Latest from the St. Paul Center blog

Reflection by Benedict XVI on Sts. Peter and Paul

“The aim of the Church’s mission is a humanity that has itself become a living glorification of God, the true worship that God expects: this ...

The Catholic Understanding of the Saints: Isn’t Christ the ‘One Mediator’?

This is a hugely important question. But, actually, in a certain sense, this question really contains a number of other questions rolled up into one: ...

Holy Land Pilgrimage Day 4

To Jerusalem, Solemn Entry

Summer Vocation

For so many people in my part of the world, June is a time to kick back and relax. School’s out. Summer vacation begins. Americans ...

Understanding the Book of Acts—Part 3: More Similarities Between Luke and Acts

Be sure to read Part 1 and Part 2. Continuing our walk through the book of Acts, we can note the following similarities between what happened to Jesus ...

The Eucharistic Theology of Early Church Fathers

Joel, who speaks of how he is more Eucharistic-centric than many of his Protestant friends, has a great post up on John Paul II and ...
