Latest from the St. Paul Center blog

The Petrine Principal

Feast of the Chair of St. Peter The New Testament bears ample testimony to the ancient faith of the Roman Christians. Rome marks the final ...

Jesus as the Davidic Messiah in Matthew (Part 1 of 2)

I am currently working up an article on the imagery of the “keys of the kingdom of heaven” in Matthew 16:18. As part of the ...

Newman at First Things’

My co-author Fr. Juan Velez is talking up Blessed John Henry Newman at First Things’ blog! (Our book is TAKE FIVE WITH JOHN HENRY NEWMAN.) ...

Reasons to Rock

It’s twenty-five years since I was received into full communion with the Catholic Church. In some ways it seems like an aeon ago. In other ...

New USCCB Document Highlights Biblical Quotations in the Mass

The Catholic Mass draws heavily from Scripture—in every prayer you hear quotations and allusions to biblical texts. In fact, last year I did a series ...

Kingdom of the Poor

In the readings for last week’s Sunday Mass, we saw Jesus as the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy (Isaiah 9) that a divine king, a Son ...
