Thomas Aquinas, Biblical Theologian

In the past eight hundred years, it is possible that no other theologian has shaped our understanding of God, man, and the Church more than St. Thomas Aquinas. While many people are familiar with his most famous work, the Summa Theologiae, fewer know of his important role as a biblical theologian. But in fact, Aquinas’ primary work was biblical theology. His biblical commentaries remain invaluable in the ongoing work of Scripture study.

The essays in Thomas Aquinas, Biblical Theologian explore some of Aquinas’ most important contributions within his biblical commentaries and the ongoing work of Scripture study. A dozen contributors explore Aquinas’ thought on faith and revelation, the study of the Sacred Page, and other dogmatic and moral considerations.

Product Details
Authors: Roger W. Nutt, Michael A. Dauphinais
Categories: Academic, Books, eBooks, Emmaus Academic, Ethics and Culture, New Releases, Religious Education, Theology
Hardcover $37.95
eBook $37.95
Roger W. Nutt
is Provost of Ave Maria University, where he is also Professor of Theology and Co-Director of the Aquinas Center for Theological Renewal. He is the author of many articles and book chapters on Christology and Sacramental Theology. His books include Thomas Aquinas: De Unione Verbi Incarnati, General Principles of Sacramental Theology, and To Die Is Gain: A Theological (re-)Introduction to the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick for Clergy, Laity, Caregivers, and Everyone Else. He is also co-editor of many volumes on the theology of St. Thomas Aquinas, including Thomism and Predestination: Principles and Disputations; Thomas Aquinas and the Greek Fathers; Thomas Aquinas, Biblical Theologian; and Thomas Aquinas and the Crisis of Christology.
Michael A. Dauphinais
serves as the Fr. Matthew Lamb Professor of Catholic Theology and the co-director of the Aquinas Center for Theological Renewal at Ave Maria University, Ave Maria, Florida. He has co-authored Knowing the Love of Christ: An Introduction to the Theology of Thomas Aquinas; Holy People, Holy Land: A Theological Introduction to the Bible; and Wisdom from the Word: Biblical Answers to Ten Questions about Catholicism. He has co-edited multiple books dedicated to Thomas Aquinas, including Thomas Aquinas and the Crisis in Christology and Thomas Aquinas, Biblical Theologian, and published numerous articles and chapters in books on moral, dogmatic, and biblical theology.