A Christmas Prayer

Mary, Mother of God, the Nativity, The Bible and the Virgin Mary

My precious Lord, Jesus,

I adore You with profound love and rejoice in the celebration of Your birth.

Your love for us is unfathomable,

it is glorious



and deeply personal.

You chose to come and dwell among us,

being born into poverty, rejection and humility.

Yet Your mother knew whom she bore,

Her heart was filled with the tenderest love

as she adored her Child and her God.

Help me, dear Lord.

to come to love You with the heart of Your mother.

Invite me to adore You with St. Joseph and the poor shepherds.

Reveal to me the glorious power of Your birth

and change my life on account of this perfect gift of Yourself.

I love You, dear Lord Jesus.

Help me to love You with all my heart.

Newborn Savior of the World,

I trust in You.

Mother Mary and St. Joseph,

Pray for me and for all.



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