Archbishop Gomez on the Pope’s Book as the Model for Scripture Study

Archbishop Jose Gomez has a piece in the latest Tidings, the newspaper of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, focusing on Benedict’s new book. This is fantastic stuff! Would that all Catholic bishops would write to their faithful about the need to follow Benedict’s example of Scripture study! Pope Benedict’s attempt to implement the Catholic biblical […]

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Out of Africa

For St. Perpetua’s day, visit early Christian Africa—in one of the earliest posts on my blog. Carthage, the cosmopolitan port city of ancient North Africa, had a thriving economy, a lively culture, and no small influence in world affairs. Christianity reached the Roman province of “New Africa” no later than the mid-second century, and possibly

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The Petrine Principal

Feast of the Chair of St. Peter The New Testament bears ample testimony to the ancient faith of the Roman Christians. Rome marks the final destination of the Acts of the Apostles. Rome was the postal address of the first of St. Paul’s canonical letters. And the ancient Romans treasured their heritage. They knew, with

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Newman at First Things’

My co-author Fr. Juan Velez is talking up Blessed John Henry Newman at First Things’ blog! (Our book is TAKE FIVE WITH JOHN HENRY NEWMAN.) John Henry Newman, Oxford scholar and famous English convert to Catholicism (1801–1890), whose birthday we celebrate today, is acknowledged by most for his English prose, his lofty ideas on university

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