We receive sanctifying grace and
have a share in the life of God.

But what does that mean in our daily lives?

The glories of divine grace book.



by Matthias Joseph Scheeben


Foreword by Scott Hahn

A Spiritual Classic.


“Matthias Scheeben is quite simply one of the most important and
underappreciated theologians of the last one hundred and fifty years.”

- Taylor Patrick O’Neill, PhD
Thomas Aquinas College, New England



The Glories of Divine Grace describes the immense gift of grace won for us by the Savior and the inconceivable power this grace gives to our lives. Among the mysteries of faith, the doctrine of grace occupies a preeminent place. It’s at the heart of Christianity because grace is how God comes to us and how we embrace God. To take this gift of divine grace for granted or to let it go to waste is an offense against God. Fr. Matthias J. Scheeben’s insights into the glories of divine grace reveal a man who knew this gift intimately and cherished it wisely. Don’t let this astonishing gift go unnoticed or unused or misunderstood. Read this masterful and intriguing book on grace.



Matthias Joseph Scheeben (1835–1888) was a German priest and scholar whose theology points to the inner coherence of the Christian faith and its supernatural mysteries. Notable in his own time, Scheeben later received praise from Pope Pius XI, who in 1935 encouraged study of the late theologian’s works, reflecting: “The entire theology of Scheeben bears the stamp of a pious ascetical theology.” Hans Urs von Balthasar credited Scheeben as “the greatest German theologian to date.” Scheeben’s works include Nature and Grace, The Mysteries of Christianity, and the unfnished Handbook of Catholic Dogmatics.
GDG_Splashpage_Scott Hahn

“I believe you'll love this one. I consider it to be the most inspiring and
challenging book I have read on the spiritual life. When you reach the end,
you will not be quite the same Christian you were when you began. You'll
be closer to the heart of the mysteries.”

- Scott Hahn
Read the Foreword by Scott Hahn below.


Foreword Scott Hahn

Part 1

Chapters include:

Chapter 4

Chapter 8

Chapter 12

What is Grace?

By Grace We Are Elevated Far Above Nature

Grace Makes Man Participate in the Divine Cognition

Grace and the Incarnation of the Son of God

Part 2

Chapters include:

Chapter 19

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Union with God

Divine Grace Makes Us Sons of God

The Heavenly Beauty that Grace Gives to the Soul

Grace Makes the Soul a True Spouse of God

Part 3

Chapters include:

Chapter 27

Chapter 30

Chapter 33

How Grace Works

Light as a Symbol of Grace

Supernatural Divine Faith

The Supernatural Moral Virtues

Part 4

Chapters include:

Chapter 40

Chapter 43

Chapter 45

The Effects of Grace

Grace Makes Us Worthy of God’s Protection

Grace Makes Us Happier than the Favor of Men

How Much the Angels Esteem Grace

Part 5

Chapters include:

Chapter 48

Chapter 55

Chapter 60

How to Grow in Grace

The Acquisition of Grace

The Exercise of Supernatural Love of Our Neighbor

Preservation of Grace until the End



“This early work of one of the greatest authors of Catholic theology in the modern era is penetrated by scholastic analysis of the mystery of grace. It is also a beautiful and profound work of mystical theology, giving voice to the living experience of the inward presence of God, and its transformative power within human nature.”


-Fr. Thomas Joseph White, OP
Rector, Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum)

“In an age where the Church is burdened by the cumulative effects of secularism, naturalism, and horizontalism, we need to rediscover the stunning splendor of God’s program for us—his deifying grace. In this book, Scheeben alerts us to our destiny, making his own the language of a lyric poet while not abandoning the thoroughness that was the hallmark of his theological work.”


-Aidan Nichols, OP
Former John Paul II Memorial Visiting Lecturer at the University of Oxford

“Too often we take the greatest gifts for granted. Matthias Scheeben’s masterpiece on grace will help you appreciate God’s greatest gift in a new and deeper way. In an age of individualism, we prefer to grasp after straws rather than accept the deifying fire that would lift us to glory. Scheeben points us heavenward, a masterful guide into the divine mystery of faith.”


-R. Jared Staudt, PhD
St. John Vianney Seminary, Denver

“For the Spirit himself giveth testimony to our spirit, that we are the sons of God. And if sons, heirs also; heirs indeed of God, and joint heirs with Christ: yet so, if we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified with him.”

Romans 8:16-18