A Life in the Spirit: A Memoir

Ralph Martin

Ralph Martin - A life in the Spirit

A glimpse into the soul of one man who surrendered to God

A Life in the Spirit chronicles beloved author and speaker Ralph Martin’s journey from the early days of the Catholic charismatic renewal to become one of the most courageous voices defending the truth of the Gospel during an age of dissension and disbelief.


In this memoir, Ralph Martin shares how he was initially drawn to make a radical commitment to Jesus Christ and, as that commitment deepened, how he entered more fully into the spiritual tradition of the Church and advanced theological studies that grounded his work of fundamental Catholic renewal within the solid tradition of Catholic teaching.

Ralph Martin and Pope Paul VI

Ralph Martin and Pope Paul VI

About Ralph Martin

Ralph Martin

Ralph Martin is the president of Renewal Ministries. He serves as the Director of Graduate Theology Programs in Evangelization and a professor of theology at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in the Archdiocese of Detroit. He holds a doctorate in theology from the Angelicum in Rome. Pope Benedict XVI appointed Martin as a Consultor to the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization and a peritus for the Synod on the New Evangelization which was held in Rome in 2012. Martin is the author of the bestselling The Fulfillment of All Desire, A Church in Crisis: Pathways Forward, and many other books. He and his wife Anne reside in Ann Arbor, Michigan and are the parents of six and grandparents of nineteen.​

An ordinary life that became extraordinary.

A Life in the Spirit recounts not only Martin’s struggle to remain faithful to his commitment to Christ through obstacles and opposition, but also includes beautiful reflections on family life and remarkable experiences with the likes of Pope St. John Paul II, Mother Teresa, and many others.


Martin’s writing, speaking, and evangelization efforts—particularly through the international apostolate he founded, Renewal Ministries, and his teaching at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit—are detailed in Life in the Spirit and offer to all readers a remarkable witness to the relevance and urgency of the Gospel.



Praise for A Life in the Spirit

Fr. Mike Schmitz

“Ralph Martin’s teachings have had a profound impact on my life and my thought.  It is a gift to read more about his life and ministry. A Life in the Spirit provides an insight into Martin’s life, but even more into the way God can work in the life of someone so fully surrendered to the will of God.”

- Fr. Mike Schmitz,
Host of The Bible in a Year podcast

“A remarkable account of an ordinary life that became extraordinary by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and a radical, ongoing personal yes to the Spirit’s leadings. Ralph Martin is known worldwide for his many decades of deep commitment to the truth of the Gospel. Like Augustine’s Confessions, this memoir gives us a glimpse into his inner life in a spirit of humble amazement at the grace and mercy of God.”


-Mary Healy
Biblical scholar and professor at Sacred Heart Major Seminary
Scott Hahn

“Few have had the unique vantage point of Ralph Martin. He has witnessed crisis, upheaval, and radical renewal in the life of the Church over the last eighty years. He has worked beside some of the Church’s brightest lights. To understand his story is to understand the powerful movement of the Holy Spirit in these times.”


-Scott Hahn
Founder and president of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Studies

"This is a love story of simple but profound proportions, presented with the humility that comes with a long life, lived seeking to fulfill the Lord’s will."


Noelle Mering, Author of Awake, Not Woke and the Theology of Home book series