Now Streaming!
A Message from Scott Hahn
Our prayer for this year is to go out into the deep and cast our net wider. With the grace of God, we’ve accomplished much already. But we can—and must—do more, if we’re to bring about a renewal of faith that touches people in all walks of life. We invite you to join us in this effort to make the faith come to life for more people through our video studies.
Free Lenten Streaming
Register for the FREE Lenten streaming series, led by Scott Hahn, featuring faith-inspiring talks on Confession, prayer, the Eucharist, and knowing the Gospel. Watch for free beginning Ash Wednesday, March 2.
Get to the roots of our faith this Lent—sign up now!

Support Us and Receive a Bonus Book of Reflections
Everyone who registers for Free Lenten Streaming will also receive a FREE bonus PDF booklet of daily reflections on the Mass readings, “Journey Through Lent.”
But we need your help to make this available to thousands at no charge—would you support us this Lent and pay it forward?
Contribute just $15 or more and as our thank-you gift to you, we’ll mail you a physical copy of “Journey Through Lent”. We’ve printed a limited number of copies for those who partner with us!
This high-quality booklet—which we’ll ship right to your door – can be used for personal study or with a group. It includes not only daily reflections but also bonus notes on the Lenten streaming series.