Set of 10 Faith Basics: Sacraments: The Seven Spiritual Wonders of the World

The spiritual wonders of the Catholic world are known as the seven sacraments. In the sacraments we come closest to God this side of heaven. God in His mercy reaches out and meets you and me in a personal and intimate way. The sacraments are readily available to us, if we make ourselves available to them.
Sacraments: The Seven Spiritual Wonders of the World provides a brief yet thorough discussion of the sacraments that nourish and sustain Catholics.
About the Series
The Faith Basics series is about living life well. The booklets cover those topics of the Faith that most directly relate to the practical Catholic. Written for the person spread a bit too thin, the booklets are easily readable, coving the fundamentals in few words, while both informing and inspiring busy people to understand and live the Faith. Their convenient size makes them readily portable by purse or pocket. They are economically priced—ideal for distribution in evangelization efforts, RCIA classes, study groups, and outreach programs.

Product Details
Publisher: Emmaus Road Publishing
Categories: Books, Emmaus Road Publishing, Faith Basics
Default Title $40.00


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