To help you navigate all of Scott and Kimberly’s recommended study tools and resources — from Catholic apologetics questions to faith and family concerns, the materials that they have found useful and that they frequently recommend are categorized as follows:
Dr. Hahn’s Articles
A collection of Dr. Scott Hahn’s articles on Sacred Scripture published in various scholarly journals and collections including the St. Paul Center’s own annual journal, Letter & Spirit.
Apologetics is the critical work of explaining – and defending – the Catholic faith. Great Catholic apologists are doing great work on the worldwide web and we want to raise the banner about them and provide you with some of their best work, along with other material we’ve found valuable.
Liturgy & Prayer
Liturgy & Prayer, covering the official church teachings and pastoral statements on the liturgy, sacraments and the mass; theology of liturgy, eastern rites, preaching, and hymns; how to pray the rosary, liturgy of the Hours, and the liturgical seasons.
Scripture Resources: translations, introductions, biblical theology themes and issues; the church and the bible, catholic documents, interpretation issues and principles; historical and literary study; bible study, non-biblical texts, new testament and old testament history and background.
Homily Helps
These short reflections on the Sunday Mass Readings are used by thousands of priests and deacons around the world as a starting place for preparing homilies. Dr. Hahn will help you see how the readings fit together, how the promises of the Old Testament are fulfilled by Christ in the New. Whether you read them or listen to the radio version, they are a great way to prepare for the Liturgy of the Word.