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St. Paul Center Logo

Matthew Leonard – What Do We Do Now?

Presidents come and go, but our path as Catholics remains clear. Matthew Leonard puts current events in perspective and reminds us of the fundamentals that must take place in order to transform our world.

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St. Paul Center Logo

“What’s So ‘Great’ about St. Basil?” with Matthew Leonard and Mike Aquilina.

Ever wonder how the Catholic Church became the greatest charitable organization in the world? What was the relationship between the early Church and the State? Join Matthew Leonard and Fathers of the Church expert Mike Aquilina as they discuss the rich history surrounding St. Basil the Great,  4th century Father and Doctor of the Church.

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St. Paul Center Logo

Matthew Leonard On St. Gregory the Great

The Saint Paul Center for Biblical Theology presents:  Matthew Leonard, Executive Director of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology discusses the impact that Pope St. Gregory the First had on the Church.

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Matthew Leonard Explains the Mystagogy of Marriage According to St. John Chrysostom

The Saint Paul Center for Biblical Theology presents:  Matthew Leonard, Executive Director of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology, gives a glimpse at the life and work of St. John Chrysostom and the Mystagogy of Marriage.

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St. Paul Center Logo

Matthew Leonard On St. Ignatius of Antioch

Saint Paul Center for Biblical Theology presents: Matthew Leonard tells how St. Ignatius of Antioch essentially drop-kicked him into the Catholic Church by destroying the notion that early Christians didn't have a unified Church or a belief in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

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St. Paul Center Logo

Matthew Leonard & Dr. John Bergsma: Unveiling the Writings of St. Luke

St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology Presents: Special guest Dr. John Bergsma, St. Paul Center Senior Fellow, Biblical Scholar and Associate Professor at Franciscan University of Steubenville,  joins Matthew Leonard for a discussion on the writings of Saint Luke.

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St. Paul Center Logo

Matthew Leonard – What Do We Do Now?

The Saint Paul Center for Biblical Theology presents: Presidents come and go, but our path as Catholics remains clear. Matthew Leonard puts current events in perspective and reminds us of the fundamentals that must take place in order to transform our world.

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St. Paul Center Logo

The Great Witness of St. Perpetua with Mike Aquilina & Matthew Leonard

The Saint Paul Center for Biblical Theology presents:  Mike Aquilina & Matthew Leonard discuss the great witness of St. Perpetua. For more, visit

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St. Paul Center Logo

Matthew Leonard – St. Polycarp’s Most Holy Death

St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology presents:  Matthew Leonard discusses the Holy Life and Death of St. Polycarp. 

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St. Paul Center Logo

“What’s So ‘Great’ about St. Basil?” with Matthew Leonard and Mike Aquilina.

Ever wonder how the Catholic Church became the greatest charitable organization in the world? What was the relationship between the early Church and the State? Join Matthew Leonard and Fathers of the Church expert Mike Aquilina as they discuss the rich history surrounding St. Basil the Great,  4th century Father and Doctor of the Church.

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