Homily for the Third Sunday of Easter, April 9, 2016

Nova et Vetera, Winter 2017 (Vol. 15, No. 1)

Full Issue Contents

Winter 2017 Vol. 15, No. 1

ISSN 1542-7315

Pastoral Guidelines for Implementing Amoris Laetitia – Archbishop Charles Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.
Homily for the Third Sunday of Easter, April 9, 2016 – Romanus Cessario, O.P.

Retrieving the Goat for Azazel: Balthasar’s Biblical Soteriology – Richard Barry
Fundamental Inclinations and Sexual Desires – Stephen J. Heaney
To Be Good Is to Do the Truth: Being, Truth, the Good, and the Primordial Conscience in a Thomist Perspective – Reinhard Hütter
Fr. Giovanni Sala, S.J., Philosopher and Theologian – Matthew L. Lamb
Pope Benedict XVI and Modernity: A Patristic Theologian’s Perspective – James Lee
The “I-Thou” Argument for the Trinity: Wherefore Art Thou? – Christopher J. Malloy
Aquinas’s Christology of the Imago and the Theological Interpretation of Scripture – Isaac Augustine Morales, O.P.
The Bavarian’s Surprise: Ratzinger’s Spirit of the Liturgy as the Spirit of the Council – Matthew S. C. Olver
Dei Verbum and the Twentieth-Century Drama of Scripture’s Literal Sense – Mark Reasoner

Review Symposium
D’Costa’s Hermeneutics – Eduardo Echeverria
Gavin D’Costa, Vatican II, and Islam – Gabriel Said Reynolds
A Gordian Knot – Richard Schenk, O.P.
Response to My Respondents – Gavin D’Costa

Book Reviews
Medieval Christianity: A New History by Kevin Madigan – Andrew Jacob Cuff
Revelation as Testimony: A Philosophical-Theological Study by Mats Wahlberg – Matthew Levering
The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council: A Counterpoint for the History of the Council by Agostino Marchetto – Stephen Morgan
Origin of the Human Species by Dennis Bonnette – Earl Muller, S.J.

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