Aquinas Institute
Bringing ancient wisdom into modern critical dialogue
Since 2008, the Aquinas Institute’s team of world-class scholars has undertaken the task of translating and publishing all the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas—many of which have never been translated into English. Today, they continue their mission to form and empower students of all ages through live online courses, inspiring students around the world to engage with the most influential writings in history.
In partnership with Emmaus Academic, the Aquinas Institute for the Study of Sacred Doctrine has undertaken the task of publishing the complete works of St. Thomas Aquinas (1224–1274) in a study-friendly Latin-English facing format. All volumes are folio size, Smyth sewn, and case-bound in imitation leather, beautifully and durably designed to last for generations.
Every Latin-English volume produced by the Aquinas Institute, including the full Summa Theologiae, is imitation leather bound and beautifully designed to last for generations. The Latin-English format makes the work of St. Thomas Aquinas more accessible to a broader audience than ever before.