On the Unity of the Two Testaments: In What Sense Is the Torah a Law for Christians?

Nova et Vetera, Fall 2020 (Vol. 18, No. 4)

Full Issue Contents

Fall 2020 Vol. 18, No. 4

ISSN 1542-7315

Incredible Christianity: Toward a Post-Liberal Apologetic for the Historical Christ – Thomas A. Baima
Why Revelation Gives Shelter to Metaphysics – Guy Mansini, O.S.B.

Wisdom Be Attentive: The Noetic Structure of Sapiential Knowledge – Matthew K. Minerd
There Is a Wideness in God’s Justice – Daniel Philpott
Can Dead Faith Assent to God? A Brief Reflection on St. Thomas’s Account of the Relationship between Living and Lifeless Faith – Jeffrey M. Walkey

Symposium: Theological Exegesis: Scriptural Theology
Saint Thomas Aquinas Exegete of the Hexaemeron: Bible and Philosophy – Serge-Thomas Bonino, O.P.
God’s Passions: Unfitting Attributes? Aquinas on the Biblical God – Emmanuel Durand, O.P.
Between Poetic Justice and Poetic Mercy: God in the Flood Narrative (Genesis 6–7) – Jean-Pierre Sonnet, S.J.
Prosopological Exegesis and Christological Anagnorisis in Jesus’s Reading of Psalm 110 – Anthony Giambrone, O.P.
Is Nicene Trinitarianism “In” the Scriptures? – Lewis Ayres
The Presence of the Ascended Son in the Gospel of John – Markus Bockmuehl
On the Unity of the Two Testaments: In What Sense Is the Torah a Law for Christians? – Justin Schembri, O.P.
History, Illocution, and Theological Exegesis: Reading Paul’s Letter to Philemon – James B. Prothro
The Christology of Hebrews – Paolo Garuti, O.P.

Book Reviews
Dogma im Wandel: Wie Glaubenslehren sich entwickeln by Michael Seewald – Matthew Briel
That All Shall Be Saved: Heaven, Hell, and Universal Salvation by David Bentley Hart – Joshua R. Brotherton
That All Shall Be Saved: Heaven, Hell, and Universal Salvation by David Bentley Hart – Taylor Patrick O’Neill
Christ in the Life and Teaching of Gregory of Nazianzus by Andrew Hofer, O.P – Kevin M. Clarke
Conferences on the Six Days of Creation: The Illuminations of the Church by St. Bonaventure, translated by Jay M. Hammond – Gregory F. LaNave
Revelation, History, and Truth: A Hermeneutics of Dogma by Eduardo J. Echeverria – Michael McClymond
The Indissolubility of Marriage: Amoris Laetitia in Context by Matthew Levering – Tracey Rowland
The Holy Family: Model Not Exception by Mary Shivanandan – Deborah Savage

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