
The most important work of the towering intellectual of the Middle Ages, Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae remains one of the great seminal works of philosophy and theology, while extending to subjects as diverse as law and government, sacraments and liturgy, and psychology and ethics. The Aquinas Institute is therefore proud to announce the publication of the Summa Theologiae in a bilingual edition with Latin and English in parallel columns.

Features include

• Complete text in Latin and in English
• English text based on the translation of the Fathers of the English Dominican Province, edited and corrected by the Institute’s faculty and staff • Hardcover, quality binding in an 8-volume set
• Affordable price

The eight-volume set does not include the Supplementum at this time. The two volumes of the Supplementem may be ordered separately. At the same time, the Aquinas Institute has completed a translation of the fourth book of the Commentary on the Sentences.


About the Author

An intellectual giant of the 13th century, Thomas Aquinas is best known for the clarity of thought in his philosophical and theological writings. His primary occupation at the University of Paris was as a theologian and a commentator on Sacred Scripture, and his philosophical work was always at the service of his Scriptural meditations. The writings of Thomas Aquinas remain widely influential to this day. “In his thinking, the demands of reason and the power of faith found the most elevated synthesis ever attained by human thought.” (John Paul II, Fides et Ratio)

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Summa Theologiae: Complete Set (Latin-English Opera Omnia)
