Letter & Spirit

Current Issue
Letter & Spirit seeks to foster deeper understanding of Sacred Scripture.
We believe that what God has joined in giving us the Bible - the Word incarnate and the Word inspired; divine speech and human language; God's call and His people's response in the Church's Liturgy and Tradition - cannot be separated. From the words of creation ("Let there be...") to the words that consecrated His New Covenant ("This is My Body..."), God's Word in Scripture is always living and active.
Proclaimed in the Liturgy, God's Word continues to come to us as saving action, as the promise of a new creation and the fulfillment of that promise. When we read the Bible in this way, from the heart of the Church, we find no tension between letter and spirit - between literary and historical study of Scripture and faithful contemplation of its religious and spiritual meaning.
Scott Hahn, Franciscan University of Steubenville
William Bales, Mount St. Mary's Seminary
At this time, Letter & Spirit does not accept unsolicited manuscripts.
All other editorial inquiries should be directed to:
Dr. William Bales
Managing Editor
Letter & Spirit
1380 University Blvd.
Steubenville, Ohio 43952
(740) 264-9535 phone