Dr. James Merrick

Dr. James Merrick has served as a professor at universities and seminaries on both coasts of the U.S. Before entering the Catholic Church, he was for a decade an Anglican priest in both the U.S. and the U.K. Currently, he is a Lecturer at Franciscan University of Steubenville, Instructor for the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown’s Diaconate and Lay Ecclesial Ministry Program, and Theology and Latin Teacher at St. Joseph’s Catholic Academy in Boalsburg, PA. He regularly teaches classes on Old Testament, New Testament, St. Paul, Catholic Social Teaching, Trinity, Christology, Sacraments, and Anthropology.

Dr. Merrick holds a Master of Arts in Biblical and Systematic Theology and a Master of Theology in Church History from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Under the supervision of the late Professor John Webster, he attained a Ph.D. in Dogmatic Theology at King’s College, University of Aberdeen in Scotland.

Dr. Merrick serves as the Reviews Editor for Nova et Vetera. He has published articles and reviews in the Scottish Journal of Theology, Journal of Theological Studies, Journal of Theological Interpretation, the International Journal for Systematic Theology, European Journal of Theology, and Religious Studies Review. He also contributed entries to the New Dictionary of Theology and writes regularly for Ascension Press media and the St. Paul Center blog (see his “Mass in Vain: On Not Violating the Second Commandment at Mass” and “Word and Presence: On the Importance of the Liturgy of the Word”). He lives in Pennsylvania with his wife and their five children.