John F. Boyle
John F. Boyle is Professor of Catholic Studies at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota. A graduate of the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies and the University of Toronto, he has received a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, the Aquinas Medal from the University of Dallas, and has delivered the Aquinas Lecture at the National University of Ireland.
“This book is absolutely unique in its kind because its composition requires the level of knowledge, skills and love for Sacred Scripture and St. Thomas’s reading of it which John Boyle has continuously displayed over the years. It could not come at a better time, when Aquinas’ biblical writings are receiving a new readership and are being explored for their clarity and richness. It should be required reading for anyone engaging St. Thomas on Scripture and deserves to be placed on one’s bookshelf next to introductions to St. Thomas by Boyle’s illustrious colleagues like Chenu, Weisheipl, and Torrell.”
Jörgen Vijgen
Pontifical Academy of Saint Thomas
“John Boyle’s Aquinas on Scripture is the clearest, most succinct, and most satisfying introduction to Thomas Aquinas's comprehensive vision of Scripture that I have had the privilege of reading. Accessible, lucid, and written in a deceptively simple style, Boyle's explication participates in the claritas in which Thomas thinks and with which he teaches. I warmly recommend this book to every lover of the Holy Scriptures and to every student of Thomas Aquinas’s thought, especially of his exegetical commentaries.”
Reinhard Hütter
The Catholic University of America
“This book helps greatly to advance our understanding of theology as sacra doctrina: the study and interpretation of holy Scripture, providing human beings with speculative and saving knowledge of God.”
Thomas Joseph White, OP
Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum
"John Boyle unpacks Thomas Aquinas’s thinking about biblical interpretation with clarity and conciseness. . . . In an age dominated by the conflict of interpretation theories, Boyle’s commentary on Aquinas’s commentaries is a model of its kind, an essay to aid in understanding both Thomas and the Scriptures that were the objects of his undivided holy attention."
Kevin J. Vanhoozer
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
“To be able to wrestle with the legacy of Thomas Aquinas, we must take seriously his vocation as reader and teacher of Holy Scripture. John Boyle’s accessible manuscript helps convey his principles and introduce the reader to a litany of case studies. It’s a wonderful entryway to Thomas as exegete and master of the sacred page.”
Michael Allen
Reformed Theological Seminary
“This book is absolutely unique in its kind because its composition requires the level of knowledge, skills and love for Sacred Scripture and St. Thomas’s reading of it which John Boyle has continuously displayed over the years. It could not come at a better time, when Aquinas’ biblical writings are receiving a new readership and are being explored for their clarity and richness. It should be required reading for anyone engaging St. Thomas on Scripture and deserves to be placed on one’s bookshelf next to introductions to St. Thomas by Boyle’s illustrious colleagues like Chenu, Weisheipl, and Torrell.”
Jörgen Vijgen
Pontifical Academy of Saint Thomas
“John Boyle’s Aquinas on Scripture is the clearest, most succinct, and most satisfying introduction to Thomas Aquinas's comprehensive vision of Scripture that I have had the privilege of reading. Accessible, lucid, and written in a deceptively simple style, Boyle's explication participates in the claritas in which Thomas thinks and with which he teaches. I warmly recommend this book to every lover of the Holy Scriptures and to every student of Thomas Aquinas’s thought, especially of his exegetical commentaries.”
Reinhard Hütter
The Catholic University of America
“This book helps greatly to advance our understanding of theology as sacra doctrina: the study and interpretation of holy Scripture, providing human beings with speculative and saving knowledge of God.”
Thomas Joseph White, OP
Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum
"John Boyle unpacks Thomas Aquinas’s thinking about biblical interpretation with clarity and conciseness. . . . In an age dominated by the conflict of interpretation theories, Boyle’s commentary on Aquinas’s commentaries is a model of its kind, an essay to aid in understanding both Thomas and the Scriptures that were the objects of his undivided holy attention."
Kevin J. Vanhoozer
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
“To be able to wrestle with the legacy of Thomas Aquinas, we must take seriously his vocation as reader and teacher of Holy Scripture. John Boyle’s accessible manuscript helps convey his principles and introduce the reader to a litany of case studies. It’s a wonderful entryway to Thomas as exegete and master of the sacred page.”
Michael Allen
Reformed Theological Seminary
“This book is absolutely unique in its kind because its composition requires the level of knowledge, skills and love for Sacred Scripture and St. Thomas’s reading of it which John Boyle has continuously displayed over the years. It could not come at a better time, when Aquinas’ biblical writings are receiving a new readership and are being explored for their clarity and richness. It should be required reading for anyone engaging St. Thomas on Scripture and deserves to be placed on one’s bookshelf next to introductions to St. Thomas by Boyle’s illustrious colleagues like Chenu, Weisheipl, and Torrell.”
Jörgen Vijgen
Pontifical Academy of Saint Thomas
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John F. Boyle