where did we get the bible

Where Did We Get the Bible?

The Bible is by far the most popular book in history. Bibles are everywhere. There are millions of copies in nearly every language, and the Bible is posted on thousands of websites. Because of the availability of the Scriptures, it’s tempting to take their existence for granted. But it hasn’t always been this way. It actually took centuries for the Bible as we know it to come together.

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Scott Hahn at the E6 Catholic Men’s Conference

Don’t miss Scott Hahn at the E6 Catholic Men’s Conference in St. Leon, Indiana. Join other Catholic men from around the country for a day devoted to strengthening your faith and renewing your commitment to live for Christ. The conference features inspiring talks by renowned Catholic speakers Scott Hahn, Fr. Donald Calloway, and Doug Barry. You will also have the opportunity to attend Mass, Adoration, and Confession. 

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Scott Hahn on the Latest Pew Research Center Poll

On a recent episode of The Road to Emmaus, Dr. Hahn spoke with his long-time friend Rob Corzine, Vice President of Programs at the St. Paul Center. Dr. Hahn and Corzine discuss the recent Pew Research Center poll on Catholics’ belief in the Eucharist. Many commenters have focused on the result that only 31 percent of Catholics believe in the Real Presence. But as Corzine and Dr. Hahn point out, the researchers asked another important question: “What do you think the Catholic Church teaches about the Eucharist?”

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vocation of work, getting work right, catholic at work, michael naughton

The Logic of Gift and the Vocation of Work

I had the opportunity to meet Mother Teresa twice in my life. One of these times was in 1995, when I gave a talk at the Indian Institute of Management in Calcutta. My host, who was Hindu, knew I was Catholic and arranged the meeting. Mother Teresa asked us questions about our lives and our work. She also talked about her work and, in particular, her desire to open a house in China. She was asked once, “Why China?” and she responded, “My great desire is to meet anybody who has nobody.” Oh if we could live this way just a bit.

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Labor Day, getting work right, catholic at work

Making Work Meaningful: Three Questions to Ask Ourselves

When I sixteen years of age I was walking out of the house one Saturday evening, my father—who is from Ireland—said to me in his Irish brogue, “Michael, you be a good boy now.” “Sure dad,” I replied, quickly adding that word favored by teenagers everywhere, “whatever.” So he then went on to add a back-up plan: “But if you can’t be good, be careful.” With some hesitation, I thought, “I can do that.”

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sabbath, keeping the Lord's day, michael naughton

The Power of Sunday

The importance of the Sabbath and my need for Sunday became clear to me in 1999. Ironically, it was the year I received my first sabbatical (a word with the same root as Sabbath, which means “to rest”) at the University of St. Thomas. My sabbatical was anything but an experience of rest: gutting the upstairs of our dilapidated house, running a major international conference in India, finishing a book. Although my routine changed that year, my habits of overworking were much the same. But this was soon to change.

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amusing ourselves to death, leisure, entertainment, phones, michael naughton

The False Promises of Entertainment

So deeply ingrained in our current culture is the obsession with entertainment that we have begun to think that it is natural to human life. We have begun to think that things have always been this way, but the amount of time and energy that we spend on entertainment is in fact unique to modern societies. We love to be amused. Increasingly, we view our non-work time in terms of entertainment. The consequences of this mindset are evident among average salaries. Many of the highest paid people in our culture are entertainers. There are, of course, lots of starving actors, musicians, and athletes, but the American entertainment industry is a huge part of the economy and one of our largest exporters.

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Michael Naughton, Getting Work Right, Labor Day, Catholic at work

The Divided Life

I grew up in the 1960s and 70s on the South Side of Chicago in a blue-collar neighborhood. One of the more dramatic moments of my teenage life occurred one Saturday night when four other teenagers from a local Catholic high school jumped me. The beating took place in front of the church our family attended.

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