Latest from the St. Paul Center blog

Archbishop Gomez on the Pope’s Book as the Model for Scripture Study

Archbishop Jose Gomez has a piece in the latest Tidings, the newspaper of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, focusing on Benedict’s new book. This is ...

Out of Africa

For St. Perpetua’s day, visit early Christian Africa—in one of the earliest posts on my blog. Carthage, the cosmopolitan port city of ancient North Africa, ...

Archbishop Gomez’s Inspiring Inaugural Homily

The new archbishop of Los Angeles delivered a stirring homily today. I just had to mention some of it here: . . . this is ...

Sirach as Scripture in Judaism?

My good friend Dr. Jeff Morrow (Seton Hall) has an excellent post up over at the excellent blog Caritas et Veritas on the formation of ...

Jesus as the Davidic Messiah in Matthew (Part 2 of 2)

Following up from part 1. Am I missing any major piece of the puzzle here that wouldn’t require a lot of explanation? Jesus’ Davidic Exorcistic ...

What is the Biblical Form of Church Government?

During my years of training to become a Calvinist pastor, the issue of church polity was quite a live one.  Calvinists themselves do not agree ...
