Fr. James Schall, Catholicism and Intelligence

What Replaces Christianity in a “Post-Christian World”?

We often hear expressions like “the post-Christian era” to describe the time in which we live. It is not a bad phrase provided we realize that every step in rejecting a Christian teaching keeps that very teaching before our eyes. Just as Christianity preserved many pagan practices, a “post-Christian era” will retain many Christian customs and ideas without acknowledging their Christian origins. They will usually be disguised under different names or explanations.

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Tracey Rowland, The Culture of the Incarnation, Catholic Culture

Logos, Brands, and Celebrity: the Religion of the Age

Most pop-culture celebrities are not only post-Christian but their lives are often what philosophers call “narrative wrecks.” The narrative or story of their life contains so many twists and contradictions that their personal integrity has been shattered. They often employ an entourage of “minders,” including life coaches, to advise them on how to conduct their professional and private affairs.

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Reason and Revelation

The point of revelation in the Catholic sense is that the world itself exists as an arena in which individual persons, each with a proper name, in their dealings with one another, in whatever time or place, work out their salvation. Salvation does not mean the preservation of at least some men down the ages in this world. Sooner or later, the race of men on this planet will cease.

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Beauty: the Remedy to a Culture Gone Numb

In our post-Christian culture, the gospel is no longer compelling, even in supposedly religious rural areas. The capitalistic media culture in which we live—in which everything from what’s supposed to be hard news to hard-core pornography is packaged as entertainment for the sake of profit—affects Manhattan, NYC, as well as Medora, ND, thanks to the technology of the Internet, accessed through devices that fit in farm kids’ pockets.

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Yes, There’s a Connection Between Hugging Trees and Keeping the Commandments

Our culture is at a very unfortunate impasse between the Left and the Right, between Liberals and Conservatives, and it affects Catholics. To boil it down, the Left focuses primarily on ecology, and the Right focuses primarily on morality. This is not a division of labor, but an ongoing battle of misunderstanding, suspicion, and hostility.

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