St. Paul Center Speaker Series

Fulfilled Israel

According to Matthew's Plerosis Paradigm

Featuring Fr. Andrew Dalton

Monday, September 9th, 2024

Event Details

Join us for the 2024 St. Paul Center Speaker Series!
On September 9, 2024 don't miss our guest speaker Fr. Andrew Dalton.


Monday, September 9

7:30 PM


RSVP is required to attend

What is Matthean fulfillment (plerosis)? According to a triplex via of fundamental continuity, radical discontinuity, and transcendence-completion, it is the process of Christification by which those in communion with Christ become agents of his theandric activity. In light of this paradigm, the divine 'with-ness' which Christ brings his people is more profoundly appreciated. The fullness which God's covenant people enjoy via communion with Christ is nothing less than the very fullness of God: they participate in his life and love, power and providence, righteousness and perfection, virtue and glory, identity and mission

About Fr. Andrew Dalton


Fr. Andrew Dalton is a Catholic priest of the Legionaries of Christ and professor of theology at the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum in Rome, where he teaches the Synoptic Gospels and Biblical Greek and Hebrew. For the Postgraduate Certificate in Shroud Studies, he lectures on the Biblical Theology of the Passion of Christ. Fr. Dalton has become well-known as an international speaker on the Shroud. His approach bridges the gap between scientific observation and theological interpretation. Fr. Dalton is also the author of Fulfilled Israel: Matthew’s Plerosis Paradigm (Mohr Siebeck).




(740) 264-9535


1380 University Blvd, Steubenville, OH 43952