Catholic Rites and Teachings
A series of reflections on the Catholic Mass and the New Roman Missal
By Archbishop Charles Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. of Denver. – How we pray shapes what we believe – Nature of Priesthood Marks Catholic Faith – Mass a Conversation of Love With God – Deacons: Ministers of the Word, Altar and Charity – Mass Shared Dialogue Between Priest and Faithful – Introductory Rites – Liturgy of the Word – Homilies: Nourishment From the Table of the Word – Presenting Gifts Allows Each to Make Offering of Self – The Eucharistic Prayer: Heart of the Mass – The ‘Our Father’: Appropriate Gestures for Prayer– The Rite of Peace – Communion Rite – Ordinary, Extraordinary Ministers – Receiving Communion – Communion – Concluding Rite – Liturgy Series Concludes
Addresses to the Tribunal of the Roman Rota
A collection of Pope John Paul II’s annual addresses to the Church’s top “marriage court.” Provides excellent and developing insight into the Church’s belief in the sanctity of marriage and the issue of “annulments.”
Apostolic Constitution on Penance (Paenitemini)
Issued in 1966 by Pope Paul VI.
Apostolic Constitution on the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
Issued in 1972 by Pope Paul VI.
Christian Funerals
An excerpt from The Catechism of the Catholic Church: – The Christian’s Last Passover – The Celebration of Funerals
Christian Marriage
An excellent defense of the Church’s teachings, issued by the Bishops of Ireland in 1969.
Circular Letter Concerning the Integrity of the Sacrament of Penance
Issued in 2000 by the Vatican’s Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of Sacraments.
Collaboration of the Non-Ordained Faithful in the Sacred Ministry of Priest
An important 1997 document clarifying the respective roles of the priest and lay people during the celebration of the Mass. Issued jointly by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Clergy; Pontifical Council for the Laity; Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith; Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments; Congregation for Bishops; Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples; Congregation for Institutes of Consecretated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life; and Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts.
Concerning the Pastoral Office of Bishops in the Church (Christus Dominus)
The decree of the Second Vatican Council, issued in 1965. See also: – Ordination Rite: Order of Bishop
Decree on First Communion
Issued in 1910 by the Vatican’s Sacred Congregation of the Discipline of the Sacraments.
Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy. Principles and Guidelines
Issued in 2002 by the Vatican’s Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments.
Directory on the Ministry and Life of Priests
An instruction by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Clergy (1994).
Doctrine on the Sacrament of Matrimony
From the Twenty-Fourth Session of the Council of Trent, 1545-1563. See also: – Canons on the Sacrament of Matrimony – Decree on the Reformation of Marriage
Documents On the Tridentine IndultIn
1984, Pope John Paul II granted permission (an “indult”) for the celebration of Mass according to the 1962 edition of the Roman Missal – the so-called Tridentine Mass. The following are documents relating to that Tridentine Mass: – On the Use of the “Tridentine” Liturgy (Quattuor Abhinc Annos) by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, 1984. – The Church of God (Ecclesia Dei) by Pope John Paul II, 1988. – Guidelines for the Celebration of the “Tridentine” Mass by the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, 1991. – Clarification on the Celebration of the “Tridentine” Mass by the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei,1995. – Clarification on the Celebration of the “Tridentine” Mass by the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, 1997.
Educational Guidance in Human Love
Written in 1983 by the Vatican’s Congregation for Catholic Education as an outline for authentic Catholic sex education, this document serves as a good primer of the Church’s teachings on nuptial love.
Eucharist, A Sacrament to be Adored 0
Pope John Paul II’s letter marking the 750th anniversary of the first celebration of the feast of Corpus Christi. See also the Pope’s: – Pope John Paul II Recalls and Encourages National Eucharistic Devotion (excerpt)
General Introduction to the Lectionary
Issued by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Sacraments and Divine Worship in 1981, contains a good discussion of the principles of the Liturgy and the role of the Bible in the celebration of the Mass. See also: – Introduction to the Book of the Gospels
Instruction on Prayers for Healing
A helpful 2000 clarification from the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Instruction on Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery (Eucharisticum Mysterium)
An important teaching on the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Issued in 1967 by the Sacred Congregation of Rites. See also: – Instruction on Certain Norms Concerning the Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery (Inaestimabile donum) by the Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments Divine Worship, 1980 – Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist Outside Mass (Eucharistiae Sacramentum) by the Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments Divine Worship, 1973 – Perpetual Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament by the U.S. Catholic Bishops, 1997.
Jesus Christ the Bearer of the Water of Life.
A Christian Reflection on the “New Age”A helpful 2003 analysis by the Pontifical Council for Culture, the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, and the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.
Living Together
An excellent discussion of the Church’s teaching on marriage in a “Question and Answer” format. By the Pennsylvania Catholic Bishops.
Mystery of Holy Anointing (Byzantine Catholic)
In many Byzantine parishes, it’s the custom to administer this Sacrament on the Wednesday of Holy Week. For a good history of the practice and meaning, see: – Mirovanije: The Anointing With Holy Oil
Norms for the Translation of Biblical Texts for Use in the Liturgy
by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
On Certain Aspects of the Celebration of Sacrament of Penance (Misericordia Dei)
Pope John Paul II’s 2002 Apostolic Letter. For an insightful introduction to Misericordia Dei, see: – Intervention by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
On Christian Marriage (Casti Connubii)
Pope Pius XI’s 1930 Encyclical Letter.
On Priestly Training (Optatam Totius)
The decree of the Second Vatican Council, issued in 1965.
On Reserving Priestly Ordination to Men Alone
Pope John Paul II’s 1984 Apostolic Letter, Ordinatio Sacerdotalis. For earlier Vatican pronouncements on the subject: – Declaration on the Admission of Women to the Ministerial Priesthood (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 1976)For a fine commentary on the subject, written in 1978, by Father Louis Ligier, S.J., a consultor of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: – The Question of Admitting Women to the Ministerial Priesthood
On the Bishop, Servant of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the Hope of the World (Pastores Gregis)
Pope John Paul II’s 2003 Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation.
On the Celibacy of the Priest (Sacerdotalis Caelibatus)
Pope Paul VI’s Encyclical Letter of 1967.
On the Eucharistic Prayers
A letter 1973 letter to the world’s bishops by the Vatican’s Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship.
On the Holy Eucharist (Mirae Caritatis)
A letter 1973 letter to the world’s bishops by the Vatican’s Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship.
On the Ministry and Life of Priests (Presbyterorum Ordinis)
The decree of the Second Vatican Council, issued in 1965.
On the Regulation of Human Birth (Humanae Vitae)
Pope Paul VI’s landmark 1968 Encyclical Letter. See especially his discussion of “God’s Loving Design for Marriage.”
On the Sacrament of Order
From the Twenty-third Session of the Council of Trent, 1545-1563
Papal Documents on Devotion to the Sacred Heart of JesusBy Pope Leo XIII
By Pope Leo XIII: – Annum Sacrum: On Consecration To The Sacred Heart(1899) By Pope Pius XI: – Miserentissimus Redemptor: On Reparation To The Sacred Heart (1928) – Caritate Christi Compulsi: On The Sacred Heart (1932) By Pope Pius XII: – Hauerietis Aquas: On the Sacred Heart (1956) By Pope John Paul II: – His Heart Is the Heart of the Church (1999) – Heart of Jesus, Have Mercy! (1999) – Heart of Jesus, Our Peace and Reconciliation (1999)
Pastoral Norms Concerning the Administration of General Sacramental
AbsolutionIssued by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in 1972.
Prayer in the Christian Life
An excerpt from The Catechism of the Catholic Church: The Revelation of Prayer – The Universal Call to Prayer</b>”>The Revelation of Prayer – The Universal Call to Prayer In the Old Testament</b>”>In the Old Testament – In Brief In the Fullness of Time</b>”>In the Fullness of Time – In Brief In the Age of the Church</b> “>In the Age of the Church – Blessing and Adoration – Prayer of Petition – Prayer of Intercession – Prayer of Thanksgiving – Prayer of Praise – In Brief The Tradition of Prayer</b>”>The Tradition of Prayer At the Wellsprings of Prayer – In Brief The Way of Prayer – In Brief Guides for Prayer – In Brief The Life of Prayer Expressions of Prayer – Vocal prayer – Meditation – Contemplative Prayer – In Brief The Battle of Prayer – Objections to Prayer – Humble Vigilance of Heart – Filial Trust – Perservering in Love The Prayer of the Hour of Jesus – In Brief The Lord’s Prayer The “Summary of the Whole Gospel” – At the Center of the Scriptures – The Lord’s Prayer – The Prayer of the Church – In Brief “Our Father Who Art in Heaven” – We Dare To Say” – Abba – “Father!” – “Our” Father – Who Art in Heaven” – In Brief The Seven Petitions – “Hallowed be Thy Name” – “Thy Kingdom Come” – “Thy Will Be Done on Earth as It is in Heaven” – “Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread” – “And Forgive Us Our Trespasses, as We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us” – “And Lead Us Not into Temptation” The Final Doxology – In Brief
Preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage
A 1996 document of the Pontifical Council for the Family. See also, the Council for the Family’s sound explanation of the Church’s teaching on married love in: – The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality –Vademecum for Confessors Concerning Some Aspects of the Morality of Conjugal Life
Reconciliation and Penance in the Mission of the Church (Reconciliatio et Paenitentia)
Pope John Paul II’s 1984 Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation. See also, by Pope John Paul II: – Purpose and Benefits of Sacramental Penance
Reflections on Priestly Celibacy
(from the Vatican’s Congregation for the Clergy): – The Biblical Foundation of Priestly Celibacy – Purity and Priesthood in the Hebrew Scriptures and Rabbinic Tradition – The Spirituality of Priestly Celibacy – Priestly Celibacy in Patristics and Church History – The Theological Basis for Priestly Celibacy – Sign of the Charity of Christ by Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
Reflections on the Identity and Mission of the Priest
from the Vatican’s Congregation for the Clergy): – The Priesthood of the Old Covenant – Priesthood in the New Testament – The Image of the Priest in Vatican II’s Presbyterorum Ordinis – Priesthood: A Greater Love– Life and Ministry of Priests – Priests and Confession – The Priest and the Bishop – The Blessed Virgin Mary in the Life and Ministry of the Priest – The Necessity of Continuing Formation for the Priest – To All Priests in the World (On the 30th anniversary of Vatican II’s, Presbyterorum Ordinis)
Rite of Eucharistic Devotion
The prayers and blessings in Latin and English.
Rite of Marriage During Mass
From the 1970 Roman Missal. See also: – Rite of Marriage During Mass (From the 1962 Roman Missal) For a short history of the revised rite of marriage, published in 1969 by the Sacred Congregation of Rites, see: –The Rite of Marriage
Rite of Penance, Introduction
Issued in 1974, contains a good chapter on “Mystery of Reconciliation in the History of the Church.”
Ritual of Marriage
(Byzantine Catholic) How the rite is celebrated by Eastern Catholics.
River of Mercy
A powerful pastoral letter on Penance and Reconciliation by Archbishop Charles Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. of Denver.
An excerpt from The Catechism of the Catholic Church: – In Brief
The Holy Mystery of Penance and Reconciliation
(Byzantine Catholic) How the Sacrament is celebrated by Eastern Rite Catholics. Includes an Examination of Conscience
The Liturgy of the Hours in Our Lives of Prayer
In this 1998 pastoral letter, Archbishop Elden Curtiss of Omaha, Neb. urges priests to renew their devotion to praying the Divine Office.
The Mystery of Faith (Mysterium Fidei)
Pope Paul VI’s 1965 encyclical letter on the Eucharist.
The Office of Christian Burial with Divine Liturgy (Byzantine Catholic)
How funeral Masses are celebrated in the Byzantine Rite of the Catholic Church.
The Priest and the Third Christian Millenium
An instruction by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Clergy (1999).
The Reception of the Holy Communion by the Divorced and Remarried Members of the Faithful
Issued in 1994 by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
The Revised Book of the Liturgy of the Hours (Laudis Canticum)
Pope Paul VI’s Apostolic Constitution of 1970. See also: – The General Instruction on the Liturgy of the Hours
The Sacramental Economy
Excerpts from The Catechism of the Catholic Church: – The Father – Source and Goal of the Liturgy – Christ’s Work in the Liturgy – The Holy Spirit and the Church in the Liturgy – In Brief
The Sacraments at the Service of Communion
An excerpt from The Catechism of the Catholic Church – The Sacrament of Matrimony – Marriage in God’s Plan – The Celebration of Marriage – Matrimonial Consent – The Effects of the Sacrament of Matrimony – The Goods and Requirements of Conjugal Love – The Domestic Church – In Brief
The Sacraments on Healing
An excerpt from The Catechsim of the Catholic Church: – The Anointing of the Sick – Its Foundations in the Economy of Salvation – Who Receives and Who Administers This Sacrament? – How is This Sacrament Celebrated? – The Effects of the Celebration of This Sacrament – Viaticum, the Last Sacrament of the Christian – In Brief
The Shrine – Memory, Presence and Prophecy of the Living God
A 1999 reflection by the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant Peoples. Contains an excellent explanation of the Church’s belief in the spiritual importance of shrines and holy places.
Prayer and Spirituality
‘Short’ Breviaries in 20th Century America
An interesting general introduction to a genre of prayer texts which has several names: “short” breviaries, little offices,breviaria parva and lay breviaries, among others.
A Few Minutes on Books of Hours
An excellent introductory essay by Patrick Haynes. For more studies and introductions, see: – Books of Hours: An Introductory Essay – Introduction to Scholarly Study of the Book of Hours and Index to a Selection of Texts and Variants – Sacred Image and Illusion in Late Flemish Manuscripts
A Franciscan Prayerbook
An excellent gathering of prayers on subjects ranging from “the needs of the Church” to “times of trial.”
A Hypertext Book of Hours
An online version of a 1559 prayer book. The medieval “Book of Hours” evolved out of the monastic cycle of prayer which divided the day into eight segments, or “hours.” These portable books designed for individual laypeople are smaller and less complicated than those used by the monks and designed for use by individuals. Usually, a Book of Hours include a liturgical calendar, along with the seven “Penitential Psalms” and additional prayers devoted to particular saints or personal issues. Most Books of Hours were devoted to the Virgin Mary.
A Pastoral Letter on Reverence for the Eucharist
A good treatment by the late Bishop John R. Keating of Arlington, Virginia.
A Short Catechism on Prayer
A helpful, brief outline prepared for use in adult Catholic education by Sacred Heart Church in the Seattle, Washingon Archdiocese.
A Worldwide Tour of Churches, Cathedrals and Monasteries
An inspiring set of links to the finest examples of Catholic architecture in the world. See also: – Churches of Rome – Saints in 16th-Century
Accepting the Embrace of God: The Ancient Art of Lectio Divina
A good practical introduction. By Father Luke Dysinger, O.S.B.
Alphonsus de Liguori (1696-1787)
Uniformity to God’s Will – The Necessity and Power of Prayer – Spiritual Reading
An Incentive to Prayer
Cardinal Francis Spellman’s 1950 reflection on the Breviary, the official prayer book of the Church, remains a fresh introduction to Catholic prayer.
An Outline of the Liturgy of the Hours
A handy one-page overview.
Anonymous English Author (14th-century) – The Cloud of Unknowing
Art in the Vatican
Links to the treasures of St. Peter’s Basilica, the Pontifical Palaces and more. See also: – Sistine Chapel –Art by Raphael in the Vatican – The Vatican Museums
Artwork of Biblical and Liturgical Themes
A good sampling of artwork ranging from classic masters to contemporary. Alphabetical by theme: – Aaron to Dreams – Easter to Ishmael – Jacob to Mustard Seed – Nahum to Ruth – Salome to Zechariah
Awakening to Prayer
A good introduction, by a Japenese Carmelite, Father Ichiro Okumura, O.C.D.
Beads and Prayers: The Rosary in History and Devotion
An abridged version of John D. Miller’s good book of the same name. See also his: – Chart of the Evolution of the Marian Rosary
Benedictine Spirituality
A good introduction from “Some Schools of Catholic Spirituality” (1959).
Bernard of Clairvaux (1091-1153) – on Loving God
Bible Passages on Prayer
Quotes are from the Douay-Rheims translation. See also: – Scripture on Prayer – The Canticles of the Old and New Testaments
Blessed Columba Marmion (1858-1923)
– The Mysteries of the Rosary – Meditations on the Church Year
Blessed John Henry Newman (1801-1890)
Meditations on Christian Doctrine – God is All in All – A Short Road to Perfection – Meditations and Devotions
Books of Hours in the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague
A general introduction to Books of Hours, with links to hundreds of high-quality images from manuscripts in the Koninklijke Bibliotheek. For other collections of images and texts with introductions: – Book of Hours Exhibition, University of Pennsylvania – Books of Hours in the J. Paul Getty Museum – Books of Hours in the Wellesley College Library – Franciscan Books of Hours from 15th-Century Italy – Leaves of Gold: 19 Books of Hours – Depicting Devotion: Illuminated Books of Hours from the Middle Ages – Book of Hours for Daughter of Francis I – Books of Hours in the University of Kentucky Special Collection – Book of Hours (Rouen, France, ca. 1600) – Book of Hours (Angers, France, ca. 1470) – Book of Hours (Holland, ca. 1425) – Book of Hours (Utrecht, Netherlands, ca. 1430) – Hours of the Holy Spirit and Prayers (Flanders, ca. 1600)
Carmelite Spirituality
A good introduction from “Some Schools of Catholic Spirituality” (1959).
Carol Gerten’s Fine Art (CGFA)
An excellent site with lots of good Catholic art. Search by: – Artist Name – Nationality and Time Frame – Featured Artists
Catherine of Genoa (1447-1510) – Scriptural Dialogue in Three Parts
In the first part Saint Catherine relates in what manner she was captivated by worldly allurements, and how, from this state, she was entirely converted to God, and devoted herself to austere works of penance. In the second, she describes the sublime perfection of the spiritual life in which she is engaged. In the third, she discourses of the divine love and of its wonderful effects, and how she has experienced them all in herself.
Catherine of Siena (c. 1347-1380)
The Dialogue of the Seraphic Virgin Catherine of Siena
Catholic Prayers
A good place to start. Contains traditional prayers an others, including little known gems like John Donne’s Annunciation. See also: – On-Line Catholic Prayer Book – Basic Catholic Pray
Clement of Alexandria (d. 215) – Stromateis
Dante Aligheri (1265-1321)
Inferno – Purgatorio – Paradiso
Desert Fathers (4th century)
Excerpts from The Paradise of the Desert Fathers – The Life of Our Holy Mother Mary of Egypt
Devotion To the Sacred Heart
Good historical overview, by P. Milward. Originally published in the American Ecclesiastical Review. – Part 2
Devotion to the Sacred Heart Explained
An excellent set of pages and links hosted by Sacred Heart Church in the Seattle, Washington Archdiocese. Includes prayers, history , Bible study and official Church documents.
Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
From The Catholic Encyclopedia
Dionysius Areopagita: A Christian Mysticism?
An excellent study of an important but often overlooked figure in the Catholic spiritual tradition. By Father Alexander Golitzin. See also his: “Suddenly”, Christ: The Place of Negative Theology in the Mystagogy of Dionysius Areopagites
Directory of Churches and Chapels Holding Eucharist Adoration
A handy site.
Divine Office
A thorough overview from The Catholic Encyclopedia. See also these articles: – Breviary and Reform of the Roman Breviary – Canonical Hours – Matins – Lauds – Prime – Terce – Sext – None – Compline – Vespers andMusic of Vespers – Nocturns
Dominican Spirituality
A good introduction from “Some Schools of Catholic Spirituality” (1959).
Egeria and Holy Week in Fourth-Century Jerusalem
Presents the original Latin and English translation of the remarkable diary kept by Egeria on her pilgrimage to celebrate Holy Week in Jerusalem. Egeria’s diary represents one of our most vivid snapshots of early Catholic worship.
Eucharist, A Sacrament to be Adored
Pope John Paul II’s letter marking the 750th anniversary of the first celebration of the feast of Corpus Christi. See also the Pope’s: – Pope John Paul II Recalls and Encourages National Eucharistic Devotion (excerpt)
Evening Prayer, Night Prayer and Psalmody
An excerpt from St. John Cassian’s Institutes. See also, this excerpt: – Daytime Prayer and Psalmody in 4th-Century Egyptian Monasticism
Fasting, Prayer, Charity for the Gift of Peace
A fine meditation by Father Raniero Cantalamessa, O.F.M. Cap., official Preacher of the Papal Household under Pope John Paul II.
Form and Meaning of the Rosary Devotion
A fine consideration by Father Romano Guardini.
Francis Thompson (1859-1907) – The Hound of Heaven
Franciscan Spirituality
A good introduction from “Some Schools of Catholic Spirituality” (1959).
Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889) – Poems
Gospel Meditations for Lectio Divina
The Parables of Jesus – Miracles of Jesus – Parallel Passages in Matthew, Mark and Luke (NIV Translation – Catholics should compare with RSV and NAB) – Lectio Divina with the Sunday Mass Readings
Guigo II (d. 1193) – The Ladder of Four Rungs
Henry Suso (c. 1295-1366) – A Little Book of Eternal Wisdom
Hermas (first or second century) – The Shepherd
History of the Liturgy of the Hours
A good introduction from a text book on Medieval Christian Liturgy. See also: – Origins of the Book of Hours
History of the Rosary
Informative overview by Father William Saunders.
Holy Land Photos
Fully searchable collection of nearly 150 sites with 1500 photos of the Holy Land. To browse: – Site List Other sources for photos related to biblical scenes: – Bible Places – Virtual Travel Through the Holy Places – Christian Sanctuaries of the Holy Land – Biblical Excursions in the Holy Land – The Holy Land of the First Crusaders
How Do You Pray the Rosary?
From the University of Dayton’s Marian Library. A fine introduction with many images and quotations from Pope John Paul II. See also: – What is the Origin of the Rosary? – Is There a Biblical Basis for the Rosary?
How to Pray
By Blessed Columba Marmion, the great Benedictine abbot of the 20th century. An excerpt from his great work, Christ the Life of the Soul (1925).
Ignatian Spirituality
A good introduction from “Some Schools of Catholic Spirituality” (1959).
Instruction on Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery (Eucharisticum Mysterium)
An important teaching on the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Issued in 1967 by the Sacred Congregation of Rites. See also: – Instruction on Certain Norms Concerning the Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery (Inaestimabile donum) by the Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments Divine Worship, 1980 – Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist Outside Mass (Eucharistiae Sacramentum) by the Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments Divine Worship, 1973
Introduction to the Roman Breviary
Father William Lallou’s good introduction to the 1950 English translation of the Breviary.
Introduction to the Theology of the Divine Office
A good treatment by Melkite Catholic Archbishop Joseph Tawil, Eparch Emeritus of Newton, Mass.
Jan van Ruusbroec (1293-1381)
The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage – The Sparkling Stone
Johannes Tauler (1300-1365) – The Inner Way
Julian of Norwich (1343-1443) – Revelations of Divine Love
Letter on Lectio Divina
Written in 1993 by Father Bernardo Olivera, O.C.S.O, Abbot General of the Cistercian Order of the Strict Observance, or Trappists.
Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary (8th Century)
A cycle of daily prayers devoted to Our Lady.
Liturgy of the Hours
An excellent introductory site. From the Liturgy Office of the Archdiocese of New York. Includes: – What is Liturgy of the Hours? – Daily Structure of the Liturgy of the Hours – Structure of Each of the Hours – Editions of the Liturgy of the Hours – Organization and Contents of Editions of the Liturgy of the Hours – The Liturgical Calendar and the Liturgy of the Hours – Roles in the Celebrations of the Liturgy of the Hours
Margery Kempe (c. 1430)
Treatise of Contemplation– The Book of Margery Kempe – Treatise of Contemplation (from The Book of Margery Kempe)
Mass Times
A free ministry to traveling Catholics. Offers Mass times in the United States by city, zip code or area code.
Medieval Wall Painting in the English Parish
A very interesting collection of paintings. Includes such topics as: The Seven Corporal Works of Mercy, The Seven Deadly Sins, the Passion, the Tree of Jesse, the Suicide of Judas.
Meditation With Art
As The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: “Religious worship is not directed to images in themselves, considered as mere things, but under their distinctive aspect as images leading us on to God incarnate” (no. 2129). This site provides depictions of classic Catholic art, along with meditations.
Meditations on the Church Year by Blessed Columba Marmion
From Blessed Columbae’s classic, Christ in His Mysteries: – Divine Preparations(Time of Advent) – O, Marvelous Exchange (Christmas) – Epiphany – The Blessed Virgin and the Hidden Life – The Baptism and the Temptation of Jesus – Some Aspects of the Public Life of Jesus (Lent) – Transfiguration (Second Sunday of Lent) – Christ … Loved the Church and Delivered Himself Up for It, That He Might Sanctify It (Passiontide) – In the Footsteps of Jesus from the Pretorium to Calvary (Good Friday / Stations of the Cross) – Si Consurrexistis cum Christo(Paschal Time) – “…And Now, Father, Glorify Thy Son” (Ascension) – In Mei Memoriam (Corpus Christi) – The Mission of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost)
Meister Eckhart (ca. 1260-1327) – Sermons
My Rosary
by Pope John Paul I
The classic book by Evelyn Underhill.
For another set, try: – Litanies
Of the Fruits to be Derived From Prayer and Meditation
An excerpt from a work by St. Peter of Alcantara, a 16th-century Spanish Franciscan.
On Prayer
Writing in the late 2nd century, Tertullian demonstrates that the custom of praying at the third, sixth, and ninth hour is of very ancient origin in the Church.
On Praying the Hours
An excerpt from the liturgical code of the Rule of St. Benedict.
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Handbook
A practical guide to beginning Eucharistic Adoration in your local parish.
Prayer Without Ceasing
An excerpt from The Way of the Pilgrim, a 19th-century spiritual classic of the Eastern Orthodox tradition. For the “method” of the Jesus Prayer as presented in The Way, see: – The Basic Method of the Jesus Prayer
Prayers in the Home
A good selection and explanation of the importance of family prayer and the notion of th family as “the domestic Church.” From a Byzantine Catholic perspective.
Progress Through Mental Prayer
Father Edward Leen’s classic study, designed to help the reader to develop a deeper prayer life.
Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite (late 5th-early 6th century)
– The Celestial Hierarchy – The Mystical Theology
Restoring Sacred Time: How the Liturgical Year Deepens Catholic Faith
A nice meditation by Msgr. Peter Elliott. Excerpted from his book, Ceremonies of the Liturgical Year According to the Modern Roman Rite.
Richard Rolle (1300-1349)
The Fire of Love– The Fire of Love – The Mending of Life or Rule of Living
Rite of Eucharistic Devotion
The prayers and blessings in Latin and English.
Rosary Prayers in Many Languages
If you ever find yourself needing to say the Rosary in Tagalog, this is the place.
Russian Icons
An index of nearly 100 icons from the 10th to the 18th centuries. For another collection, see: – The Icon Gallery
Selected Readings on Lectio Divina from the Catholic Masters:
– From The Rule of St. Benedict (4th century) – From William of St. Thierry (d. 1148) – From Guigo II (d. 1193) – From The Nine Ways of Prayer of St. Dominic(1260-1288) – From The Cloud of Unknowing (13th century)
Short History of the Angelus
Summarizes the development of this staple Marian prayer. Originally published in L’Osservatore Romano.
Some Schools of Catholic Spirituality
From a 1959 book of the same title: – Benedictine Spirituality – Carmelite Spirituality – Dominican Spirituality – Franciscan Spirituality – Ignatian Spirituality – Oratorian Spirituality – The Spirituality of The Imitation of Christ– The Spirituality of St. Francis de Sales
Spiritual Theology in the Thomistic Tradition
A great introduction, by Father Jordan Aumann, O.P. See also, Father Aumann’s: – Thomistic Evaluation of Love and Charity – The Contemplative Dimension of Dominican Spirituality
St. Albert the Great (1200-1280)- On Cleaving to God
St. Ambrose (340-397) – On the Mysteries
St. Anthony of Padua (1195-1231) – Sunday Sermons
St. Athanasius (295-373)
– On the Incarnation – Life of Antony
St. Augustine (354-430)
– Confessions – Enchiridion – On Christian Doctrine – On the Sermon on the Mount – An excerpt about prayer (from On the Sermon on the Mount) – On Patience
St. Basil (329-379)
– On the Holy Spirit – Nine Homilies on the Six Days of Creation
St. Benedict of Nursia (480-547) – Rule for Monasteries
St. Bonaventure (1221-1274)
– Prayer after Holy Communion
St. Clare of Assisi (1194-1253)
– Letters – Rule of St. Clare – Testament
St. Claude La Colombiere (1641-1682) – Spiritual Retreats
St. Columba (521-597) – Rule of St. Columba
St. Cyprian
– On the Advantage of Patience – On the Lord’s Prayer
St. Ephraim of Syria (c. 306-373)
– The Pearl
St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622)
– Introduction to the Devout Life – Treatise on the Love of God – Sermons on Prayer
St. Francis of Assisi (1182-1226)
– The Canticle of Brother Son – Praises of God Most High – Exposition of the ‘Our Father’ – An Exhortation to Praise God – The Office of the Passion of the Lord – A Prayer Before the Crucifix – Rule of the Friars Minor
St. Gregory of Nazianzus (329-389) – Second Paschal Oration
St. Gregory the Great (c. 540-604)
– Dialogues, Book II (on the life and miracles of St. Benedict) – Commentary on the Book of Job, Books I-V
St. Ignatius of Antioch (50-107) – Epistle to the Smyrnaeans
St. Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556)
– The Spiritual Exercises – Selected Letters and Instructions
St. Jerome (320-420) – On the Song of Songs
St. John Chrysostom (347-407)
– Prayer of St. John Chrysostom
St. John of the Cross (1542-1591)
– Ascent of Mount Carmel. – Dark Night of the Soul – The Spiritual Canticle of the Soul and the Bridegroom Christ – Poetry of St. John of the Cross
St. John Vianney (1786-1859) – St. John Vianney (1786-1859)
St. Josemaria Escriva (1902-1975) – Writings
St. Louis de Montfort (1673-1716) – True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary
St. Patrick (385-461) – Confession
St. Peter of Alcantara (1499-1562) On the Fruit to be Derived from Prayer and Meditation
St. Sophronious (ca. 600) – Life of St. Mary of Egypt
St. Teresa of Avila (1515-1582)
– Autobiography – Interior Castle – Way of Perfection
St. Teresa’s Teaching on the Grades of Prayer
A good introduction by Father Jordan Aumann, O.P.
St. Therese of Lisieux (1873-1897) – Poems
St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) – The Our Father
Stations of the Cross
With reflections by Mother M. Angelica, P.C.P.A., founder of The Eternal Word Television Network. See also: – The Living Way of the Cross
Studies in Jewish Prayer
A good introduction to the origins and development of prayer in Judaism, with implications for the development of Christian prayer.
Sulpitius Severus (363-420) – The Life of St. Martin
Symbols in Christian Art and Architecture
An illustrated dictionary of Christian symbolism. See also: – Christian Symbols
– On Prayer or Prayer – Patience
The Art of Trinitarian Prayer
A reflection on Pope John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter, Novo Millennio Ineunte. By Jesus Castellano Cervera, originally published in L’Osservatore Romano.
The Catholic Art Gallery
A splendid collection of artists including Raphael, Caravaggio, Cimabue, Rembrandt, Bellini and more. Also includes a special collection of Paintings of Angels. See also: – Sacred Art by Giotto (d. 1337) – The Book of Hours of Jean, Duke of Berry (the greatest of illuminated manuscripts, ca. 1485) – The Jacques Maritain Center Art Gallery – Breviary of Chertsey Abbey(ca. 1307) – Life and Death and Miracles of St. Jerome (Images) – Iconography of St. Sebastian – Thais 1200 Years of Italian Sculpture
The Cell of Self-Knowledge: Seven Early English Mystical Treatises
(Includes works by Richard of St. Victor, Margery Kempe, Walter Hilton, and the author of The Cloud of Unknowing.)
The Divine Office as the Church’s Prayer of Praise and Intercession
Father John Hardon, S.J., begins his study of the Divine Office with the notion that it is “The Song of Heaven brought down to earth by the Incarnation.” He continues: “Christ Jesus (the Church tells us), the high priest of the new and eternal covenant, taking human nature, introduced into this earthly exile , that hymn which is sung throughout all ages in the halls of heaven. He joins the entire community of mankind to Himself, associating it with His own singing of this canticle of divine praise.” See also, Father Hardon’s: – The Divine Office as Liturgy – The Divine Office as a Form of Sacrifice
The Epistles for Lent and Easter
Translations and Commentary by Father Ronald Knox. Not complete, but still helpful. – First Sunday – Second Sunday – Third Sunday – Fourth Sunday – Passion Sunday – Palm Sunday – Easter Day
The Exsultet
Father Jerome Gassner, O.S.B. looks at this ancient prayer that serves as a prelude to the Easter solemnities. The Exsultet is a majestic proclamation of the Resurrection of Christ, a dramatic invitation to heaven and earth to join with the Church in joy and jubilation?
The Friars Preachers
An excellent overview of Dominican spirituality from the Dictionary of Spirituality. See also, by Father Benedict Ashley, O.P.: – The Dominicans
The History of Eucharistic Adoration
A comprehensive study by Father John Hardon, S.J.
The Holy of Eucharistic Adoration
A good introduction to this devotion.
The Human Heart of Jesus
By Herbert Ratner. Originally published in New Covenant magazine.
The Immaculate Conception
An excerpt from The Church’s Year of Grace by Pius Parsch.
The Litanies
A good explanation of the history and practice of praying Litanies, includes links to several Church-approved Litanies. See also: – The Litany (Catholic Encyclopedia) – Novena (Catholic Encyclopedia)
The Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi
The Liturgical Calendar
An excellent, well-designed site. By the organization Women for Faith and Family. For other good resources, try: – The Catholic Calendar Page – The CIN Catholic Calendar Page – Roman Catholic Liturgical Calendars
The Liturgical Year
By Abbot Gueranger, O.S.B. This is the preface to the classic book on the Church’s Liturgy, The Liturgical Year. See also Gueranger’s reflections on individual feasts and seasons of the Church year: – The History of Advent and On Holy Communion During Advent – The Feast of the Immaculate Conception – History of Lent and Practice During Lent – History of Passiontide and Holy Week and Practice During Passiontide and Holy Week – History of Paschal Time and Practice During Paschal Time
The Liturgy of the Hours in Our Lives of Prayer
In this 1998 pastoral letter, Archbishop Elden Curtiss of Omaha, Neb. urges priests to renew their devotion to praying the Divine Office.
The Mysteries of the Rosary
A short book of meditations by the 20th-century Benedictine abbott, Blessed Columba Marmion.
The Necessity and Power of Prayer
An excellent meditation by St. Alphonsus de Liguori. Highly recommended.
The Revised Book of the Liturgy of the Hours (Laudis Canticum)
Pope Paul VI’s Apostolic Constitution of 1970. See also: – The General Instruction on the Liturgy of the Hours
The Rosary in Image and Text
Meditations and artwork. A nice site. – The Joyful Mysteries – The Sorrowful Mysteries – The Glorious Mysteries – The Luminous Mysteries
The Sacraments and the History of Salvation
An extraordinary article by Cardinal Jean Danielou, S.J. on the connection between the sacraments and the marvelous works wrought by God in the Old and New Testaments. A quote: “The sacraments are conceived in relation to the acts of God in the Old Testament and the New. God acts in the world; His actions are the mirabilia, the deeds that are His alone. God creates, judges, makes a covenant, is present, makes holy, delivers. These same acts are carried out in the different phases of the history of salvation….The sacraments are simply the continuation in the era of the Church of God’s acts in the Old Testament and the New. This is the proper significance of the relationship between the Bible and the liturgy. The Bible is a sacred history; the liturgy is a sacred history.” Must reading.
The Scriptural Rosary
– Joyful Mysteries – Luminous Mysteries – Sorrowful Mysteries – Glorious Mysteries
The Splendors of Grace
An essay on union with God by the great Mattias Joseph Scheeben.
The Structure of the Soul and Mystical Experience According to St. Thomas Aquinas
A good study by Father M.-D. Chenu, O.P.
The Three Ways of the Spiritual Life
The little classic by the great Thomist, Father Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P.
The Vatican’s Holy Rosary Page
Good, basic site for prayers, papal teachings and Scripture texts associated with each of the mysteries.
The Veneration of Icons in the Tradition of the Byzantine Rite
A thorough survey. See these related links: – What is an Icon?
The Way of the Cross
A nice site with texts and artwork. Includes the following mediations: – Cardinal Newman’s Long Meditations – Cardinal Newman’s Shorter Meditations – The Stations by F.X. Lansance – Rutter’s 1875 Stations of the Cross – The Holy Way of the Cross
The Way of the Cross
A fine set of meditations by St. Josemaria Escriva.
The Way of the Cross – Meditations by Pope John Paul II
Three excellent sets of meditations are available: – Good Friday 2003 – Good Friday 2001 – Good Friday 2000
The Way of the Cross in the Company of the Saints
Composed by Father Antonio Maria Sicari, O.C.D. for the Vatican’s celebration of the Jubilee for Priests (2000).
The Way of the Cross in the Holy Land
Pictures and meditations.
The Way of the Cross with St. Paul of the Cross
As prayed by Pope Paul VI at the Colosseum in Rome on Good Friday, 1975.
Theosis: The Final Mystery of the Rosary
A fine meditation on the Mystery of Mary’s crowning as Queen of Heaven. By Stratford Caldecott.
Thomas a Kempis (1379-1471) – The Imitation of Christ
Treasury of Latin Prayers
A good source for prayers in Latin with English translation. For help with the pronunciation: – Ecclesiastical Latin Pronunciation
Universalis: The Liturgy of the Hours
Lets you pray the Liturgy of the Hours every day of the year. Provides both text and guide. Similar sites include: – Pray the Psalms Daily with the Monks – The Liturgy of the Hours Apostolate
Virtual Stations of the Cross
From St. Charles Borromeo Church in Picayne, Miss. With texts and prayers drawn from the Douay-Rheims Bible.
Walter Hilton (d. 1396)
– The Scale (or Ladder) of Perfection or The Scale of Perfection – The Song of Angels – Treatise Written to a Devout Man
Web Gallery of Art
A virtual museum and searchable database of European painting and sculpture of the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque periods (1150-1800), currently containing over 11,600 reproductions. Commentaries on pictures, biographies of artists are available.
Sacraments and Worship
A Basic Theology of Marriage 500
A fine treatment by Dr. Christopher West. See also his: – John Paul II’s Theology of the Body: Key to an Authentic Marital & Family Spirituality 500 – What the Church Really Teaches about Responsible Parenthood 500 – The Theology of the Body & The New Evangelization 500 – A Response to Luke Timothy Johnson’s Critique of John Paul II’s “Disembodied” Theology of the Body 500; for Johnson’s critique, see here – In-Vitro Fertilization and the Hermeneutic of the Gift 500
A Charter for Priestly Holiness
Excellent reflection by Father Thomas McGovern. – Part 2 See also by Father McGovern: – The Priest, the Jubilee, and the Holy Spirit
A Priest Forever
An inspiring and insightful set of meditations by St. Josemaria Escriva. From his book, In Love With the Church.
A Theological Meditation On The Liturgy Of The Eucharist
Cistercian Father Roch Kereszty sees the Eucharist as the continual reenactment of God’s self-emptying love.
A Treatise on the Blessed Sacrament
By St. Thomas More. A short piece composed in the Tower of London in 1534, the year before his martyrdom.
A Walk Through the Liturgy (Byzantine Catholic)
A good introduction to the Mass from a Byzantine Catholic perpsective. See also: – Comments on the Divine Liturgy
A Worldwide Tour of Churches, Cathedrals and Monasteries
An inspiring set of links to the finest examples of Catholic architecture in the world. See also: – Churches of Rome
Alexandrian Tradition
The liturgical tradition of Egypt, which tradition holds was first evangelized by St. Mark who became the first bishop of Alexandria. The Liturgy of St. Mark is still the basis for the modern liturgies of the Churches of the Alexandrian tradition. For the liturgical tradition of the Alexandrian Catholic Churches: – The Divine Liturgy of St. Mark
An Early Armenian Lectionary
A Lectionary used in the Jerusalem Church, circa 417-439 A.D. As with all the ancient Lectionaries, there is much to be learned by studying how the early Church leaders matched up readings from the Old and New Testaments. For another example from the Jerusalem Church, see: – Another Early Armenian Lectionary
An Early East Syrian Lectionary
The Scripture readings you would have heard at Mass in Eastern Syria in the sixth century. For other options: – Lectionary of the East Syrian Monaryer of Mar Aziza – East Syrian Lectionary of the Church of the Forty Martyrs
Anointing of the Sick: Medicine for Sinners
A good meditation. By Father William Saunders.
Antiochian Tradition
Antioch is where believers were first called “Christians” (see Acts 11:26) and St. Ignatius, the bishop-martyr of Antioch was credited with first using the term “Catholic” to describe the Church in 110 A.D. The Liturgy in this tradition is based on the ancient Liturgy of St. James. For the liturgical tradition of the Antiochean Catholic Churches: – Liturgy of Jerusalem (St. James) – The Divine Liturgy of St. James – West Syrian Rite (Antioch)
Art and Liturgy – The Question of Images
An excellent consideration by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger on the meaning of Christian art and its relationship with worship. He surveys the origin of images used for worship from Old Testament times through the first millennium of the Church. See also, Cardinal Ratzinger’s: – Art, Image and Artists
Art and Liturgy: The Splendor of Faith
Looks at the role played by the visual arts in both Catholic and Orthodox liturgies throughout history. By Catholic artist, H. Reed Armstrong.
Art History Resources on the Web
An amazing collection of links. Some of particular interest: – Early Christian Art and More Early Christian Art – The Four Evangelists from the Book of Kells – Carolingian Era – Art for the Christian Liturgy in the Middle Ages – The Cult of the Virgin – Death in the Middle Ages – Icons and Iconoclasm in the Byzantium – Private Devotion in Medieval Christianity – Monasticism in Medieval Christianity – Relics and Reliquaries in Medieval Christianity – Stained Glass in Medieval Christianity – The Last Things in Medieval French Art – Veneration of the Saints in Medieval French Art – 15th-Century Art in Northern Europe & Spain – 15th-Century Italian Art: Early Renaissance – 16th-Century Art in Italy: The Renaissance – 16th-century Art: Northern Europe and Spain – 17th-Century Baroque Art
Art in the Vatican
Links to the treasures of St. Peter’s Basilica, the Pontifical Palaces and more. See also: – Sistine Chapel – Art by Raphael in the Vatican – The Vatican Museums
Artwork of Biblical and Liturgical Themes
A good sampling of artwork ranging from classic masters to contemporary. Alphabetical by theme: – Aaron to Dreams – Easter to Ishmael – Jacob to Mustard Seed – Nahum to Ruth – Salome to Zechariah
From The Catholic Encyclopedia. See also: – Baptismal Font – Baptismal Vows – Christian Names
Biblical Texts Related to the Catholic Mass
An excellent guide by Father Felix Just, S.J.
Byzantine Tradition
The largest of the Eastern rites, the Byzantine tradition descends from the ancient Church of Constantinople. Its Liturgy is based on the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, patriarch of Constantinople. For the liturgical tradition of the Byzantine Catholic Churches: – Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom (Modern) – Greek Rites – Ruthenian Rite
Calvary and the Mass: A Missal Companion
A fine meditation by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen.
Carol Gerten’s Fine Art (CGFA)
An excellent site with lots of good Catholic art. Search by: – Artist Name – Featured Artists
Catholic Homilies
Examples from churches around the country. For other sources, see: – Sources for Sunday Homilies
Chaldean Tradition
Also called East Syrian Catholics, this liturgical tradition descends from the ancient rites used in Persia and Syria. For the liturgical tradition of the Chaldean Catholic Churches: – Chaldean Mass (Modern) – East Syrian Rite (Chaldean) – St. Thomas or Malabar Christians– Selections from the Assyrian Liturgy
Christ in the Home
A fine meditation by Father Raoul Plus, S.J. on Catholic marriage and family life.
Church Compositions Without Liturgical Foundation
Although written in a 1933 edition of the Catholic journal, Orates Fratres, offers history and principles for sacred music that remain relevant. – Part 2
Church Fathers on Baptism
A good collection of basic texts on: – Infant Baptism – Born Again – Triune Baptism
Church Fathers on the Eucharist
A good collection of basic texts on: – The Real Presence – Transubstantiation See also, the fine collection of citations in: – The Church Fathers Believed in the Real Presence
Church Fathers on the Sacrament of Confirmation
Documents illustrating the practice of Confirmation/Chrismation.
Church Fathers on the Sacrament of Extreme Unction (Anointing of the Sick)
Texts that show that the early Church believed in the sacramental nature of the anointing of the sick.
Church Fathers on the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony
A collection of texts that shows the early belief that Christ elevated marriage to a sacrament.
Church Fathers on the Sacrament of Holy Orders
These texts show the Church Fathers’ assumption that Christ wanted a ministerial priesthood.
Church Fathers on the Sacrament of Penance
Some statements illustrating the practice of auricular confession. See also, a short analysis: – Sacrament of Penance in the Early Church
Comparative Modern Western Lectionaries
Detailed tables compare the selection of readings in the Anglican Book of Common Prayer (listed in blue), the Roman Catholic Lectionary for Mass (red) and the Revised Common Lectionaries (green). Divided according to: – First Readings – Psalms – Second Readings – Gospel Readings
From The Catholic Encyclopedia.
Eastern Catholic Liturgical Music
The divine liturgies and hymns of the five Eastern Catholic rites in MIDI form.
Eastern Churches
An in-depth look from The Catholic Encyclopedia. For good overviews and background, see also: – Rites – The Eastern Rites Today – Catholic Eastern Churches – The Five Eastern Rites – The Formation of the Eastern Rites – Eastern Rite Catholic Churches (Listing by Patriarchate) – Eastern Rites: A Family Tree – Rites in the United States – Eastern Catholics in American (U.S. Bishops)
Ecclesiastical Music
From the Catholic Encyclopedia. See also: – Music of the Mass – Liturgical Chant – Gregorian Chant – Plain Chant – Congregational Singing – Musical Instruments in Church Services – Music of Vespers – Passion Music
EIKON Images Database for Biblical Studies
An good collection. Browse by: – Biblical Book – Geographical Location – Object Type (map, coin, scroll, etc.) – Topic
From The Catholic Encyclopedia. See also: – The Blessed Eucharist as a Sacrament – The Blessed Eucharist as a Sacrifice – Early Symbols of the Eucharist – Real Presence – Holy Communion – Liturgy – Liturgy of the Mass(Roman) – Ambrosian Liturgy (St. Ambrose) – Celtic Rite (Ireland, Britain) – Sarum Rite (England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales) – Gallican Rite (France) – Mozarabic(Spain, Portugal) – Frequent Communion – Communion under Both Kinds – Communion of Children – Communion of the Sick – Viaticum
Eucharist and the Mass
Frank Sheed’s classic explanation, from Theology for Beginners.
Eucharist, Communion and Solidarity
On the “transformative” power of the Sacrament. By Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith. Also highly recommended are Cardinal Ratzinger’s: – The Greatest Mystery – The Theology of Kneeling
Explanation of the Sacraments
From the Catechetical Instructions of St. Thomas Aquinas.
Extreme Unction
From The Catholic Encyclopedia. See also: – Christian Burial – Office of the Dead – Cemetery
First Confession and First Communion
An insightful reflection by Cardinal John Wright, the late Prefect of the Vatican’s Sacred Congregation for the Clergy.
From One Eucharistic Prayer to Many: How it Happened and Why
A good historical study by Father Cassian Folsom, O.S.B. Originally published in Adoremus Bulletin.
Gallican Lectionaries
A fascinating comparison of 13 lectionaries from France, dating between the sixth and eighth centuries.
Heaven and Earth in Byzantine Liturgy
(Byzantine Catholic) By Khaled Anatolios. A quote: “The Byzantine liturgy is always concerned to proclaim that by the power of the Holy Spirit space, time, and even human sinfulness are transformed and integrated into the union of earth and heaven accomplished by the unsurpassable self-offering of Christ….Ultimately the Byzantine liturgy is about the startling good news that once we were lost on earth and in bondage to sin and death, but now earth itself is lost in heaven, in thrall to the love and beauty of the triune God.”
Holy Land Photos
Fully searchable collection of nearly 150 sites with 1500 photos of the Holy Land. To browse: – Site List Other sources for photos related to biblical scenes: – Bible Places – Virtual Travel Through the Holy Places – Christian Sanctuaries of the Holy Land – Biblical Excursions in the Holy Land – The Holy Land of the First Crusaders
Holy Orders
A beautiful meditation by the great Catholic novelist, Francois Mauriac.
Holy Orders
From The Catholic Encyclopedia. See also: – Bishop – Priest and Priesthood – Deacons and Deaconesses – Minor Orders – Anglican Orders
How Does Music Express the Word of God, the Vision of God?
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger on the role of music in the encounter with the divine in the “cosmic liturgy.” See also by Cardinal Ratzinger: – “In the Presence of Angels I Will Sing Your Praise” – Cardinal Ratzinger On Liturgical Music “The Cultural Challenge vs. The Biblical Culture Of Faith” “The Sociological Challenge vs. True Christian Anthropology” “The ‘Postconciliar’ Challenge vs. The Cosmic Liturgy”
Instrumental Music and the Liturgy
Examines the history of the use of instruments in Church music, from the first century through the pontificate of Pope Pius XII.
Instrumental Music in Church
Examines the use of instrumental music in the sacred ceremonies of the Old Law, and the way in which it came to form an integral part of Catholic worship.
Jesus and the High Priest
A study of the Biblical idea of priesthood and its relationship to the New Testament understanding of Jesus’ high priestly role. By Crispin H.T. Fletcher-Louis.
A good short introduction to Lectionaries, the name broadly given to collections of Scripture readings intended to be read during Mass. Also helpful is the General Instruction on the Roman Missal which explains that the readings for the Sunday celebration of the Mass are intended to demonstrate “the unity of each Testament and of the history of salvation.” – An Overview of the Lectionary
Lectionary Readings of Ambrose of Milan
Not really a lectionary but a list of Scripture references culled from Ambrose’s sermons. Still an interesting reflection of how the Scripture was used in the litrugy and in preaching in the early Church.
Lectionary Readings of St. Augustine
Not a complete lectionary, but a list of readings compiled from the sermons of St. Augustine. Suggestive of how the Bible was used in the liturgy in North Africa in the fourth and fifth centuries. The association of New and Old Testament texts and Psalms is instructive, too, for insights into how Augustine and his contemporaries interpreted the Bible. For another set of liturgical readings culled from Augustine’s sermons, see: – Undated Scripture References in the Preaching of St. Augustine
Let Us Love the Most Blessed Sacrament
A short meditation by St. Peter Julian Eymard.
Marriage and the Complementarity of Male and Female
An excellent consideration by a top moral theologian, William May. Also by May, see: – Marriage: A Person-Affirming, Love-Enabling, Life-Giving and Sanctifying Reality – Marriage: A Common Endeavor – Contraception, Gateway to the Culture of – The Mission of Fatherhood – Begetting vs. Making Babies
Medieval Wall Painting in the English Parish
A very interesting collection of paintings. Includes such topics as: The Seven Corporal Works of Mercy, The Seven Deadly Sins, the Passion, the Tree of Jesse, the Suicide of Judas.
Meditation With Art
As The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: “Religious worship is not directed to images in themselves, considered as mere things, but under their distinctive aspect as images leading us on to God incarnate” (no. 2129). This site provides depictions of classic Catholic art, along with meditations.
Meditations Before Mass
By Father Romano Guardini, one of the pioneers of authentic liturgical reform in the 20th century.
Old Testament Paradigms for New Testament Worship
A good treatment by Walter Maier, a Lutheran scholar. A quote: “Worship deals with the changeless God who has acted in the past, who continues to act in the present, and who will act in the future, as His Word makes clear.”
Origins and Meaning of the Christian Altar
A good historical overview.
Passage to Heaven: An Appreciation of the Divine Liturgy
(Byzantine Catholic) A fine treatment of the various parts of the Mass, written from a Melkite Catholic perspective. See also from the same perspective: – Come Let Us Worship Christ Our God: Introduction to the Theology of the Divine Liturgy
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Handbook
A practical guide to beginning Eucharistic Adoration in your local parish.
Preaching and Biblical Theology
Though written from a Protestant perspective, there is much to be learned here about the need for preaching to reflect a biblical theology that provides a unified vision of the Christian mystery. Keep in mind that, in contrast to the emphasis here, good Catholic biblical theology always sees the culmination of the Bible’s unified vision in the Church and the sacraments, especially the Eucharist. See also: – Building the Biblical Theological Sermon (Part 1) – Building the Biblical Theological Sermon (Part 2) – The Relationship Between Exegesis and Expository Preaching (.pdf files, requires free Adobe Acrobat Reader.) – Guidelines for Understanding and Proclaiming Old Testament Narratives
Priestly Identity: A Study in the Theology of Priesthood
An abridged essay on the book of the same title by Father Thomas McGovern. For individual chapters, see: – Preface – Introduction: I and II – Celibacy – A Historical Perspective: I, II, III – Development of a Christian Anthropology
Rediscovering Frequent Reflection
An excellent, practical reflection by Father Ronald Lawler, O.F.M. Cap.
Rediscovering the Holy Sacrifice
Dominican Father Aidan Nichols, compares Pope John Paul II’ss encyclical, Ecclesia de Eucharistia with the eucharistic writings of St. Thomas Aquinas.
Renaissance Liturgical Imprints: A Census
A database of information about worship books printed before 1601. Includes nearly 14,000 titles from Catholic, Protestant and Jewish traditions.
Roman Catholic Lectionary Website
An extremely helpful resource created by Father Felix Just, S.J. of Loyola Marymount University. In addition to various articles that analyze and compare various versions of the Lectionary, the site includes: – Calendar of Lectionary Cycles and Moveable Liturgical Feasts 1969-2050 – The Lectionary for Mass (1998) – The Lectionary for Mass (1970) – The Roman Missal (1570) – An Overview of the Gospel Readings during the Sundays of Ordinary Time – An Overview of the Sunday Readings from the New Testament Acts and Epistles – An Overview of Common Responsorial Psalms and Alleluia Verses – John’s Gospel used on Sundays and Major Feasts – John’s Gospel used on Weekdays and Special Masses – Texts of John’s Gospel Not used in the Lectionary for Mass – Johannine Epistles used on Sundays, Weekdays, and Special Masses
Sacrament of Confirmation (What Is it All About?)
A good introduction.
Sacrament of Marriage
From The Catholic Encyclopedia. See also: – Moral and Canonical Aspect of Marriage – History of Marriage – Ritual of Marriage – Putative Marriage – Divorce (in Moral Theology) and Divorce (in Civil Jurisprudence) – Mixed Marriage – Civil Marriage – Validation of Marriage – Banns of Marriage – Betrothal
Sacrament of Penance
From The Catholic Encyclopedia. See also: – Absolution – Attrition – Contrition – Reserved Cases – Seal of Confession
From The Catholic Encyclopedia. See also: – Holy Water – Medals – Sign of the Cross
Sacred Scripture And Tradition: Theologically-Based Architectural Principles For A New Millennium
A good essay on the sacred function of the church building and theological principles for good church architecture.
Sacred Signs
By Father Romano Guardini, this little book looks at “sacramentals” and other signs that open up the spiritual core of the Liturgy. Included: the Sign of the Cross; Kneeling; Standing; Striking the Breast; Candles; Holy Water; Bells; and more.
Sacred Signs and Active Participation at Mass
“Active participation” and the meaning of bodily gestures required in the Liturgy. By Father Cassian Folsom, O.S.B.
Saints and Popes on The Eucharist
A good collection of short quotations.
Scriptural Basis for the Sacrament of Penance
A good short study by Father William Most.
Select Teachings of the Church Fathers:
– The Book on the Mysteries By St. Ambrose of Milan (5th century). – Catechetical Lectures By St. Cyril of Jerusalem (4th century) – Instructions to Catechumens By St. John Chrysostom (5th century)
Silence and the Sacred
A good meditation on the need to recover the sense of awe and mystery at the Mass. By Father Ralph Wright, O.S.B.
Some Reflections on Confirmation
Written for the official Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, in 1978, by Cardinal John Wright, then-Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Clergy. A quote: “One hears this idea of militancy sometimes soft-toned in these days of dreams and programs of peace, but the Christian life remains a battle from the beginning to the end, and Confirmation provides the special grace to wage that battle and to remain faithful to the graces of the other Sacraments.”
St. Augustine’s Thought on the Effects of Original Sin on Marriage
A good theological reflection by Father J. Brian Bransfield.
St. Charles Borromeo Lectionary Site
Excellent, detailed studies of the readings for each Sunday of the liturgical year. (.pdf files, requires free Adobe Acrobat Reader).
Symbols in Christian Art and Architecture
An illustrated dictionary of Christian symbolism.
Talks on the Sacramentals
Father Arthur Tonne’s 1950 book explains 60 common sacramentals.
The Altar and the Direction of Liturgical Prayer
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger makes the case for reconsidering the direction the priest faces during the celebration of Mass – toward the liturgical East (“ad orientem”).
The Antiquity of the Doctrine of Transubstantiation
Although more than 100 years old, still a good look at the evidence in the language of the ancient liturgies of the Church.
The Catholic Art Gallery
A splendid collection of artists including Raphael, Caravaggio, Cimabue, Rembrandt, Bellini and more. Also includes a special collection of Paintings of Angels. See also: – Sacred Art by Giotto (d. 1337) – The Book of Hours of Jean, Duke of Berry (the greatest of illuminated manuscripts, ca. 1485) – The Jacques Maritain Center Art Gallery – Breviary of Chertsey Abbey (ca. 1307) – Life and Death and Miracles of St. Jerome (Images) – Thais 1200 Years of Italian Sculpture
The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom (Byzantine Catholic)
A description of the modern order of the Mass as celebrated in the Byzantine Rite of the Catholic Church.
The Eucharist in Scripture
A good, short collection of texts and interpretations.
The Eucharist Sacrifice – Banquet of the New Covenant
A quote: “From ancient biblical times the sacred union of covenant was constituted by means of a sacrifice and/or a sacred banquet. The Lord Jesus used these familiar methods at the Last Supper to establish God’s New and Everlasting Covenant. To establish this Covenant, Jesus instituted the Sacrament of the Eucharist, which He made both a sacrifice and a sacred meal…By establishing the New Covenant through the Eucharist, Jesus made His Spouse the Church to be a Eucharistic People by reason of her very origin.” By Msgr. Anthony A. La Femina.
The Exsultet
Father Jerome Gassner, O.S.B. looks at this ancient prayer that serves as a prelude to the Easter solemnities. The Exsultet is “a majestic proclamation of the Resurrection of Christ, a dramatic invitation to heaven and earth to join with the Church in joy and jubilation.
The Georgian Lectionary
The Lectionary in use in Jerusalem, circa 700 A.D.
The Greek Orthodox Lectionary
The Lectionary used in the modern Greek Orthodox Church, but which has remained almost exactly the same since the seventh century.
The Hispano-Mozarabic Lectionary
A liturgy dating back to 1067 Spain. This page includes readings for a two-year cycle of liturgies and – rare among ancient liturgies – includes explicit use of the Book of Revelation.
The Holy of Eucharistic Adoration
A good introduction to this devotion.
The Homily
An excellent summary of the purpose and various methods of preaching. From The Catholic Encyclopedia.
The Language of Adoration
As considered in The Catechism of the Catholic Church and the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Francis de Sales.
The Missale Ambrosianum
Presents of a chart of Scripture readings for the daily Masses at the Cathedral of Milan, as found in the ancient Ambrosian Missal, said to have originated with the great fourth-century bishop, St. Ambrose of Milan. By studying how this ancient Missal puts together Old Testament and New Testament readings, we gain a better understanding of how the early Church interpreted the Old Testament in light of the New Testament and the New Testament in light of the Old.
The Mystery of the Blessed Eucharist
Cardinal Charles Journet shows the gulf between Catholic belief in the Real Presence with Lutheran and Calvinist doctrines. A quote: “The Catholic Church will never accept the essential equivalence between the doctrine of the Council of Trent and the conflicting doctrines – at variance also with each other – of Luther and of Calvin. The day on which the Church were to accept it, she would cease to exist, she would become Protestant.”
The Origin of the Hymns of the Liturgy
A brief history of the origin of hymns, showing their origin in the memory and custom of Jewish ritual. Includes consideration of the Divine Office and Breviary and the hymns of St. Ambrose, St. Gregory the Great and St. Thomas Aquinas.
The Reserved Eucharist
A thoughtful reflection by Msgr. M. Francis Mannion.
The Sacraments and the History of Salvation
An extraordinary article by Cardinal Jean Danielou, S.J. on the connection between the sacraments and the marvelous works wrought by God in the Old and New Testaments. A quote: “The sacraments are conceived in relation to the acts of God in the Old Testament and the New. God acts in the world; His actions are the mirabilia, the deeds that are His alone. God creates, judges, makes a covenant, is present, makes holy, delivers. These same acts are carried out in the different phases of the history of salvation….The sacraments are simply the continuation in the era of the Church of God’s acts in the Old Testament and the New. This is the proper significance of the relationship between the Bible and the liturgy. The Bible is a sacred history; the liturgy is a sacred history.” Must reading.
The Soulful Homily
A good reflection by Father Thomas Dailey, O.S.F.S. Writing to fellow priests, he says: ” Our congregations need direct reference to the persuasive element that links truth and response in our homilies.
The Story of Gregorian Chant
From Solesemes Abbey, France. For more background, see: – The Chant in Latin – Chants for the Mass – Chants for the Divine Office
The Sunday Sermons of St. Anthony of Padua
A master of biblical theology.
The Tabernacle: Its History, Structure and Custody
A good history not only of the tabernacle, but of the practice of reserving the Holy Eucharist in it.
The Temple as the Maternal Place of the Church
Cardinal Christoph Schonborn, O.P. explores the ancient image of Mother Church, Mater Ecclesia, and “the Church as the maternal place, the source of all that is living and thus the source of art as well.”
The Traditional Roman Hymnal
An excellent collection of music (in Latin and English) and examples of traditional Catholic hymns in the MIDI format.
The Vatican’s Musical Offering
Download mp3s of sacred and classical music played by teachers and students of the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music. Includes selections from Masses, from various seasons of the liturgical year and from classical composers.
The Veil, the Chalice and the Dignity of Man
Father Jerry Pokorsky says that “like the sacred vessels at Mass, we were made to receive Christ.”
The Vineyard and the Farms: A Sermon for Palm Sunday
By N.T. Wright, top Scripture scholar and Anglican bishop of Durham, England. For other sermons by Bishop Wright: – New Law, New Temple, New World (Pentecost) – (Isaiah 40:1-11) – God’s Richly Varied Wisdom (Joshua 1:1-9 and Ephesians 3:1-13)
The Virtue of Penance
What it is and why it’s important, according to the writings of St. Bonaventure.
Vertical Typology and Christian Worship
Horace D. Hummel’s contribution to a symposium on worship hosted by the Lutheran Concordia Theological Seminary. A quote: “The prayers introducing the Sanctus emphasize that, if the angels praise God without ceasing, what they do is the telos toward which everything else tends. Singing the Sanctus will not someday be replaced by something else. They are words on loan from the heavenly choirs, and give us a sampling of what will occupy us throughout eternity. But already now they allow us to discern the intimate link between the worship we offer and the liturgy of eternity. Our present worship is a sort of apprenticeship for what is to come. Our faces are turned toward God, not toward society. Any instrumental approach to the liturgy, e.g., for outreach or for catechesis, misunderstands the doxological essence of what a vertical typology can teach us, that it is not primarily intended to edify man but to contemplate and thank the Triune God and what the Son came down to do ‘for us men and for our salvation.'” (pdf files, requires free Adobe Acrobat Reader.)
Web Gallery of Art
A virtual museum and searchable database of European painting and sculpture of the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque periods (1150-1800), currently containing over 11,600 reproductions. Commentaries on pictures, biographies of artists are available.