, just look for the button that says “Watch Now” on this page, and it will take you to the video.

  45. tree1030

    Thank you for devoting your life to biblical scholarship, and for sharing so many insights on such an important prayer in such a clear and interesting manner.

  46. PeniAnne9

    Thank you for this insightful talk. I have always loved the Lord’s Prayer and have spent time praying through it as well. I find that once again through you God has revealed yet more about Himself and what He truly wants from us. Total communion with Him. Thank you again for the inspiration.

  47. Blanche

    I see no free streaming offered on this page. There is only “buy” or “rent” streaming

    • Louis St. Hilaire

      Hi Blanche,

      If you’re logged in, you’ll see a “Watch Now” button on this page and on These buttons will take you to the free streaming while it is available.

      Sorry for the confusion.

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The Family Prayer: Understanding Our Father

