Road to Emmaus Podcast

Sacred Suffering

The Road to Emmaus Podcast

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Why did Jesus have to suffer and die? God could have just forgiven our sins, but God wanted to give us more than just acquittal—he wanted to gives us his divine life. Scott Hahn reminds us that because we’re in God’s family, our life—including our suffering—has meaning. 

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The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is our way of participating in Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross and in his divine life. Watch Parousia: The Bible and the Mass this Lent.  

No matter what we face in this life, our hope is in what is yet to come. Read more in Scott Hahn’s Hope to Die. 

There’s a common mistaken view that Jesus died to take on our punishments—but in this blog, Curtis Mitch explains the Catholic view.   

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