God’s Covenant Plan

God’s Covenant Plan

Note: This study was formerly known as Genesis to Jesus. We’ve renamed it to avoid confusion with the Journey through Scripture study of the same name.

What is the Bible, where does it come from and what is its purpose? How are Catholics supposed to read the Bible and what story does it have to tell? These are the questions we take up in this “big picture” survey course.

Following an introduction to Catholic teaching about divine revelation and Bible, we jump right in and begin reading. We start with the creation story and Noah’s ark, and trace the history of salvation as it unfolds in the series of covenants that God makes with His chosen people - from Abraham and the twelve tribes of Israel to Moses and finally to King David. We see how this history reaches its climax and fulfillment in Jesus and the Church. The aim is to give you a solid outline and overview of the story that the Bible tells, from Genesis to Jesus.

This online Bible study is free to all registered users. Log in or create an account today to begin!


  1. To learn the basic Catholic principles for reading Scripture.
  2. To learn about God’s covenants in the Bible, and to understand their significance for reading and interpreting the Bible.
  3. To learn the broad outlines of the books of the Bible and to understand their place in the story of salvation told in the Bible.


The primary text will be the Bible. And each lesson will provide links to biblical passages cited. In addition, the instructors recommend Scott Hahn’s A Father Who Keeps His Promises, which covers much of the material to be studied in this course.


  • Lesson One: How a Catholic Starts to Read the Bible
  • Lesson Two: Creation, Fall and Promise
  • Lesson Three: East of Eden, Headed to Egypt
  • Lesson Four: On the Way to the Promised Land
  • Lesson Five: To Kingdom Come
  • Lesson Six: Into the Kingdom of the Son

Getting Started

Whether you're studying Scripture for the first time, looking to take your studies to a higher level, or whether you're ready for advanced training, you've come to the right place!

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How to Use the Courses

Work at your own pace: All courses and each individual lesson will be archived and can be read or printed at any time.

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Tips for Learning

Read each lesson as well as the Bible passages and other resources the instructor recommends. Taking notes will help you remember what you read. Then answer the study questions.

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