Book Reviews (Nova et Vetera, Winter 2020)

Nova et Vetera, Winter 2020 (Vol. 18, No. 1)

Full Issue Contents

Winter 2020 Vol. 18, No. 1

ISSN 1542-7315

On the Sanctification of the Catholic Priesthood – Thomas Joseph White, O.P.

Symposium: Catholicism and Secularization
The One Who Is; the One Who Gives: Derrida, Aquinas, and the Dilemma of the Divine Generosity – Bishop Robert Barron
On Catholic Responses to Our Devastated Saeculum – Thomas Pfau
Philosophical Myths of the End – Judith Wolfe

Ars Christiane Philosophandi: John Paul II and Jacques Maritain on Christian Philosophy – Matthew DuBroy
Paleae: A Clarifying Look at the Meaning of Saint Thomas’s Final Words – Samuel Klumpenhouwer
The Historicity of Dogma and Common Sense: Ambroise Gardeil, Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, Yves Congar, and the Modern Magisterium – Guy Mansini, O.S.B.
Incarnational “Intrinsicism”: Matthias Scheeben’s Biblical Theology of Grace – Isaac Augustine Morales, O.P.
Is Truth a Form Inherent in Things? Lawrence Dewan and De veritate, Question 1, Article 4 – Nelson Ramirez
The Beatitudes, Merit, and the Pursuit of Happiness in the Prima Secundae: The Action of the Holy Spirit at the Heart of Moral Theology – Anton M. ten Klooster
The Propassiones of Christ, His Fullness of Grace, and His Moral Exemplarity according to St. Thomas Aquinas – Barrett H. Turner

Symposium: Retrieving Veritatis Splendor
Veritatis Splendor and the Universal Call to Holiness – Mariusz Biliniewicz
The Splendor of Transfiguration at the Heart of the Christian Life: The Influence of Pope Saint Paul VI on Veritatis Splendor – Renée Köhler-Ryan
Veritatis Splendor and the Rupture between Faith and Morals – Helenka Mannering
Catholic or Utopian? Two Irreconcilable Views about Moral “Ideals” in Veritatis Splendor – Christian Stephens

Book Reviews
Engaging the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit: Love and Gift in the Trinity and the Church by Matthew Levering – John Baptist Ku, O.P.
The Root of Friendship: Self-Love and Self-Governance in Aquinas by Anthony T. Flood – John M. Meinert
Paul’s “Works of the Law” in the Perspective of Second Century Reception by Matthew J. Thomas – Curtis J. Mitch
Reading Sacred Scripture with Thomas Aquinas: Hermeneutical Tools, Theological Questions and New Perspectives edited by Piotr Roszak and Jörgen Vijgen – David Whidden

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