Everyone seems to agree that Western Civilization is in trouble. The problem is that no one agrees on what has gone wrong or what to do about it. Some think we have too much government, some not enough; some think we have too much capitalism, some not enough; some think we have too much sexual freedom, some not enough.
But what if the problem is much more fundamental? What if the problem goes to the very foundations of who we are as human beings in relationship with God?
In The First Society: The Sacrament of Matrimony and the Restoration of the Social Order, Scott Hahn makes the startling claim that our society’s ills and its cures are rooted in whether we reject or accept the divine graces made available through the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.
Man, he argues, is social in his very nature. We were created for community. As it was in the beginning, so it remains today. The family, formed through the Sacrament of Matrimony, is the most basic building block of every society—whether we like it or not. We’ve corrupted marriage, and so we have a corrupt society. If we get marriage right, our society, through God’s grace, will flourish.
This is so because Matrimony, like all the sacraments, heals and elevates human nature. Without marriage, our ambitions toward a just social order will remain forever foolhardy. With it, the seemingly impossible, a truly peaceful and humane civilization, becomes possible.
Order now and receive a free downloadable PDF Study Guide! Including questions for each chapter and room for notes. This is perfect for group discussion and for enhancing your personal study of the book.
About the Author
Scott Hahn is the Fr. Michael Scanlan Professor of Biblical Theology at the Franciscan University of Steubenville, where he has taught since 1990. Founder and President of the St. Paul Center, Dr. Hahn has been married to Kimberly since 1979; they have six children and twenty-three grandchildren. He is the author or editor of over fifty popular and academic books, including best-selling titles Rome Sweet Home, The Lamb’s Supper, and Hope to Die.
What People Are Saying
This is an amazing book that I love to read with my wife! It is the ultimate Catholic book on the family told by the Catholic voice of our generation. I have read much on the topic, and no one tells the story of the modern Catholic family better than Scott Hahn. Perahps even more importantly, no one offers a better prescription for what ails our society.
Hanna showed us what we need to do not just know about marriage and society
I knew much of what he was saying but did not know the teaching as well as thought
He gives much needed steps to be followed if we as Catholics want a world based on God and family not mans desures
I very much loved reading this book of Scott Hann as I have many others.
Excellent book and a great read. Dr. Hahn does a great job explaining the role of marriage in context with society and politics. My only issue is that the book does not cover annulments in the Catholic Church which is something I am personally dealing with.
An amazing insight into the continued down-slide of our society. A wonderful, thought-provoking read full of reasons for the raising of the family unit to the forefront of the solutions list for a fallen world. Thank you Dr Hahn!!
This is a wonderful book on marriage and its direct impact on families and society as a whole. As a wife and a mom, it renewed my conviction to treat our family as the domestic church - that passing on the love of our Catholic faith to our children can and will impact our society that is so broken with secularism and liberalism. I was also pleasantly surprised throughout the book how Hahn expanded on how a sacramental marriage influences the world outside of your own family, something that I don't often reflect on in my day to day. I highly recommend this book for an excellent viewpoint on marriage in our world today!
Scott makes some good points about the importance of solid marriages. However it gets a bit long and dry
"The First Society" clearly and beautifully brings home the Biblical teaching behind the sacrament of marriage to Christians who desperately need to be able to defend it in today's culture. I recommend it to anyone willing to remain faithful, because simply put, if you follow the culture on this matter you've abandoned the faith.
Doctor Scott Hahn offers a compelling account of the status of marriage in current society, a solid defense of the sacramental remedy for ethical ills and provides an overall enjoyable read. Indeed, Dr. Hahn has added a great resource to the list of valuable texts on the greater subject of Holy Matrimony.
I just finished reading "The First Society". It is clear after reading this that our world needs to look at this issue and work towards the salvation of marriage and family. I just attended a "convalidation" of my new Godfamily. A Jewish friend attended and commented how he has witnessed his best friends family literally transform in the past18 months to the good. "The children are no longer Seeming ADD and are thriving in school and life." This book outlines why we must spread the good news to those we love and God loves... I gifted the book as part of their now Catholic marriage.
Thank-you Dr Hahn for another great inspired book.
Bette Harrison-author-What Is A Nice Jewish Girl Like me Doing in The Catholic Church?
This isn't just a book for Catholics or Christians, this is a book for everyone. Once again Dr. Hahn writes an book that can be easily read. It explains how society, culture and marriage go hand in hand and how history has an part in how we are living today. As a stay at home Catholic mom, I really appreciate this book and how I get to continue to keep the convo going with my husband who doesn't have the time to read. It's a topic we all should continue to have with everyone and if not, just keep passing this book along! Thank you Dr. Hahn God bless!
As with all of Dr Hahn's books, this one goes straight to the heart of the matter. It is truth as Jesus Christ taught. Through the mercy of almighty God who gives us invaluable truth and never fails to teach distribute this book throughout the world. Our help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth.
Scott Hahn presents the root issues with our culture today concerning marriage. He does so without hesitating to shine light on what specifically Catholics and generally, all Christians must act upon in a culture that has grown schizophrenic in it's approach to marriage. Hahn highlights the connections between natural marriage and the rise or fall of civilizations in an accessible fashion, while not just playing the blame game. Throughout his treatment Hahn remains charitable and encouraging as The Church will prevail!
Read this as soon as I got it and then had to send it to many others. It reinforces the thoughts I've had for years with the incredible Scott Hahn depth and thoughtfulness. Marriage is a serious undertaking that requires all we have to give but with the right focus, on our Lord, his church, and laying down our lives for the domestic one, we can come to realize that HOPE is always present and LOVE never ends.
Excellent book. Practical, yet theological and hard line in a positive nonjudgmental way. Does not shy away from the the Truth.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book from cover to cover, full of wisdom. It is really a guidebook for everyone who wants to know the truth about the institution of marriage and so, knowing the truth, to speak and live that truth. Thank you!
Dr. Hahn did an outstanding job of focusing in on the basic problems and issues that we are facing today. I was pleasantly surprised at his bluntness and candor in the book, but he was spot on in everything he said. At first, I felt what he was saying and the solution was radical--to say the least--but as I studied the book more, I realized that he is absolutely correct. If we do not get the marriage and family life together, our society will continue to decline. I loved the book and have passed it on to my 2 sisters, who will also love it.
I bought Scott Hahn’s new book as soon as I heard about it, as I’ve treasured every book he’s written, as well as his CD’s through the Augustine Institute...I was not disappointed! Hahn manages to be both insightful and articulate...no small feat. More importantly, this book lays out the core reasons our society is in such trouble as well as the way to retake the society we so richly need. I only wish this could be required reading by our youth!
An excellent book on what marriage should be in our society today. It would be a great read for all married couples, those thinking about marriage and our our young people. We all need to know how important the family is to our world today. The family is the domestic church and the role of parents should shape the world we live in today. The world goes as the family goes,
This is SUCH a fascinating new take on society and necessary for our times!!! I am enjoying this so much because it all makes sense. Mr. Hahn begins from the premise that we have problems in our society that all relate back to misunderstanding the First Society, which from the beginning of all human time, is understood to be a Man and a Women in a sacred relationship such as marriage.
I see the breakdown in our society, some of which has to do with fatherless homes, dumbing down of male role models in the entertainment realm, and the supremacy of women at the expense of unborn babies and men in their lives; and Mr. Hahn explained it perfectly when he says that society sees individuals as fundamental units instead of remembering that the most basic cell of society is a marriage between a man and a woman without which there would be NO society.
It is a FRESH new premise in our society and yet so consistent with fundamental facts of life! I prepare couples for marriage in the church and I tell my couples they are the light of the world, and bring hope to so many! I believe this book brings LIGHT and HOPE to many if it is read and shared!
It is so critical that we, as a society, re-center our communities, parishes, cities, states and country on the Sacramental aspects of Matrimony! This would change the world!
This is an exceptional book to learn about the theological aspects of it and also very importantly, to learn how urgent, critical and obvious it is that humanity must re-establish our priorities back to the Sacrament of Matrimony, as it was established by our God!
Re-centering humanity on the Sacrament of Matrimony will re-center ourselves to our God! And we need it so badly!
Great reading! Thanks Dr. Scott Hahn!
This book clearly spells out that what the Fatima prophesy predicted is proceeding in the way it indicated things would go if the Russia contraction was not done just exactly as it was ordered, namely, the family itself is under heavy attack in and outside of the Catholic Church. Yes, evil has entered into the Catholic Church at the highest levels, and so now the EU is about to collapse as a result, first economically and then totally and completely ... and with it Italy and the Vatican as well, of course. Too bad, but you must reap just exactly what you sow!
Scott Hahn once again delivers an entirely unique perspective in his treatment on the sacrament of marriage and the absolute necessity for ensuring its protection and hailing its virtues if we hope to preserve the common good for generations to come.
The fruits of Mr. Hahn's previous literary work on covenantal salvation history are present and flow naturally into this great piece on God's wonderful design for humanity and the building up of His kingdom. "The First Society" is a refreshingly easy read which succeeds in refocusing and equipping us to defend this sacred institution now facing unprecedented opposition and distortion.
I just received the book but if it is like his other books that I have read I'm looking forward to reading it. If I could afford it I would get all of Scott Hahn's books, I find them extremely enlighing.
As always any book by Dr. Scott Hahn is an enlightening experience and First Society does not disappoint. Thank you
Scott Hahn's book is a great lesson in what Christ has in mind for marriage and family. He clearly writes God's plan for us as Christians.
This book is a sound, thorough, logical presentation of a message the world needs but is stubbornly reluctant to hear. The format is precisely laid out with much-needed background and plenty of references with back-up material for further/additional reading and research. It flows smoothly and leads the reader to solutions if the reader is open to truth. Well-written and may require a dictionary in hand for those less knowledgeable but entirely worth the effort. Highly recommended for all.
Excellent book! I’ve passed it to my adult children. A great read for everyone.
After. 52 years of marriage I would have loved to have had this book in the begining and saved us many years of trial and error.
I believe all parish marriage prep programs should have this book as mandatory reading.
This is a book very different from what I'm used to from Scott Hahn -- much more sociological than biblical. I grabbed it quickly when I learned that these were being distributed for just the cost of shipping and eagerly jumped in. Frankly, I had some trouble getting into it. I was expecting something different, maybe much more polemical, considering the state of the "marriage question" in our country and in our world.
Well, anyway, despite my initial disappointment, the ultimate payoff is incredible, particularly the second last chapter,"The Sacramental Society." Dr. Hahn is under no illusions that building a sacramental society, one in which Catholics live a thoroughly sacramental life in the public square as well as the private sphere, will likely take decades, even generations, but the call is out there to each of us to live it out starting today. In the Introduction, he sets the tone for the entire book by quoting Richard John Neuhaus: "If Catholics would simply live the Sacrament of Matrimony for one generation, we would witness a transformation of society and have a Christian culture."
We pray in the Lord's Prayer, "thy kingdom come." It seems to me that, if we take this instruction seriously, then we should be looking to build up the kingdom in every aspect of our daily lives, and certainly in The First Society: the family. We begin to transform the world by transforming ourselves and being a beacon of light for those in our sphere of influence. We are not to be like those who don't participate in the democratic process by saying, "What good is my lonely vote?", but, rather, we do what we can to be faithful to the mission to which each and every one of us is called. The benefits are eternal for us and might just change the world.
While the author does point out the problems in society, he ultimately delivers a positive message (which is much more effective than my expectation of polemics -- one can find that sort of thing very easily elsewhere); he calls it a "hope-filled book." It will take another reading or two for some of us to fully appreciate this thoughtful work, but it does serve to move forward the discussion of bringing back the social order from its increasing disorder.
Dr Hahn nails it again. I am deeply indebted to him for showing me the Covenant Theology of the Bible. It changed my whole perspective on the Bible and helped me understand more fully the wonder of God’s love for us. This book is a logical extension of that idea and is a fine work. Exactly what you would expect from Dr. Hahn. Even if you have a great marriage, this book will help help you strengthen your marriage and help you see it more fully as an important part of God’s plan. If you don’t read it anyway. All marriages are a reflection of God’ Covenant love. Each and every marriage is important and an integral part of God’s plan. Our society needs to understand this if we are to survive. Read. Learn. Share. Thanks Dr. Hahn for another great work.
I have listened to Scott Hahn twice in person and listened to a couple of cd’s and read the lambs supper. I have enjoyed all and have felt myself uplifted each and every time.So I believe that First Society will be the same. A true teacher and someone that will help with faith. He will also give you food for thought. These are trying times and it is easy to wander and get lost. Listening and reading anything from Scott Hahn will help to wade through hard times!
Dear Mr. Hahn, I'm so sorry this isn't a review because my husband and I just received the book. (Forgive us for anticipating--from experience--what we'll think of the book--we had to give it a rating so that this message would send.) I just wanted you to know that we ordered it as a 50th wedding anniversary gift to ourselves! Thanks for all the wonderful instruction you have given us through the years--from that first cassette tape of your conversion story through all the DVDs and books we've collected over the years. You'll always be in our prayers. In Christ's love, Isabel and Dan Parker
As expected, Scott Hahn masterfully presents solid Biblical and Traditional evidence supporting God's original purpose for marriage: the sanctity of man and woman and their union with their Creator, as well as exploring the many cultural influences on the Sacrament - both positive and negative, given the world we live in today. Easy to read and an important tool for any marriage prep program or to simply supplement any personal resource collection. Great to give as a gift to those struggling with the understanding of Sacramental marriage and it's importance in today's growing secular society.
Wonderful book!
First of all, you must be well read. There were times that I was lost in the vocabulary therefore lost the meaning what is being said. Not much was sinking in except what that I had read from Matthew Kelly. I think that I’ve received somewhat the idea what he is talking about but maybe not .
Again and again, Scott Hahn delivers a succint apologia to the world why faith does matter in society, and how our faith can save it. To defend it is necessary, and for a layman to defend this holy and divine sacrament well and to understand fully, he can use Dr Hahn's book as the basis of the "wrong way vs. right way" for Christians to enter into and remain faithful to their vows, no matter what. I would recommend it to churches for those in the Pre-Cana marriage preparation and their sponsor couples to read and meditate on, so that the sublimity of, and the practical aspects of living out their marriages in a completely hostile and licentious society are realized and that their prayers together will provide the strength and perseverance to ward off the attacks on their family. Fr Hardon used to say, that the vocation to marriage, to him is the heaviest cross to carry, to take 2 people, from 2 different backgrounds, that when put together, must provide lifelong harmony? He told us that their sufferings, and even sufferings FROM each other, was exactly the very thing that would merit their souls the greater of the treasures of grace. God bless you, Scott. Thank you for putting this into words so that our faith can be put into action.
I found this book to be extremely revealing and life changing. I only hope I can put into practice or even retain some of the wisdom I found in this book. I have been reading the work of Scott Hahn for over 10 years and see the development of his thinking in the area of faith and family. It is a continuous thread that is clear looking back but never ceases to amaze me each time a read something new he has written. Mr. Hahn's grasp of the importance of faith and family as an integrated whole is priceless.
The book nor the author did not disappoint! At the end of each chapter, I just wanted to go on reading and of course completed the book in quick time. I like how Dr Hahn laid out the premises, analogous to the preparation of a meal that so entices one to enjoy the rich food. The book was elevating, instructive and even relaxing. One is left with a new sense of hope for our world and the determination to be an active participant in making life on earth "as it is in heaven". Thank you Dr Hahn for sharing your inspiration and commitment to sacramental marriage a reality in our hungry world.
Excellent read! Thank you Dr. Hahn for this book. No holding back, it paints a rather bleak picture of our current times in terms of marriage and our society in general. Despair? No! If we truly live our faith and have the hope of our future in the Kingdom, we can plant a seed now for our future generations!
With a gulp and heels digging in, I sincerely thank you, Dr. Hahn, for providing an inspired "how to" book converging with current Catholic thought on the critical need to preserve Christianity in this day and age. (Alliteration coincidental!) For me, the easiest-read-by-Scott-Hahn-yet, "The First Society;" thoroughly explores the concept that covenantal marriage is intended to be the foundation from which grows a Godly people pursuing the "common good" instead of the Individual's. The Holy Spirit's wisdom permeates "The First Society," which very simply exhorts us to a radical re-ordering of priorities. This book's challenge to begin laying that foundation complements the urgent clarion calls in "The Benedict Option," "To Light A Fire Upon the Earth," and Dynamic Catholic's latest initiative to roll up our collective, spiritual sleeves for the task before us to make the parish an extension of a rightly-ordered family unit that has as its safety net and anchor our holy Church. We are living in an era filled with growing persecution of our beliefs, yet also awash in lukewarmness by the compromise of moral truths in a secular culture that rallies under the banner of modern relativism and humanism. I'd love to hear a collaborative discussion among our brave modern-day apostles, including Dr. Scott Hahn, Archbishop Robert Barron, Matthew Kelly and Rod Dreher!
Marriage for a married couple in the Catholic Faith is a sacrament to be cherished, cared for, and as long lasting as the couple is alive. This is truly a refreshing reminder of that for those who are blessed to be living out their Catholic Faith in a Sacramental Marriage, that was witnessed by a Priest. Daily blessed moments of caring for each other and taking time to respect the love, can then become a witness to the world around us. The world benefits greatly by this sacrament and reminders like this book of what that means and how that affects daily life.
Thank you for presenting a book that encompasses the truth and beauty of marriage as something worth preserving in a world of individualistic ideology.
I think that this book is very prophetic about the important role that the sacrament of marriage has in today's society......For those who have eyes to see, in this 'post-modern' age, individualism is the rule and family is neglected by the legislators
A wonderful read...just wish I had reflected upon marriage in this way twenty years ago...perhaps I would have been spared the divorce and annulment!! The Church is a wonderful Mother, and protects this holy sacrament. Thank you Dr Hahn for a beautifully explained treatise on this wonderful gift from God, the sacrament of marriage! God bless the work that you and others on your team do!
I received this book in the mail just as I was beginning a paper for class on family life. (perfect timing) I didn't think I had time to read the whole text before the paper was due, but after reading just the first few pages I realized how important it was that I read the whole thing. It was an easy read and stirred up a lot of thoughts and emotions about what our society has become. It sparked ideas to do what I can in my parish community to build up the sacrament of marriage and the family life in my ministry. Thank you Scott Hahn for an inspiring book at such a time that it is needed.
This is a good book emphasizing that our society is broken because the marriage sacrament has been broken. Much like Bishop Fluton Sheen's book, "It Takes 3 in a Marriage", a successful marriage with Christ at the center is essential for a healthy marriage and a healthy society.
Book definitely fills a need and would highly recommend it
We are the domestic church and yet most families have no idea of what it means or its importance to our faith lives
It elevates marriage and covers most matters that need clarification
Whatever we do to the body, we do to the spirit. No wonder our prayers are ineffective, we are sterile.
I am please to comment on this new book, which is a new tool for evangilization.
The historical and Spiritual emergence of the first family was amply demonstrated.
We move from the holy creation of man and woman to family hood ,clan ,community , race nation
And international bond reared and nurtured by Gods love.
The bond is guaranteed by the founding of the church by our LORD JESUS.
The choice of man in any point in time is to choose to love or rebel against God , not both .The merit of good choice , which is love grants us sacramental grace which is permanent,
I read the book with enthusiasm remembering what I read from your other book from GENESIS TO JESUS.Nouvel vocabulary like ECCLESIAL ANIMAL referred to man is noteworthy
We should learn from your recommendation in this book to grow as Christians that our LORD REQUIRES US
Ambassador Basil UKPONG (RETD)
Scott yet again uses solid Catholic truths that are light a bolt of lightening for our continued focus on the amazing sacrament of Marriage. The book is a keeps you right on course with the elements needed for our society in general to pursue, and to encourage and foster this sacred unity. Thank you again Scott for your work bringing us to the full light of Christ.
I absolutely loved the book...Great insight on the key importance of marriage and how The Church has the only true answer to what marriage is...I was convicted as well since I personally contributed to the loss of meaning and purpose of marriage by staying quiet and just wanting to get along. I can easily blame other but in the end I didn't help either. I was part of the problem. In the end, however, God is good and His Grace is all I need to start making a difference and bringing change to our society one person at a time.
I was intrigued with all that this book had to say. At times it was a little deep. It's not an easy read such as a Matthew Kelly book would be. But it contains truths about marriage that our society has dismissed. Now that I have finished reading the book, I'd like to go back and reread it so that the message can sink in. There are so many beautiful insights throughout the book that I want to make sure that I grasp them all!
Thank you Scott Hahn for re-energizing our knowledge on the Sacrament of Marriage and God's plan for this most holy union. Our society is laden with misconceptions about God and the meaning of love between a man and a woman. Scott Hahn does a remarkable job of putting pieces in place from the story of Genesis to our modern world and what God expects of us. This book has taken me on quite a journey of hope and a journey of responsibility in my conversations about relationships. This is a must read and a book that generates discussion, speaks truths and gives the reader the words and knowledge to be courageous in everyday discussions with family, friends and strangers on God's divine plan for humankind. Thank you Scott Hahn!
I have not yet finished the book but did not want to appear discourteous after receiving this free gift. Normally I would ignore what I cannot understand in profound 'over my head' reading and continue taking what I could understand. When asked for a second time to do the review I re-started the book underlining what stood out to me. I had almost completed and thought that I had my review in mind. Then I discovered that I really did not know what secular liberalism was but it was a crucial part of understanding Dr Hahn's writing. I really initially thought the book was to help readers encourage people to get married. full stop. So I headed to the dictionary and also looked up 'patrimony' and wondered why the sacrament was called the 'Sacrament of Matrimony'. What is the history of this? I am very grateful for the writing on the grace of the sacraments, especially the sacrament of Matrimony. I wish I had an understanding of the grace that flows through the sacrament before I was married. I believed it for Reconciliation but did not think the same way about the other sacraments. I was blessed by a friend who suggested to me calling upon the grace of the Sacrament when I was having some valleys in marriage. Thank God for her sharing with me.
I am sorry but I may need to reread a third time before I give a true review. Meantime may I suggest adding a glossary of terms at the beginning of the book for the puzzled like me. Thank you.
May I also request a simpler text/workbook based on "Redeeming Marriage through Sacrament" for dating couples, not only for catholic couples but 'mixed' couples. My son stopped going to Mass because he wanted to be just a 'Christian' and eventually married an evangelical. I did not even know how to have a discussion about 'sacrament' with my daughter-in-law because it was not part of her faith. When I talked about a 'Church' wedding she said that Jesus would be there in the hotel because she believed that wherever two or three were gathered He would be there. I was stumped because I believe this to be true and what do I say to that? So in fact such a text would even be helpful for parents who may find themselves in my situation. God bless.
A book for our times. I have shared it with friends and they are wanting to get together with others and have discussions and book studies. As always Dr. Hahn is direct, down to earth, and wise in his discernment. I always use his material when I want to help a Protestant who is considering the Catholic faith. What a blessing he is for the church. This book is a blueprint for a way out of the quagmire of secular relativism we find ourselves mired in.
My men's group is using this great book for our weekly meetings. Our hearts have been greatly stirred by Dr. Hahn's words. We are halfway through with the book, and look forward every week to our group discussion on the content.
I recommend this book to everyone, especially those contemplating marriage.
It provides a very compelling argument for the Sacrament of Matrimony. If we get marriage right, our societies and communities ills will diminish. If we get marriage wrong or tweak it in anyway, we are part of the reason our society will fail. I wouldn't want that to be on my conscience.
It is a very thought provoking book. Mr. Hahn is a very learned, spiritual man so at times I felt a bit overwhelmed. As I am a grandparent, I should have read a book such as this 30 years ago
Scott owes the origin of this book to a passing reflection by Fr. Donald J Keefe who said, "If Catholics would simply live the Sacrament of Matrimony for one generation, we would witness a transformation of society and have a Christian culture." Scott then writes in an engaging style which builds on his deep scriptural knowledge to a reflection on our current circumstances. Rather than engaging in nostalgia or polemics, he seeks to engage the reader in a deeper understanding of how our lives make a difference and how sacramental marriage builds a healthy culture for the common good. He invites people to discover how this sacrament can build up a way of being present to God and each other in a way which manifests the goodness of his life for us by being what we are called to be.
Such profound truths that give us hope for society. This book explains with logic the quote from Mother St. Teresa - if you want world peace you must first have peace in the home.